Use Shinken with PNP4Nagios



Install PNP4Nagios

See PHP4Nagios installation documentation.

In a nutshell:

./configure --with-nagios-user=shinken --with-nagios-group=shinken
make all
make fullinstall

Don’t forget to make PNP4Nagios’ npcd daemon to start at boot, and launch it:

chkconfig --add npcd # On RedHat-like
update-rc.d npcd defaults # On Debian-like
/etc/init.d/npcd start

Configure npcdmod

The module npcdmod is in charge to export performance data from Shinken to PNP.

define module{
     module_name       NPCDMOD
     module_type       npcdmod
     config_file       <PATH_TO_NPCD.CFG>

Don’t forget to replace “<PATH_TO_NPCD.CFG>” with your own value; By default something like ‘’/usr/local/pnp4nagios/etc/npcd.cfg’‘.

Enable it

Edit ‘’/etc/shinken/brokers/broker-master.cfg’’ and find the object Broker to add above defined “NPCDMOD” to its modules line:

define broker{
    broker_name      broker-1
    modules          Simple-log,NPCDMOD

Edit ‘’/etc/shinken/modules/webui.cfg’’ and find the object WebUI to add above defined “PNP_UI” to its modules line:

define broker{
     module_name      WebUI
     modules          Apache_passwd,ActiveDir_UI,Cfg_password,PNP_UI

Then restart broker :

# /etc/init.d/shinken-broker restart

Share users with Thruk

Edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/pnp4nagios.conf (RedHat path) and replace AuthName and AuthUserFile with:
AuthName "Thruk Monitoring"
AuthUserFile /etc/thruk/htpasswd

Then restart Apache:

service httpd restart

Set the action_url option

In order to get the graphs displayed in Thruk, you need to set the action_url option in host and service definitions, and it must include the string “/pnp4nagios/” (Thruk doc).

If you want the link and the graph for all hosts and services, you could set the option directly in the default templates, in ‘’templates.cfg’‘:

define host{
      name                            generic-host
      process_perf_data               1
      #action_url                     http://<PNP4NAGIOS_HOST>/pnp4nagios/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$
      # If not an absolute URI, it must be relative to /cgi-bin/thruk/, not /thruk/!
      action_url                      ../../pnp4nagios/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$
define service{
      name                            generic-service
      process_perf_data               1
      #action_url                      http://<PNP4NAGIOS_HOST>/pnp4nagios/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$&srv=$SERVICEDESC$
      # If not an absolute URI, it must be relative to /cgi-bin/thruk/, not /thruk/!
      action_url                      ../../pnp4nagios/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$&srv=$SERVICEDESC$

Don’t forget to replace “<PNP4NAGIOS_HOST>” with the server IP/name running PNP4Nagios (Don’t replace $HOSTNAME$ and $SERVICEDESC$!)

Make sure to also have process_perf_data set to 1 for both hosts and services.

Enjoy it

Restart shinken-arbiter and you are done.

/etc/init.d/shinken-arbiter restart