Amazon AWS/EC2 import


You can import data from Amazon AWS/EC3 `AWS`_ into Shinken to create hosts.

Amazon provide VM hosting with EC3. With this arbiter module, you will be able to load your EC2 hosts into Shinken.


You will need the `libcloud`_ package installed on your Arbiter server.

Configuring the Landscape import module

In your shinken-specific.cfg file, just add (or uncomment):

define module {
 module_name      AWS
 module_type      aws_import

 # Configure your REAL key and secret for AWS
 api_key              PAAAB2CILT80I0ZA0999
 secret           GGtWAAAzEItz0utWUeCe9BJKIYWX/hdSbA6YCHHH
 default_template generic-host        ; if the host is not tagged, use this one
  • Put in key and secret your private Landscape access. * default_template will be used if your host is not “tagged” in Landscape

Configuring the Arbiter module

And add it in your Arbiter object as a module.

define arbiter{
     arbiter_name     Arbiter-Master

     address          localhost                   ;IP or DNS adress
     port             7770
     spare            0
     modules           AWS

Restart your Arbiter and it’s done :)

Generated hosts

The configuration generated will look as below :

define host {
    host_name            i-3fc56e5a
    use                  t1.micro,MyTag,EC2,generic-host
    _EC2_AVAILABILITY    us-east-1a
    _EC2_GROUPS          quicklaunch-1
    _EC2_IMAGEID         ami-1b814f72
    _EC2_INSTANCEID      i-3fc56e5a
    _EC2_INSTANCETYPE    t1.micro
    _EC2_KERNELID        aki-825ea7eb
    _EC2_KEYNAME         testaws
    _EC2_LAUNCHDATETIME  2012-09-26T12:19:38.000Z
    _EC2_LAUNCHINDEX     0
    _EC2_RAMDISKID       None
    _EC2_STATUS          stopped
    _EC2_TAGS            demo:myvalue,use:MyTag

Here with a stopped t1.micro instance with no name. You can put your how “use” parameter by adding a EC2 tag “use” on your VM. It will be output on the host configuration so you can setup the monitoring as you want. .. _libcloud: .. _AWS: