
Shinken installation

Create a new user shinken:

adduser shinken


Be sure to create a home directory for shinken user. If not, you will not be able to start the shinken arbiter.

Next step retrieve the last version of shinken and uncompress it:

tar xfv shinken-0.5.1.tar.gz

Get into this directory and install it on your system:

sudo python install --install-scripts=/usr/bin

You will get new binaries into /usr/bin (files shinken-*) and some new directory (/etc/shinken, /var/lib/shinken).

Now, to unleash the daemons (ah ah ah!), you can use the script in init.d, or create your own script like:

root@Enclume:/etc/init.d# more
cd /etc/init.d

for script in shinken-scheduler shinken-poller shinken-reactionner shinken-broker shinken-arbiter
  ./$script $1

Start your deamon:

/etc/init.d/ start

Now check that the shinken processes are up and running:

patrice@Enclume:~/tmp/shinken-0.4$ ps -u shinken
4358 ?        00:00:09 shinken-schedul
4367 ?        00:00:10 shinken-poller
4372 ?        00:00:00 shinken-poller
4380 ?        00:00:09 shinken-reactio
4385 ?        00:00:00 shinken-reactio
4949 ?        00:00:13 shinken-broker
4989 ?        00:00:00 shinken-poller
4990 ?        00:00:00 shinken-poller
4993 ?        00:00:00 shinken-poller
4996 ?        00:00:18 shinken-broker
4997 ?        00:00:00 shinken-broker
5001 ?        00:00:00 shinken-reactio
5004 ?        00:00:00 shinken-poller
5018 ?        00:00:10 shinken-arbiter

Configure Thruk

Get a fresh copy of Thruk ( then uncompress your version and get into the root directory.

Now, create a new file named thruk_local.conf. Bellow, the content of this file:

~/tmp/Thruk-0.74$ cat thruk_local.conf
# Backend Configuration, enter your backends here
<Component Thruk::Backend>
      name   = Shinken
      type   = livestatus
          peer    =
#    <peer>
#        name   = External Icinga
#        type   = livestatus
#        <options>
#            peer    =
#       </options>
#    </peer>

Now launch the Thruk daemon:

~/tmp/Thruk-0.74/script$ ./
You can connect to your server at http://enclume:3000


This article doesn’t describe a true Thruk installation with Apache connection. Please refer Thruk documentation to get a cleaner installation.

Now, run your favorite internet browser with http://localhost:3000 and enjoy your Shinken installation !
