Use Shinken with Centreon


Centreon is a famous French monitoring solution based on Nagios, which can also be used with Shinken.

How to use Shinken as a Centreon backend

The following Shinken Broker modules are required:
  • Simple log
  • Flat file perfdata

Below is the configuration you should set (there is already a sample configuration in your ‘’/etc/shinken/shinken-specific.cfg’’ file)

Simple log

The module simple_log puts all Shinken’s logs (Arbiter, Scheduler, Poller, etc.) into a single file.

In ‘’/etc/shinken/shinken-specific.cfg’‘:

define module{
module_name      Simple-log
module_type      simple_log
path             /var/lib/nagios/nagios.log
archive_path     /var/lib/nagios/archives/


It takes these parameters:
  • module_name: name of the module called by the brokers
  • module_type: simple_log
  • path: path of the log file


The module ndodb_mysql exports all data into a NDO MySQL database.

It needs the python module MySQLdb (Debian: ‘’sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb’‘, or ‘’easy_install MySQL-python’‘)

In ‘’/etc/shinken/shinken-specific.cfg’‘:

define module{
module_name      ToNdodb_Mysql
module_type      ndodb_mysql
database         ndo       ; database name
user             root      ; user of the database
password         root      ; must be changed
host             localhost ; host to connect to
character_set    utf8      ;optional, default: utf8


It takes the following parameters:
  • module_name: name of the module called by the brokers
  • module_type: ndodb_mysql
  • database: database name (ex ndo)
  • user: database user
  • password: database user passworddt
  • host: database host
  • character_set: utf8 is a good one

Service Perfdata

The module service_perfdata exports service’s perfdata to a flat file.

In ‘’/etc/shinken/shinken-specific.cfg’‘:

define module{
module_name      Service-Perfdata
module_type      service_perfdata
path             /var/lib/shinken/service-perfdata


It takes the following parameters:
  • module_name: name of the module called by the brokers
  • module_type: service_perfdata
  • path: path to the service perfdata file you want

Configure Broker to use these modules

In ‘’/etc/shinken/shinken-specific.cfg’’ find the object Broker, and add the above modules to the modules line:

define broker{
     broker_name      broker-1
modules          Simple-log,ToNdodb_Mysql,Service-Perfdata


Configure Scheduler to match Centreon’s Poller

Shinken’s “Scheduler” is called a “Poller” in Centreon. If you keep the sample Scheduler name, you won’t see any data in the Centreon interface.

So edit ‘’/etc/shinken/shinken-specific.cfg’’ and change the Scheduler name to match the Centreon’s Poller name (“default”):

define scheduler{
scheduler_name   default
