Source code for module.libs.checks

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2012-2014:
#    Thibault Cohen,
# This file is part of SNMP Booster Shinken Module.
# Shinken is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Shinken is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with SNMP Booster Shinken Module.
# If not, see <>.

""" This module contains two functions:
* check_cache: Get data from cache
* check_snmp: Get data from SNMP request

import time
from functools import partial
from collections import namedtuple

from shinken.log import logger

    from pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.oneliner import cmdgen
except ImportError as exp:
    logger.error("[SnmpBooster] [code 0201] Import error. Pysnmp is missing")
    raise ImportError(exp)

from snmpworker import callback_mapping_next, callback_mapping_bulk
from snmpworker import callback_get

__all__ = ("check_cache", "check_snmp")

[docs]def check_cache(check, arguments, db_client): """ Get data from database """ start_time = time.time() # Get current service current_service = db_client.get_service(arguments.get('host'), arguments.get('service')) # Check if the service is in the database if current_service is None: error_message = ("[SnmpBooster] [code 0202] [%s, %s] Not found in " "database" % (arguments.get('host'), arguments.get('service'))) logger.error(error_message) # Prepare service result if we don't find it in database dict_result = {'host': arguments.get('host'), 'service': arguments.get('service'), 'exit_code': 3, 'start_time': start_time, 'state': 'received', 'output': "Service not found in the database", 'db_data': None, 'execution_time': time.time() - start_time, } setattr(check, "result", dict_result) return None # Prepare service result dict_result = {'host': arguments.get('host'), 'service': arguments.get('service'), 'exit_code': 3, 'start_time': start_time, 'state': 'received', 'output': None, 'db_data': current_service, } setattr(check, "result", dict_result) # Save execution time check.result['execution_time'] = time.time() - start_time # return current service return current_service
[docs]def check_snmp(check, arguments, db_client, task_queue, result_queue): """ Prepare snmp requests """ # Get current service current_service = check_cache(check, arguments, db_client) if current_service is None: return None # Get check_interval check_interval = current_service.get('check_interval') # Get all services with this host and check_interval services = db_client.get_services(arguments.get('host'), current_service.get('check_interval')) # Mapping needed ? # Get all services which need mapping mappings = [serv for serv in services if serv.get('instance') is None and serv.get('mapping') is not None] # len(mappings) == nb of map missing if len(mappings) > 0: # WE NEED MAPPING ! # Prepare mapping order snmp_info = namedtuple("snmp_info", ['community', 'version', 'address', 'port', 'mapping', 'use_getbulk']) snmp_infos = list(set([snmp_info(serv['community'], serv['version'], serv['address'], serv['port'], serv['mapping'], serv['use_getbulk'] ) for serv in mappings])) # Launch one requests for each mapping table for snmp_info in snmp_infos: result = {} result['data'] = dict([(serv['instance_name'], None) for serv in mappings]) result['finished'] = False mapping_task = {} # Add address mapping_task['host'] = snmp_info.address # Get concurrency mapping_task['no_concurrency'] = serv.get('no_concurrency', False) mapping_task['data'] = {"authData": cmdgen.CommunityData(,, mpModel=int(snmp_info.version)-1 ), "transportTarget": cmdgen.UdpTransportTarget((snmp_info.address, snmp_info.port), timeout=serv['timeout'], retries=serv['retry'], ), "varNames": (str(snmp_info.mapping[1:]), ), } if snmp_info.use_getbulk: # Add snmp request type mapping_task['type'] = 'bulk' mapping_task['data']["nonRepeaters"] = 0 mapping_task['data']["maxRepetitions"] = serv.get('max_rep_map', 64) mapping_task['data']['cbInfo'] = (callback_mapping_bulk, (serv['mapping'], check.result, result)) else: # Add snmp request type mapping_task['type'] = 'next' mapping_task['data']['cbInfo'] = (callback_mapping_next, (serv['mapping'], check.result, result)) task_queue.put(mapping_task, block=False) # Handle result counter = 0 # Waiting mapping snmp requests while not result['finished'] and counter < (5 + serv['timeout'] * 10): # Wait mapping completed or timeout (100 * 0.1 second) counter += 1 time.sleep(0.1) # Todo: What if there is the same iname for 2 serv => override one, not good map_inst_serv = dict([(serv['instance_name'], serv['service']) for serv in mappings]) # Write to database for instance_name, instance in result['data'].items(): if instance is None: # Don't save instances which are not mapped continue service = map_inst_serv[instance_name] db_client.update_service(arguments.get('host'), service, {"instance": instance}) # refresh all services list # NOTE Is this refresh mandatory ???? services = db_client.get_services(arguments.get('host'), current_service.get('check_interval')) # MAPPING DONE # Prepare oids # TODO CHANGE all serv for current_service serv = current_service fnc = partial(prepare_oids, group_size=serv.get('request_group_size', 64)) splitted_oids_list = reduce(fnc, services, [{}, ]) # Prepare get task for oids in splitted_oids_list: get_task = {} # Add community, address, port and oids get_task['data'] = {"authData": cmdgen.CommunityData(communityIndex=arguments.get('community'), communityName=arguments.get('community'), mpModel=int(arguments.get('version', 2))-1 ), "transportTarget": cmdgen.UdpTransportTarget((arguments.get('address'), arguments.get('port')), timeout=serv['timeout'], retries=arguments.get('retry'), ), "varNames": [str(oid[1:]) for oid in oids.keys()], } # Add snmp request type get_task['type'] = 'get' # Get concurrency get_task['no_concurrency'] = arguments.get('no_concurrency', False) # Add address get_task['host'] = arguments.get('address') # Put all oid in the same list oids_list = {} # Merge oids lists in one list _ = [oids_list.update(oid_list) for oid_list in splitted_oids_list] # Add Callback and callback args get_task['data']['cbInfo'] = (callback_get, (oids_list, check.result, result_queue)) task_queue.put(get_task, block=False) # NOTE Is it useful ? del services
def prepare_oids(ret, service, group_size=64): """ This function, is in a reduce function, groups oids to launch grouped SNMP requests """ # For each ds_name for ds_name, ds_data in service['ds'].items(): # For each ds_oid, min and max for oid_type in ['ds_oid', 'ds_min_oid', 'ds_max_oid']: # Get all oids if oid_type in ds_data and ds_data[oid_type] is not None: if service.get('instance') is None and service.get('mapping') is not None: # Pass oid when it needs instance and # the mapping is not done continue # Split requests in group of 'group_size' if len(ret[-1]) < group_size: tmp_dict = ret[-1] else: tmp_dict = {} ret.append(tmp_dict) # Construct oid oid = ds_data[oid_type] % service if oid in tmp_dict: # If we have already added the oid # We only add the ds_name tmp_dict[oid]['key']['ds_names'].append(ds_name) else: # Check if we have a ds_max and get the oid ds_max_oid = None if ds_data.get('ds_max_oid'): ds_max_oid = ds_data.get('ds_max_oid') % service # Check if we have a ds_min and get the oid ds_min_oid = None if ds_data.get('ds_min_oid'): ds_min_oid = ds_data.get('ds_min_oid') % service # This is a new oid, we add it to the result list # The key is use to retreive the service in database tmp_dict[oid] = {'key': {'host': service['host'], 'service': service['service'], 'ds_names': [ds_name], 'oid_type': oid_type, }, # ds_type == "DERIVE", "GAUGE", # "TEXT", "DERIVE64", ... 'type': ds_data['ds_type'], # We will put the collected value here 'value': None, # We put the last collected value here 'value_last': ds_data.get(oid_type + "_value"), # We put the last computed (derive and # calculation) value here 'value_last_computed': ds_data.get(oid_type + "_value_computed"), # We will put the timestamp when data arrive 'check_time': None, # We put the last check time huere 'check_time_last': service.get('check_time'), # We put the calculation here (to make # calculation before database saving) 'calc': ds_data['ds_calc'], # Get max oid 'ds_max_oid': ds_max_oid, # Get min oid 'ds_min_oid': ds_min_oid, } return ret