Source code for shinken.objects.service


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2009-2014:
#    Gabes Jean,
#    Gerhard Lausser,
#    Gregory Starck,
#    Hartmut Goebel,
# This file is part of Shinken.
# Shinken is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Shinken is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with Shinken.  If not, see <>.

""" This Class is the service one, s it manage all service specific thing.
If you look at the scheduling part, look at the scheduling item class"""

import time
import re
import itertools

    from ClusterShell.NodeSet import NodeSet, NodeSetParseRangeError
except ImportError:
    NodeSet = None

from shinken.objects.item import Items
from shinken.objects.schedulingitem import SchedulingItem

from shinken.autoslots import AutoSlots
from shinken.util import strip_and_uniq, format_t_into_dhms_format, to_svc_hst_distinct_lists, \
    GET_KEY_VALUE_SEQUENCE_ERROR_NODE, to_list_string_of_names, to_list_of_names, to_name_if_possible, \
from import BoolProp, IntegerProp, FloatProp,\
    CharProp, StringProp, ListProp, DictProp
from shinken.macroresolver import MacroResolver
from shinken.eventhandler import EventHandler
from shinken.log import logger, naglog_result

[docs]class Service(SchedulingItem): # AutoSlots create the __slots__ with properties and # running_properties names __metaclass__ = AutoSlots # Every service have a unique ID, and 0 is always special in # database and co... id = 1 # The host and service do not have the same 0 value, now yes :) ok_up = 'OK' # used by item class for format specific value like for Broks my_type = 'service' # properties defined by configuration # required: is required in conf # default: default value if no set in conf # pythonize: function to call when transforming string to python object # fill_brok: if set, send to broker. there are two categories: # full_status for initial and update status, check_result for check results # no_slots: do not take this property for __slots__ properties = properties.update({ 'host_name': StringProp(fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result', 'next_schedule']), 'hostgroup_name': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), 'service_description': StringProp(fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result', 'next_schedule']), 'display_name': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'servicegroups': ListProp(default=[], fill_brok=['full_status'], brok_transformation=to_list_string_of_names, merging='join'), 'is_volatile': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'check_command': StringProp(fill_brok=['full_status']), 'initial_state': CharProp(default='o', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'max_check_attempts': IntegerProp(default=1, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'check_interval': IntegerProp(fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result']), 'retry_interval': IntegerProp(fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result']), 'active_checks_enabled': BoolProp(default=True, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'passive_checks_enabled': BoolProp(default=True, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'check_period': StringProp(brok_transformation=to_name_if_possible, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'obsess_over_service': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'check_freshness': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'freshness_threshold': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'event_handler': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'event_handler_enabled': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'low_flap_threshold': IntegerProp(default=-1, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'high_flap_threshold': IntegerProp(default=-1, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'flap_detection_enabled': BoolProp(default=True, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'flap_detection_options': ListProp(default=['o', 'w', 'c', 'u'], fill_brok=['full_status'], split_on_coma=True), 'process_perf_data': BoolProp(default=True, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'retain_status_information': BoolProp(default=True, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'retain_nonstatus_information': BoolProp(default=True, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'notification_interval': IntegerProp(default=60, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'first_notification_delay': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'notification_period': StringProp(brok_transformation=to_name_if_possible, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'notification_options': ListProp(default=['w', 'u', 'c', 'r', 'f', 's'], fill_brok=['full_status'], split_on_coma=True), 'notifications_enabled': BoolProp(default=True, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'contacts': ListProp(default=[], brok_transformation=to_list_of_names, fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), 'contact_groups': ListProp(default=[], fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), 'stalking_options': ListProp(default=[''], fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), 'notes': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'notes_url': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'action_url': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'icon_image': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'icon_image_alt': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'icon_set': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'failure_prediction_enabled': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'parallelize_check': BoolProp(default=True, fill_brok=['full_status']), # Shinken specific 'poller_tag': StringProp(default='None'), 'reactionner_tag': StringProp(default='None'), 'resultmodulations': ListProp(default=[], merging='join'), 'business_impact_modulations': ListProp(default=[], merging='join'), 'escalations': ListProp(default=[], fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join', split_on_coma=True), 'maintenance_period': StringProp(default='', brok_transformation=to_name_if_possible, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'time_to_orphanage': IntegerProp(default=300, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'merge_host_contacts': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'labels': ListProp(default=[], fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), 'host_dependency_enabled': BoolProp(default=True, fill_brok=['full_status']), # BUSINESS CORRELATOR PART # Business rules output format template 'business_rule_output_template': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), # Business rules notifications mode 'business_rule_smart_notifications': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status']), # Treat downtimes as acknowledgements in smart notifications 'business_rule_downtime_as_ack': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status']), # Enforces child nodes notification options 'business_rule_host_notification_options': ListProp(default=None, fill_brok=['full_status'], split_on_coma=True), 'business_rule_service_notification_options': ListProp(default=None, fill_brok=['full_status'], split_on_coma=True), # Easy Service dep definition 'service_dependencies': # TODO: find a way to brok it? ListProp(default=None, merging='join', split_on_coma=True), # service generator 'duplicate_foreach': StringProp(default=''), 'default_value': StringProp(default=''), # Business_Impact value 'business_impact': IntegerProp(default=2, fill_brok=['full_status']), # Load some triggers 'trigger': StringProp(default=''), 'trigger_name': StringProp(default=''), 'trigger_broker_raise_enabled': BoolProp(default=False), # Trending 'trending_policies': ListProp(default=[], fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), # Our check ways. By defualt void, but will filled by an inner if need 'checkmodulations': ListProp(default=[], fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), 'macromodulations': ListProp(default=[], merging='join'), # Custom views 'custom_views': ListProp(default=[], fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), # UI aggregation 'aggregation': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), # Snapshot part 'snapshot_enabled': BoolProp(default=False), 'snapshot_command': StringProp(default=''), 'snapshot_period': StringProp(default=''), 'snapshot_criteria': ListProp(default=['w', 'c', 'u'], fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), 'snapshot_interval': IntegerProp(default=5), }) # properties used in the running state running_properties = SchedulingItem.running_properties.copy() running_properties.update({ 'modified_attributes': IntegerProp(default=0L, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'last_chk': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'next_chk': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'next_schedule'], retention=True), 'in_checking': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result', 'next_schedule'], retention=True), 'in_maintenance': IntegerProp(default=None, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'latency': FloatProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True,), 'attempt': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'state': StringProp(default='PENDING', fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'state_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'current_event_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_event_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_state': StringProp(default='PENDING', fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_state_type': StringProp(default='HARD', fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_state_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_state_change': FloatProp(default=0.0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_hard_state_change': FloatProp(default=0.0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_hard_state': StringProp(default='PENDING', fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'last_hard_state_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'last_time_ok': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_time_warning': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_time_critical': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_time_unknown': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'duration_sec': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'state_type': StringProp(default='HARD', fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'state_type_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'output': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'long_output': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'is_flapping': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), # dependencies for actions like notif of event handler, # so AFTER check return 'act_depend_of': ListProp(default=[]), # dependencies for checks raise, so BEFORE checks 'chk_depend_of': ListProp(default=[]), # elements that depend of me, so the reverse than just upper 'act_depend_of_me': ListProp(default=[]), # elements that depend of me 'chk_depend_of_me': ListProp(default=[]), 'last_state_update': FloatProp(default=0.0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), # no brok because checks are too linked 'checks_in_progress': ListProp(default=[]), # no broks because notifications are too linked 'notifications_in_progress': DictProp(default={}, retention=True), 'downtimes': ListProp(default=[], fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'comments': ListProp(default=[], fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'flapping_changes': ListProp(default=[], fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'flapping_comment_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'percent_state_change': FloatProp(default=0.0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'problem_has_been_acknowledged': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'acknowledgement': StringProp(default=None, retention=True), 'acknowledgement_type': IntegerProp(default=1, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'check_type': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'has_been_checked': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'should_be_scheduled': IntegerProp(default=1, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'last_problem_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'current_problem_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'execution_time': FloatProp(default=0.0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'u_time': FloatProp(default=0.0), 's_time': FloatProp(default=0.0), 'last_notification': FloatProp(default=0.0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'current_notification_number': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'current_notification_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'check_flapping_recovery_notification': BoolProp(default=True, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'scheduled_downtime_depth': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'pending_flex_downtime': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'timeout': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'start_time': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'end_time': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'early_timeout': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'return_code': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'perf_data': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_perf_data': StringProp(default='', retention=True), 'host': StringProp(default=None), 'customs': DictProp(default={}, fill_brok=['full_status']), # Warning: for the notified_contacts retention save, # we save only the names of the contacts, and we should RELINK # them when we load it. # use for having all contacts we have notified 'notified_contacts': ListProp(default=set(), retention=True, retention_preparation=to_list_of_names), 'in_scheduled_downtime': BoolProp( default=False, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'in_scheduled_downtime_during_last_check': BoolProp(default=False, retention=True), 'actions': ListProp(default=[]), # put here checks and notif raised 'broks': ListProp(default=[]), # and here broks raised # Problem/impact part 'is_problem': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'is_impact': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status']), # the save value of our business_impact for "problems" 'my_own_business_impact': IntegerProp(default=-1, fill_brok=['full_status']), # list of problems that make us an impact 'source_problems': ListProp(default=[], fill_brok=['full_status'], brok_transformation=to_svc_hst_distinct_lists), # list of the impact I'm the cause of 'impacts': ListProp(default=[], fill_brok=['full_status'], brok_transformation=to_svc_hst_distinct_lists), # keep a trace of the old state before being an impact 'state_before_impact': StringProp(default='PENDING'), # keep a trace of the old state id before being an impact 'state_id_before_impact': IntegerProp(default=0), # if the state change, we know so we do not revert it 'state_changed_since_impact': BoolProp(default=False), # BUSINESS CORRELATOR PART # Say if we are business based rule or not 'got_business_rule': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status']), # Previously processed business rule (with macro expanded) 'processed_business_rule': StringProp(default="", fill_brok=['full_status']), # Our Dependency node for the business rule 'business_rule': StringProp(default=None), # Here it's the elements we are depending on # so our parents as network relation, or a host # we are depending in a hostdependency # or even if we are business based. 'parent_dependencies': StringProp(default=set(), brok_transformation=to_svc_hst_distinct_lists, fill_brok=['full_status']), # Here it's the guys that depend on us. So it's the total # opposite of the parent_dependencies 'child_dependencies': StringProp(brok_transformation=to_svc_hst_distinct_lists, default=set(), fill_brok=['full_status']), # Manage the unknown/unreach during hard state 'in_hard_unknown_reach_phase': BoolProp(default=False, retention=True), 'was_in_hard_unknown_reach_phase': BoolProp(default=False, retention=True), 'state_before_hard_unknown_reach_phase': StringProp(default='OK', retention=True), # Set if the element just change its father/son topology 'topology_change': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status']), # Trigger list 'triggers': ListProp(default=[]), # snapshots part 'last_snapshot': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), # Keep the string of the last command launched for this element 'last_check_command': StringProp(default=''), }) # Mapping between Macros and properties (can be prop or a function) macros = { 'SERVICEDESC': 'service_description', 'SERVICEDISPLAYNAME': 'display_name', 'SERVICESTATE': 'state', 'SERVICESTATEID': 'state_id', 'LASTSERVICESTATE': 'last_state', 'LASTSERVICESTATEID': 'last_state_id', 'SERVICESTATETYPE': 'state_type', 'SERVICEATTEMPT': 'attempt', 'MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS': 'max_check_attempts', 'SERVICEISVOLATILE': 'is_volatile', 'SERVICEEVENTID': 'current_event_id', 'LASTSERVICEEVENTID': 'last_event_id', 'SERVICEPROBLEMID': 'current_problem_id', 'LASTSERVICEPROBLEMID': 'last_problem_id', 'SERVICELATENCY': 'latency', 'SERVICEEXECUTIONTIME': 'execution_time', 'SERVICEDURATION': 'get_duration', 'SERVICEDURATIONSEC': 'get_duration_sec', 'SERVICEDOWNTIME': 'get_downtime', 'SERVICEPERCENTCHANGE': 'percent_state_change', 'SERVICEGROUPNAME': 'get_groupname', 'SERVICEGROUPNAMES': 'get_groupnames', 'LASTSERVICECHECK': 'last_chk', 'LASTSERVICESTATECHANGE': 'last_state_change', 'LASTSERVICEOK': 'last_time_ok', 'LASTSERVICEWARNING': 'last_time_warning', 'LASTSERVICEUNKNOWN': 'last_time_unknown', 'LASTSERVICECRITICAL': 'last_time_critical', 'SERVICEOUTPUT': 'output', 'LONGSERVICEOUTPUT': 'long_output', 'SERVICEPERFDATA': 'perf_data', 'LASTSERVICEPERFDATA': 'last_perf_data', 'SERVICECHECKCOMMAND': 'get_check_command', 'SERVICEACKAUTHOR': 'get_ack_author_name', 'SERVICEACKAUTHORNAME': 'get_ack_author_name', 'SERVICEACKAUTHORALIAS': 'get_ack_author_name', 'SERVICEACKCOMMENT': 'get_ack_comment', 'SERVICEACTIONURL': 'action_url', 'SERVICENOTESURL': 'notes_url', 'SERVICENOTES': 'notes', 'SERVICEBUSINESSIMPACT': 'business_impact', # Business rules output formatting related macros 'STATUS': 'get_status', 'SHORTSTATUS': 'get_short_status', 'FULLNAME': 'get_full_name', } # This tab is used to transform old parameters name into new ones # so from Nagios2 format, to Nagios3 ones. # Or Shinken deprecated names like criticity old_properties = { 'normal_check_interval': 'check_interval', 'retry_check_interval': 'retry_interval', 'criticity': 'business_impact', 'hostgroup': 'hostgroup_name', 'hostgroups': 'hostgroup_name', # 'criticitymodulations': 'business_impact_modulations', } ####### # __ _ _ _ # / _(_) | | (_) # ___ ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _| |_ _ ___ _ __ # / __/ _ \| '_ \| _| |/ _` | | | | '__/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ # | (_| (_) | | | | | | | (_| | |_| | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | # \___\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_| \__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| # __/ | # |___/ ###### def __repr__(self): return '<Service host_name=%r desc=%r name=%r use=%r />' % ( getattr(self, 'host_name', None), getattr(self, 'service_description', None), getattr(self, 'name', None), getattr(self, 'use', None) ) __str__ = __repr__ @property def unique_key(self): # actually only used for (un)indexitem() via name_property.. return (self.host_name, self.service_description) @property def display_name(self): display_name = getattr(self, '_display_name', None) if not display_name: return self.service_description return display_name @display_name.setter def display_name(self, display_name): self._display_name = display_name # Give a nice name output
[docs] def get_name(self): if hasattr(self, 'service_description'): return self.service_description if hasattr(self, 'name'): return return 'SERVICE-DESCRIPTION-MISSING' # Get the servicegroups names
[docs] def get_groupnames(self): return ','.join([sg.get_name() for sg in self.servicegroups]) # Need the whole name for debugging purpose
[docs] def get_dbg_name(self): return "%s/%s" % (, self.service_description)
[docs] def get_full_name(self): if and hasattr(, 'host_name') and hasattr(self, 'service_description'): return "%s/%s" % (, self.service_description) return 'UNKNOWN-SERVICE' # Get our realm, so in fact our host one
[docs] def get_realm(self): if is None: return None return
[docs] def get_hostgroups(self): return
[docs] def get_host_tags(self): return
[docs] def get_service_tags(self): return self.tags # Check is required prop are set: # template are always correct # contacts OR contactgroups is need
[docs] def is_correct(self): state = True cls = self.__class__ source = getattr(self, 'imported_from', 'unknown') desc = getattr(self, 'service_description', 'unnamed') hname = getattr(self, 'host_name', 'unnamed') special_properties = ('check_period', 'notification_interval', 'host_name', 'hostgroup_name', 'notification_period') for prop, entry in if prop not in special_properties: if not hasattr(self, prop) and entry.required: logger.error("The service %s on host '%s' does not have %s", desc, hname, prop) state = False # Bad boy... # Then look if we have some errors in the conf # Juts print warnings, but raise errors for err in self.configuration_warnings: logger.warning("[service::%s] %s", desc, err) # Raised all previously saw errors like unknown contacts and co if self.configuration_errors != []: state = False for err in self.configuration_errors: logger.error("[service::%s] %s", self.get_full_name(), err) # If no notif period, set it to None, mean 24x7 if not hasattr(self, 'notification_period'): self.notification_period = None # Ok now we manage special cases... if self.notifications_enabled and self.contacts == []: logger.warning("The service '%s' in the host '%s' does not have " "contacts nor contact_groups in '%s'", desc, hname, source) # Set display_name if need if getattr(self, 'display_name', '') == '': self.display_name = getattr(self, 'service_description', '') # If we got an event handler, it should be valid if getattr(self, 'event_handler', None) and not self.event_handler.is_valid(): logger.error("%s: my event_handler %s is invalid", self.get_name(), self.event_handler.command) state = False if not hasattr(self, 'check_command'): logger.error("%s: I've got no check_command", self.get_name()) state = False # Ok got a command, but maybe it's invalid else: if not self.check_command.is_valid(): logger.error("%s: my check_command %s is invalid", self.get_name(), self.check_command.command) state = False if self.got_business_rule: if not self.business_rule.is_valid(): logger.error("%s: my business rule is invalid", self.get_name(),) for bperror in self.business_rule.configuration_errors: logger.error("%s: %s", self.get_name(), bperror) state = False if not hasattr(self, 'notification_interval') \ and self.notifications_enabled is True: logger.error("%s: I've got no notification_interval but " "I've got notifications enabled", self.get_name()) state = False if not self.host_name: logger.error("The service '%s' is not bound do any host.", desc) state = False elif is None: logger.error("The service '%s' got an unknown host_name '%s'.", desc, self.host_name) state = False if not hasattr(self, 'check_period'): self.check_period = None if hasattr(self, 'service_description'): for c in cls.illegal_object_name_chars: if c in self.service_description: logger.error("%s: My service_description got the " "character %s that is not allowed.", self.get_name(), c) state = False return state # The service is dependent of his father dep # Must be AFTER linkify # TODO: implement "not host dependent" feature.
[docs] def fill_daddy_dependency(self): # Depend of host, all status, is a networkdep # and do not have timeperiod, and follow parents dep if is not None and self.host_dependency_enabled: # I add the dep in MY list self.act_depend_of.append( (, ['d', 'u', 's', 'f'], 'network_dep', None, True) ) # I add the dep in Daddy list (self, ['d', 'u', 's', 'f'], 'network_dep', None, True) ) # And the parent/child dep lists too # Register the dependency between 2 service for action (notification etc)
[docs] def add_service_act_dependency(self, srv, status, timeperiod, inherits_parent): # first I add the other the I depend on in MY list self.act_depend_of.append((srv, status, 'logic_dep', timeperiod, inherits_parent)) # then I register myself in the other service dep list srv.act_depend_of_me.append((self, status, 'logic_dep', timeperiod, inherits_parent)) # And the parent/child dep lists too srv.register_son_in_parent_child_dependencies(self) # Register the dependency between 2 service for action (notification etc) # but based on a BUSINESS rule, so on fact: # ERP depend on database, so we fill just database.act_depend_of_me # because we will want ERP mails to go on! So call this # on the database service with the srv=ERP service
[docs] def add_business_rule_act_dependency(self, srv, status, timeperiod, inherits_parent): # I only register so he know that I WILL be a impact self.act_depend_of_me.append((srv, status, 'business_dep', timeperiod, inherits_parent)) # And the parent/child dep lists too self.register_son_in_parent_child_dependencies(srv) # Register the dependency between 2 service for checks
[docs] def add_service_chk_dependency(self, srv, status, timeperiod, inherits_parent): # first I add the other the I depend on in MY list self.chk_depend_of.append((srv, status, 'logic_dep', timeperiod, inherits_parent)) # then I register myself in the other service dep list srv.chk_depend_of_me.append( (self, status, 'logic_dep', timeperiod, inherits_parent) ) # And the parent/child dep lists too srv.register_son_in_parent_child_dependencies(self)
[docs] def duplicate(self, host): ''' For a given host, look for all copy we must create for for_each property :type host: :return Service ''' # In macro, it's all in UPPER case prop = self.duplicate_foreach.strip().upper() if prop not in host.customs: # If I do not have the property, we bail out return [] duplicates = [] # Get the list entry, and the not one if there is one entry = host.customs[prop] # Look at the list of the key we do NOT want maybe, # for _disks it will be _!disks not_entry = host.customs.get('_' + '!' + prop[1:], '').split(',') not_keys = strip_and_uniq(not_entry) default_value = getattr(self, 'default_value', '') # Transform the generator string to a list # Missing values are filled with the default value (key_values, errcode) = get_key_value_sequence(entry, default_value) if key_values: for key_value in key_values: key = key_value['KEY'] # Maybe this key is in the NOT list, if so, skip it if key in not_keys: continue value = key_value['VALUE'] new_s = self.copy() new_s.host_name = host.get_name() if self.is_tpl(): # if template, the new one is not new_s.register = 1 for key in key_value: if key == 'KEY': if hasattr(self, 'service_description'): # We want to change all illegal chars to a _ sign. # We can't use class.illegal_obj_char # because in the "explode" phase, we do not have access to this data! :( safe_key_value = re.sub(r'[' + "`~!$%^&*\"|'<>?,()=" + ']+', '_', key_value[key]) new_s.service_description = self.service_description.replace( '$' + key + '$', safe_key_value ) # Here is a list of property where we will expand the $KEY$ by the value _the_expandables = ['check_command', 'display_name', 'aggregation', 'event_handler'] for prop in _the_expandables: if hasattr(self, prop): # here we can replace VALUE, VALUE1, VALUE2,... setattr(new_s, prop, getattr(new_s, prop).replace('$' + key + '$', key_value[key])) if hasattr(self, 'service_dependencies'): for i, sd in enumerate(new_s.service_dependencies): new_s.service_dependencies[i] = sd.replace( '$' + key + '$', key_value[key] ) # And then add in our list this new service duplicates.append(new_s) else: # If error, we should link the error to the host, because self is # a template, and so won't be checked not print! if errcode == GET_KEY_VALUE_SEQUENCE_ERROR_SYNTAX: err = "The custom property '%s' of the host '%s' is not a valid entry %s for a service generator" % \ (self.duplicate_foreach.strip(), host.get_name(), entry) logger.warning(err) host.configuration_errors.append(err) elif errcode == GET_KEY_VALUE_SEQUENCE_ERROR_NODEFAULT: err = "The custom property '%s 'of the host '%s' has empty " \ "values %s but the service %s has no default_value" % \ (self.duplicate_foreach.strip(), host.get_name(), entry, self.service_description) logger.warning(err) host.configuration_errors.append(err) elif errcode == GET_KEY_VALUE_SEQUENCE_ERROR_NODE: err = "The custom property '%s' of the host '%s' has an invalid node range %s" % \ (self.duplicate_foreach.strip(), host.get_name(), entry) logger.warning(err) host.configuration_errors.append(err) return duplicates ##### # _ # (_) # _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ # | '__| | | | '_ \| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | # | | | |_| | | | | | | | | | | | (_| | # |_| \__,_|_| |_|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, | # __/ | # |___/ #### # Set unreachable: our host is DOWN, but it mean nothing for a service
[docs] def set_unreachable(self): pass # We just go an impact, so we go unreachable # but only if it's enable in the configuration
[docs] def set_impact_state(self): cls = self.__class__ if cls.enable_problem_impacts_states_change: # Keep a trace of the old state (problem came back before # a new checks) self.state_before_impact = self.state self.state_id_before_impact = self.state_id # this flag will know if we override the impact state self.state_changed_since_impact = False self.state = 'UNKNOWN' # exit code UNDETERMINED self.state_id = 3 # Ok, we are no more an impact, if no news checks # override the impact state, we came back to old # states # And only if we enable the state change for impacts
[docs] def unset_impact_state(self): cls = self.__class__ if cls.enable_problem_impacts_states_change and not self.state_changed_since_impact: self.state = self.state_before_impact self.state_id = self.state_id_before_impact # Set state with status return by the check # and update flapping state
[docs] def set_state_from_exit_status(self, status): now = time.time() self.last_state_update = now # we should put in last_state the good last state: # if not just change the state by an problem/impact # we can take current state. But if it's the case, the # real old state is self.state_before_impact (it's the TRUE # state in fact) # but only if the global conf have enable the impact state change cls = self.__class__ if cls.enable_problem_impacts_states_change \ and self.is_impact \ and not self.state_changed_since_impact: self.last_state = self.state_before_impact else: # standard case self.last_state = self.state if status == 0: self.state = 'OK' self.state_id = 0 self.last_time_ok = int(self.last_state_update) state_code = 'o' elif status == 1: self.state = 'WARNING' self.state_id = 1 self.last_time_warning = int(self.last_state_update) state_code = 'w' elif status == 2: self.state = 'CRITICAL' self.state_id = 2 self.last_time_critical = int(self.last_state_update) state_code = 'c' elif status == 3: self.state = 'UNKNOWN' self.state_id = 3 self.last_time_unknown = int(self.last_state_update) state_code = 'u' else: self.state = 'CRITICAL' # exit code UNDETERMINED self.state_id = 2 self.last_time_critical = int(self.last_state_update) state_code = 'c' if state_code in self.flap_detection_options: self.add_flapping_change(self.state != self.last_state) if self.state != self.last_state: self.last_state_change = self.last_state_update self.duration_sec = now - self.last_state_change # Return True if status is the state (like OK) or small form like 'o'
[docs] def is_state(self, status): if status == self.state: return True # Now low status elif status == 'o' and self.state == 'OK': return True elif status == 'c' and self.state == 'CRITICAL': return True elif status == 'w' and self.state == 'WARNING': return True elif status == 'u' and self.state == 'UNKNOWN': return True return False # The last time when the state was not OK
[docs] def last_time_non_ok_or_up(self): non_ok_times = filter(lambda x: x > self.last_time_ok, [self.last_time_warning, self.last_time_critical, self.last_time_unknown]) if len(non_ok_times) == 0: last_time_non_ok = 0 # program_start would be better else: last_time_non_ok = min(non_ok_times) return last_time_non_ok # Add a log entry with a SERVICE ALERT like: # SERVICE ALERT: server;Load;UNKNOWN;HARD;1;I don't know what to say...
[docs] def raise_alert_log_entry(self): naglog_result('critical', 'SERVICE ALERT: %s;%s;%s;%s;%d;%s' % (, self.get_name(), self.state, self.state_type, self.attempt, self.output)) # If the configuration allow it, raise an initial log like # CURRENT SERVICE STATE: server;Load;UNKNOWN;HARD;1;I don't know what to say...
[docs] def raise_initial_state(self): if self.__class__.log_initial_states: naglog_result('info', 'CURRENT SERVICE STATE: %s;%s;%s;%s;%d;%s' % (, self.get_name(), self.state, self.state_type, self.attempt, self.output)) # Add a log entry with a Freshness alert like: # Warning: The results of host 'Server' are stale by 0d 0h 0m 58s (threshold=0d 1h 0m 0s). # I'm forcing an immediate check of the host.
[docs] def raise_freshness_log_entry(self, t_stale_by, t_threshold): logger.warning("The results of service '%s' on host '%s' are stale " "by %s (threshold=%s). I'm forcing an immediate check " "of the service.", self.get_name(),, format_t_into_dhms_format(t_stale_by), format_t_into_dhms_format(t_threshold)) # Raise a log entry with a Notification alert like # SERVICE NOTIFICATION: superadmin;server;Load;OK;notify-by-rss;no output
[docs] def raise_notification_log_entry(self, n): contact = command = n.command_call if n.type in ('DOWNTIMESTART', 'DOWNTIMEEND', 'DOWNTIMECANCELLED', 'CUSTOM', 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT', 'FLAPPINGSTART', 'FLAPPINGSTOP', 'FLAPPINGDISABLED'): state = '%s (%s)' % (n.type, self.state) else: state = self.state if self.__class__.log_notifications: naglog_result('critical', "SERVICE NOTIFICATION: %s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s" % (contact.get_name(),, self.get_name(), state, command.get_name(), self.output)) # Raise a log entry with a Eventhandler alert like # SERVICE EVENT HANDLER: test_host_0;test_ok_0;OK;SOFT;4;eventhandler
[docs] def raise_event_handler_log_entry(self, command): if self.__class__.log_event_handlers: naglog_result('critical', "SERVICE EVENT HANDLER: %s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s" % (, self.get_name(), self.state, self.state_type, self.attempt, command.get_name())) # Raise a log entry with a Eventhandler alert like # SERVICE SNAPSHOT: test_host_0;test_ok_0;OK;SOFT;4;eventhandler
[docs] def raise_snapshot_log_entry(self, command): if self.__class__.log_event_handlers: naglog_result('critical', "SERVICE SNAPSHOT: %s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s" % (, self.get_name(), self.state, self.state_type, self.attempt, command.get_name())) # Raise a log entry with FLAPPING START alert like # SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT: server;LOAD;STARTED; # Service appears to have started flapping (50.6% change >= 50.0% threshold)
[docs] def raise_flapping_start_log_entry(self, change_ratio, threshold): naglog_result('critical', "SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT: %s;%s;STARTED; " "Service appears to have started flapping " "(%.1f%% change >= %.1f%% threshold)" % (, self.get_name(), change_ratio, threshold)) # Raise a log entry with FLAPPING STOP alert like # SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT: server;LOAD;STOPPED; # Service appears to have stopped flapping (23.0% change < 25.0% threshold)
[docs] def raise_flapping_stop_log_entry(self, change_ratio, threshold): naglog_result('critical', "SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT: %s;%s;STOPPED; " "Service appears to have stopped flapping " "(%.1f%% change < %.1f%% threshold)" % (, self.get_name(), change_ratio, threshold)) # If there is no valid time for next check, raise a log entry
[docs] def raise_no_next_check_log_entry(self): logger.warning("I cannot schedule the check for the service '%s' on " "host '%s' because there is not future valid time", self.get_name(), # Raise a log entry when a downtime begins # SERVICE DOWNTIME ALERT: test_host_0;test_ok_0;STARTED; # Service has entered a period of scheduled downtime
[docs] def raise_enter_downtime_log_entry(self): naglog_result('critical', "SERVICE DOWNTIME ALERT: %s;%s;STARTED; " "Service has entered a period of scheduled " "downtime" % (, self.get_name())) # Raise a log entry when a downtime has finished # SERVICE DOWNTIME ALERT: test_host_0;test_ok_0;STOPPED; # Service has exited from a period of scheduled downtime
[docs] def raise_exit_downtime_log_entry(self): naglog_result('critical', "SERVICE DOWNTIME ALERT: %s;%s;STOPPED; Service " "has exited from a period of scheduled downtime" % (, self.get_name())) # Raise a log entry when a downtime prematurely ends # SERVICE DOWNTIME ALERT: test_host_0;test_ok_0;CANCELLED; # Service has entered a period of scheduled downtime
[docs] def raise_cancel_downtime_log_entry(self): naglog_result( 'critical', "SERVICE DOWNTIME ALERT: %s;%s;CANCELLED; " "Scheduled downtime for service has been cancelled." % (, self.get_name())) # Is stalking? # Launch if check is waitconsume==first time # and if c.status is in self.stalking_options
[docs] def manage_stalking(self, c): need_stalk = False if c.status == 'waitconsume': if c.exit_status == 0 and 'o' in self.stalking_options: need_stalk = True elif c.exit_status == 1 and 'w' in self.stalking_options: need_stalk = True elif c.exit_status == 2 and 'c' in self.stalking_options: need_stalk = True elif c.exit_status == 3 and 'u' in self.stalking_options: need_stalk = True if c.output == self.output: need_stalk = False if need_stalk:"Stalking %s: %s", self.get_name(), c.output) # Give data for checks's macros
[docs] def get_data_for_checks(self): return [, self] # Give data for event handlers's macros
[docs] def get_data_for_event_handler(self): return [, self] # Give data for notifications'n macros
[docs] def get_data_for_notifications(self, contact, n): return [, self, contact, n] # See if the notification is launchable (time is OK and contact is OK too)
[docs] def notification_is_blocked_by_contact(self, n, contact): return not contact.want_service_notification(self.last_chk, self.state, n.type, self.business_impact, n.command_call)
[docs] def get_duration_sec(self): return str(int(self.duration_sec))
[docs] def get_duration(self): m, s = divmod(self.duration_sec, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) return "%02dh %02dm %02ds" % (h, m, s)
[docs] def get_ack_author_name(self): if self.acknowledgement is None: return '' return
[docs] def get_ack_comment(self): if self.acknowledgement is None: return '' return self.acknowledgement.comment
[docs] def get_check_command(self): return self.check_command.get_name() # Check if a notification for this service is suppressed at this time
[docs] def notification_is_blocked_by_item(self, type, t_wished=None): if t_wished is None: t_wished = time.time() # TODO # forced notification # pass if this is a custom notification # Block if notifications are program-wide disabled if not self.enable_notifications: return True # Does the notification period allow sending out this notification? if self.notification_period is not None \ and not self.notification_period.is_time_valid(t_wished): return True # Block if notifications are disabled for this service if not self.notifications_enabled: return True # Block if the current status is in the notification_options w,u,c,r,f,s if 'n' in self.notification_options: return True if type in ('PROBLEM', 'RECOVERY'): if self.state == 'UNKNOWN' and 'u' not in self.notification_options: return True if self.state == 'WARNING' and 'w' not in self.notification_options: return True if self.state == 'CRITICAL' and 'c' not in self.notification_options: return True if self.state == 'OK' and 'r' not in self.notification_options: return True if (type in ('FLAPPINGSTART', 'FLAPPINGSTOP', 'FLAPPINGDISABLED') and 'f' not in self.notification_options): return True if (type in ('DOWNTIMESTART', 'DOWNTIMEEND', 'DOWNTIMECANCELLED') and 's' not in self.notification_options): return True # Acknowledgements make no sense when the status is ok/up if type == 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT': if self.state == self.ok_up: return True # When in downtime, only allow end-of-downtime notifications if self.scheduled_downtime_depth > 1 and type not in ('DOWNTIMEEND', 'DOWNTIMECANCELLED'): return True # Block if host is in a scheduled downtime if > 0: return True # Block if in a scheduled downtime and a problem arises, or flapping event if self.scheduled_downtime_depth > 0 and type in \ ('PROBLEM', 'RECOVERY', 'FLAPPINGSTART', 'FLAPPINGSTOP', 'FLAPPINGDISABLED'): return True # Block if the status is SOFT if self.state_type == 'SOFT' and type == 'PROBLEM': return True # Block if the problem has already been acknowledged if self.problem_has_been_acknowledged and type != 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT': return True # Block if flapping if self.is_flapping and type not in ('FLAPPINGSTART', 'FLAPPINGSTOP', 'FLAPPINGDISABLED'): return True # Block if host is down if != return True # Block if business rule smart notifications is enabled and all its # childs have been acknowledged or are under downtime. if self.got_business_rule is True \ and self.business_rule_smart_notifications is True \ and self.business_rule_notification_is_blocked() is True \ and type == 'PROBLEM': return True return False # Get a oc*p command if item has obsess_over_* # command. It must be enabled locally and globally
[docs] def get_obsessive_compulsive_processor_command(self): cls = self.__class__ if not cls.obsess_over or not self.obsess_over_service: return m = MacroResolver() data = self.get_data_for_event_handler() cmd = m.resolve_command(cls.ocsp_command, data) e = EventHandler(cmd, timeout=cls.ocsp_timeout) # ok we can put it in our temp action queue self.actions.append(e)
[docs] def get_short_status(self): mapping = { 0: "O", 1: "W", 2: "C", 3: "U", } if self.got_business_rule: return mapping.get(self.business_rule.get_state(), "n/a") else: return mapping.get(self.state_id, "n/a")
[docs] def get_status(self): if self.got_business_rule: mapping = { 0: "OK", 1: "WARNING", 2: "CRITICAL", 3: "UNKNOWN", } return mapping.get(self.business_rule.get_state(), "n/a") else: return self.state
[docs] def get_downtime(self): return str(self.scheduled_downtime_depth) # Class for list of services. It's mainly, mainly for configuration part
[docs]class Services(Items): name_property = 'unique_key' # only used by (un)indexitem (via 'name_property') inner_class = Service # use for know what is in items def __init__(self, items, index_items=True): self.partial_services = {} self.name_to_partial = {} super(Services, self).__init__(items, index_items)
[docs] def add_template(self, tpl): """ Adds and index a template into the `templates` container. This implementation takes into account that a service has two naming attribute: `host_name` and `service_description`. :param tpl: The template to add """ objcls = self.inner_class.my_type name = getattr(tpl, 'name', '') hname = getattr(tpl, 'host_name', '') if not name and not hname: mesg = "a %s template has been defined without name nor " \ "host_name%s" % (objcls, self.get_source(tpl)) tpl.configuration_errors.append(mesg) elif name: tpl = self.index_template(tpl) self.templates[] = tpl
[docs] def add_item(self, item, index=True, was_partial=False): """ Adds and index an item into the `items` container. This implementation takes into account that a service has two naming attribute: `host_name` and `service_description`. :param item: The item to add :param index: Flag indicating if the item should be indexed """ objcls = self.inner_class.my_type hname = getattr(item, 'host_name', '') hgname = getattr(item, 'hostgroup_name', '') sdesc = getattr(item, 'service_description', '') source = getattr(item, 'imported_from', 'unknown') if source: in_file = " in %s" % source else: in_file = "" if not hname and not hgname and not sdesc: mesg = "a %s has been defined without host_name nor " \ "hostgroups nor service_description%s" % (objcls, in_file) item.configuration_errors.append(mesg) elif not sdesc or sdesc and not hgname and not hname and not was_partial: self.add_partial_service(item, index, (objcls, hname, hgname, sdesc, in_file)) return if index is True: item = self.index_item(item) self.items[] = item
[docs] def add_partial_service(self, item, index=True, var_tuple=None): if var_tuple is None: return objcls, hname, hgname, sdesc, in_file = var_tuple use = getattr(item, 'use', []) if use == []: mesg = "a %s has been defined without host_name nor " \ "hostgroups nor service_description and " \ "there is no use to create a unique key%s" % (objcls, in_file) item.configuration_errors.append(mesg) return use = ','.join(use) if sdesc: name = "::".join((sdesc, use)) elif hname: name = "::".join((hname, use)) else: name = "::".join((hgname, use)) if name in self.name_to_partial: item = self.manage_conflict(item, name, partial=True) self.name_to_partial[name] = item self.partial_services[] = item # Inheritance for just a property
[docs] def apply_partial_inheritance(self, prop): for i in itertools.chain(self.items.itervalues(), self.partial_services.itervalues(), self.templates.itervalues()): i.get_property_by_inheritance(prop, 0) # If a "null" attribute was inherited, delete it try: if getattr(i, prop) == 'null': delattr(i, prop) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def apply_inheritance(self): """ For all items and templates inherite properties and custom variables. """ # We check for all Class properties if the host has it # if not, it check all host templates for a value cls = self.inner_class for prop in self.apply_partial_inheritance(prop) for i in itertools.chain(self.items.itervalues(), self.partial_services.itervalues(), self.templates.itervalues()): i.get_customs_properties_by_inheritance(0) for i in self.partial_services.itervalues(): self.add_item(i, True, True) del self.partial_services del self.name_to_partial
[docs] def linkify_templates(self): # First we create a list of all templates for i in itertools.chain(self.items.itervalues(), self.partial_services.itervalues(), self.templates.itervalues()): self.linkify_item_templates(i) for i in self: i.tags = self.get_all_tags(i) # Search for all of the services in a host
[docs] def find_srvs_by_hostname(self, host_name): if hasattr(self, 'hosts'): h = self.hosts.find_by_name(host_name) if h is None: return None return h.get_services() return None # Search a service by it's name and hot_name
[docs] def find_srv_by_name_and_hostname(self, host_name, sdescr): key = (host_name, sdescr) return self.name_to_item.get(key, None) # Make link between elements: # service -> host # service -> command # service -> timeperiods # service -> contacts
[docs] def linkify(self, hosts, commands, timeperiods, contacts, resultmodulations, businessimpactmodulations, escalations, servicegroups, triggers, checkmodulations, macromodulations): self.linkify_with_timeperiods(timeperiods, 'notification_period') self.linkify_with_timeperiods(timeperiods, 'check_period') self.linkify_with_timeperiods(timeperiods, 'maintenance_period') self.linkify_with_timeperiods(timeperiods, 'snapshot_period') self.linkify_s_by_hst(hosts) self.linkify_s_by_sg(servicegroups) self.linkify_one_command_with_commands(commands, 'check_command') self.linkify_one_command_with_commands(commands, 'event_handler') self.linkify_one_command_with_commands(commands, 'snapshot_command') self.linkify_with_contacts(contacts) self.linkify_with_resultmodulations(resultmodulations) self.linkify_with_business_impact_modulations(businessimpactmodulations) # WARNING: all escalations will not be link here # (just the escalation here, not serviceesca or hostesca). # This last one will be link in escalations linkify. self.linkify_with_escalations(escalations) self.linkify_with_triggers(triggers) self.linkify_with_checkmodulations(checkmodulations) self.linkify_with_macromodulations(macromodulations)
[docs] def override_properties(self, hosts): ovr_re = re.compile(r'^([^,]+),([^\s]+)\s+(.*)$') ovr_hosts = [h for h in hosts if getattr(h, 'service_overrides', None)] for host in ovr_hosts: # We're only looking for hosts having service overrides defined if isinstance(host.service_overrides, list): service_overrides = host.service_overrides else: service_overrides = [host.service_overrides] for ovr in service_overrides: # Checks service override syntax match = if match is None: err = "Error: invalid service override syntax: %s" % ovr host.configuration_errors.append(err) continue sdescr, prop, value = match.groups() # Looks for corresponding service service = self.find_srv_by_name_and_hostname( getattr(host, "host_name", ""), sdescr ) if service is None: err = "Error: trying to override property '%s' on service '%s' " \ "but it's unknown for this host" % (prop, sdescr) host.configuration_errors.append(err) continue # Checks if override is allowed excludes = ['host_name', 'service_description', 'use', 'servicegroups', 'trigger', 'trigger_name'] if prop in excludes: err = "Error: trying to override '%s', a forbidden property for service '%s'" % \ (prop, sdescr) host.configuration_errors.append(err) continue # Pythonize the value because here value is str. setattr(service, prop,[prop].pythonize(value)) # We can link services with hosts so # We can search in O(hosts) instead # of O(services) for common cases
[docs] def linkify_s_by_hst(self, hosts): for s in self: # If we do not have a host_name, we set it as # a template element to delete. (like Nagios) if not hasattr(s, 'host_name'): = None continue try: hst_name = s.host_name # The new member list, in id hst = hosts.find_by_name(hst_name) = hst # Let the host know we are his service if is not None: hst.add_service_link(s) else: # Ok, the host do not exists! err = "Warning: the service '%s' got an invalid host_name '%s'" % \ (self.get_name(), hst_name) s.configuration_warnings.append(err) continue except AttributeError, exp: pass # Will be catch at the is_correct moment # We look for servicegroups property in services and # link them
[docs] def linkify_s_by_sg(self, servicegroups): for s in self: new_servicegroups = [] if hasattr(s, 'servicegroups') and s.servicegroups != '': for sg_name in s.servicegroups: sg_name = sg_name.strip() sg = servicegroups.find_by_name(sg_name) if sg is not None: new_servicegroups.append(sg) else: err = "Error: the servicegroup '%s' of the service '%s' is unknown" %\ (sg_name, s.get_dbg_name()) s.configuration_errors.append(err) s.servicegroups = new_servicegroups # In the scheduler we need to relink the commandCall with # the real commands
[docs] def late_linkify_s_by_commands(self, commands): props = ['check_command', 'event_handler', 'snapshot_command'] for s in self: for prop in props: cc = getattr(s, prop, None) if cc: cc.late_linkify_with_command(commands) # Delete services by ids
[docs] def delete_services_by_id(self, ids): for id in ids: del self[id] # Apply implicit inheritance for special properties: # contact_groups, notification_interval , notification_period # So service will take info from host if necessary
[docs] def apply_implicit_inheritance(self, hosts): for prop in ('contacts', 'contact_groups', 'notification_interval', 'notification_period', 'resultmodulations', 'business_impact_modulations', 'escalations', 'poller_tag', 'reactionner_tag', 'check_period', 'business_impact', 'maintenance_period'): for s in self: if not hasattr(s, prop) and hasattr(s, 'host_name'): h = hosts.find_by_name(s.host_name) if h is not None and hasattr(h, prop): setattr(s, prop, getattr(h, prop)) # Create dependencies for services (daddy ones)
[docs] def apply_dependencies(self): for s in self: s.fill_daddy_dependency() # For services the main clean is about service with bad hosts
[docs] def clean(self): to_del = [] for s in self: if not to_del.append( for sid in to_del: del self.items[sid]
[docs] def explode_services_from_hosts(self, hosts, s, hnames): """ Explodes a service based on a lis of hosts. :param hosts: The hosts container :param s: The base service to explode :param hnames: The host_name list to exlode sevice on """ duplicate_for_hosts = [] # get the list of our host_names if more than 1 not_hosts = [] # the list of !host_name so we remove them after for hname in hnames: hname = hname.strip() # If the name begin with a !, we put it in # the not list if hname.startswith('!'): not_hosts.append(hname[1:]) else: # the standard list duplicate_for_hosts.append(hname) # remove duplicate items from duplicate_for_hosts: duplicate_for_hosts = list(set(duplicate_for_hosts)) # Ok now we clean the duplicate_for_hosts with all hosts # of the not for hname in not_hosts: try: duplicate_for_hosts.remove(hname) except IndexError: pass # Now we duplicate the service for all host_names for hname in duplicate_for_hosts: h = hosts.find_by_name(hname) if h is None: err = 'Error: The hostname %s is unknown for the ' \ 'service %s!' % (hname, s.get_name()) s.configuration_errors.append(err) continue if h.is_excluded_for(s): continue new_s = s.copy() new_s.host_name = hname self.add_item(new_s)
def _local_create_service(self, hosts, host_name, service): '''Create a new service based on a host_name and service instance. :param hosts: The hosts items instance. :type hosts: :param host_name: The host_name to create a new service. :param service: The service to be used as template. :type service: Service :return: The new service created. :rtype: Service ''' h = hosts.find_by_name(host_name.strip()) if h.is_excluded_for(service): return # Creates concrete instance new_s = service.copy() new_s.host_name = host_name new_s.register = 1 self.add_item(new_s) return new_s
[docs] def explode_services_from_templates(self, hosts, service): """ Explodes services from templates. All hosts holding the specified templates are bound the service. :param hosts: The hosts container. :type hosts: :param service: The service to explode. :type service: Service """ hname = getattr(service, "host_name", None) if not hname: return # Now really create the services if is_complex_expr(hname): hnames = self.evaluate_hostgroup_expression( hname.strip(), hosts, hosts.templates, look_in='templates') for name in hnames: self._local_create_service(hosts, name, service) else: hnames = [n.strip() for n in hname.split(',') if n.strip()] for hname in hnames: for name in hosts.find_hosts_that_use_template(hname): self._local_create_service(hosts, name, service)
[docs] def explode_services_duplicates(self, hosts, s): """ Explodes services holding a `duplicate_foreach` clause. :param hosts: The hosts container :param s: The service to explode :type s: Service """ hname = getattr(s, "host_name", None) if hname is None: return # the generator case, we must create several new services # we must find our host, and get all key:value we need h = hosts.find_by_name(hname.strip()) if h is None: err = 'Error: The hostname %s is unknown for the ' \ 'service %s!' % (hname, s.get_name()) s.configuration_errors.append(err) return # Duplicate services for new_s in s.duplicate(h): if h.is_excluded_for(new_s): continue # Adds concrete instance self.add_item(new_s)
[docs] def register_service_into_servicegroups(self, s, servicegroups): """ Registers a service into the service groups declared in its `servicegroups` attribute. :param s: The service to register :param servicegroups: The servicegroups container """ if hasattr(s, 'service_description'): sname = s.service_description shname = getattr(s, 'host_name', '') if hasattr(s, 'servicegroups'): # Todo: See if we can remove this if if isinstance(s.servicegroups, list): sgs = s.servicegroups else: sgs = s.servicegroups.split(',') for sg in sgs: servicegroups.add_member([shname, sname], sg.strip())
[docs] def register_service_dependencies(self, s, servicedependencies): """ Registers a service dependencies. :param s: The service to register :param servicedependencies: The servicedependencies container """ # We explode service_dependencies into Servicedependency # We just create serviceDep with goods values (as STRING!), # the link pass will be done after sdeps = [d.strip() for d in getattr(s, "service_dependencies", [])] # %2=0 are for hosts, !=0 are for service_description i = 0 hname = '' for elt in sdeps: if i % 2 == 0: # host hname = elt else: # description desc = elt # we can register it (s) (depend on) -> (hname, desc) # If we do not have enough data for s, it's no use if hasattr(s, 'service_description') and hasattr(s, 'host_name'): if hname == '': hname = s.host_name servicedependencies.add_service_dependency( s.host_name, s.service_description, hname, desc) i += 1 # We create new service if necessary (host groups and co)
[docs] def explode(self, hosts, hostgroups, contactgroups, servicegroups, servicedependencies, triggers): """ Explodes services, from host_name, hostgroup_name, and from templetes. :param hosts: The hosts container :param hostgroups: The hostgoups container :param contactgroups: The concactgoups container :param servicegroups: The servicegoups container :param servicedependencies: The servicedependencies container :param triggers: The triggers container """ # items::explode_trigger_string_into_triggers self.explode_trigger_string_into_triggers(triggers) for id in self.templates.keys(): t = self.templates[id] self.explode_contact_groups_into_contacts(t, contactgroups) self.explode_services_from_templates(hosts, t) # Explode services that have a duplicate_foreach clause duplicates = [ for s in self if getattr(s, 'duplicate_foreach', '')] for id in duplicates: s = self.items[id] self.explode_services_duplicates(hosts, s) if not s.configuration_errors: self.remove_item(s) # Then for every host create a copy of the service with just the host # because we are adding services, we can't just loop in it for id in self.items.keys(): s = self.items[id] # items::explode_host_groups_into_hosts # take all hosts from our hostgroup_name into our host_name property self.explode_host_groups_into_hosts(s, hosts, hostgroups) # items::explode_contact_groups_into_contacts # take all contacts from our contact_groups into our contact property self.explode_contact_groups_into_contacts(s, contactgroups) hnames = getattr(s, "host_name", '') hnames = list(set([n.strip() for n in hnames.split(',') if n.strip()])) # hnames = strip_and_uniq(hnames) # We will duplicate if we have multiple host_name # or if we are a template (so a clean service) if len(hnames) == 1: self.index_item(s) else: if len(hnames) >= 2: self.explode_services_from_hosts(hosts, s, hnames) # Delete expanded source service if not s.configuration_errors: self.remove_item(s) to_remove = [] for service in self: host = hosts.find_by_name(service.host_name) if host and host.is_excluded_for(service): to_remove.append(service) for service in to_remove: self.remove_item(service) # Servicegroups property need to be fullfill for got the informations # And then just register to this service_group for s in self: self.register_service_into_servicegroups(s, servicegroups) self.register_service_dependencies(s, servicedependencies) # Will create all business tree for the # services
[docs] def create_business_rules(self, hosts, services): for s in self: s.create_business_rules(hosts, services) # Will link all business service/host with theirs # dep for problem/impact link
[docs] def create_business_rules_dependencies(self): for s in self: s.create_business_rules_dependencies()
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