Source code for shinken.objects.item


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2009-2014:
#    Gabes Jean,
#    Gerhard Lausser,
#    Gregory Starck,
#    Hartmut Goebel,
# This file is part of Shinken.
# Shinken is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Shinken is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with Shinken.  If not, see <>.

""" This class is a base class for nearly all configuration
 elements like service, hosts or contacts.
import time
import cPickle  # for hashing compute
import itertools

# Try to import md5 function
    from hashlib import md5
except ImportError:
    from md5 import md5

from copy import copy

from shinken.commandcall import CommandCall
from import (StringProp, ListProp, BoolProp,
                              IntegerProp, ToGuessProp, PythonizeError)
from shinken.brok import Brok
from shinken.util import strip_and_uniq, is_complex_expr
from shinken.acknowledge import Acknowledge
from shinken.comment import Comment
from shinken.log import logger
from shinken.complexexpression import ComplexExpressionFactory
from shinken.graph import Graph


[docs]class Item(object): properties = { 'imported_from': StringProp(default='unknown'), 'use': ListProp(default=None, split_on_coma=True), 'name': StringProp(default=''), 'definition_order': IntegerProp(default=100), # TODO: find why we can't uncomment this line below. 'register': BoolProp(default=True), } running_properties = { # All errors and warning raised during the configuration parsing # and that will raised real warning/errors during the is_correct 'configuration_warnings': ListProp(default=[]), 'configuration_errors': ListProp(default=[]), 'hash': StringProp(default=''), # We save all template we asked us to load from 'tags': ListProp(default=set(), fill_brok=['full_status']), } macros = { } def __init__(self, params={}): # We have our own id of My Class type :) # use set attr for going into the slots # instead of __dict__ :) cls = self.__class__ = += 1 self.customs = {} # for custom variables = {} # for value with a + self.init_running_properties() # [0] = + -> new key-plus # [0] = _ -> new custom entry in UPPER case for key in params: # We want to create instance of object with the good type. # Here we've just parsed config files so everything is a list. # We use the pythonize method to get the good type. try: if key in val =[key].pythonize(params[key]) elif key in self.running_properties: warning = "using a the running property %s in a config file" % key self.configuration_warnings.append(warning) val = self.running_properties[key].pythonize(params[key]) elif hasattr(self, 'old_properties') and key in self.old_properties: val =[self.old_properties[key]].pythonize(params[key]) elif key.startswith('_'): # custom macro, not need to detect something here _t = params[key] # If it's a string, directly use this if isinstance(_t, basestring): val = _t # aa list for a custom macro is not managed (conceptually invalid) # so take the first defined elif isinstance(_t, list) and len(_t) > 0: val = _t[0] # not a list of void? just put void string so else: val = '' else: warning = "Guessing the property %s type because it is not in %s object properties" % \ (key, cls.__name__) self.configuration_warnings.append(warning) val = ToGuessProp.pythonize(params[key]) except (PythonizeError, ValueError) as expt: err = "Error while pythonizing parameter '%s': %s" % (key, expt) self.configuration_errors.append(err) continue # checks for attribute value special syntax (+ or _) # we can have '+param' or ['+template1' , 'template2'] if isinstance(val, str) and len(val) >= 1 and val[0] == '+': err = "A + value for a single string is not handled" self.configuration_errors.append(err) continue if (isinstance(val, list) and len(val) >= 1 and isinstance(val[0], unicode) and len(val[0]) >= 1 and val[0][0] == '+'): # Special case: a _MACRO can be a plus. so add to plus # but upper the key for the macro name val[0] = val[0][1:] if key[0] == "_":[key.upper()] = val # we remove the + else:[key] = val # we remove the + elif key[0] == "_": if isinstance(val, list): err = "no support for _ syntax in multiple valued attributes" self.configuration_errors.append(err) continue custom_name = key.upper() self.customs[custom_name] = val else: setattr(self, key, val) # When values to set on attributes are unique (single element list), # return the value directly rather than setting list element.
[docs] def compact_unique_attr_value(self, val): if isinstance(val, list): if len(val) > 1: return val elif len(val) == 0: return '' else: return val[0] else: return val
[docs] def init_running_properties(self): for prop, entry in self.__class__.running_properties.items(): # Copy is slow, so we check type # Type with __iter__ are list or dict, or tuple. # Item need it's own list, so we copy val = entry.default if hasattr(val, '__iter__'): setattr(self, prop, copy(val)) else: setattr(self, prop, val) # each instance to have his own running prop!
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the item, but give him a new id """ cls = self.__class__ i = cls({}) # Dummy item but with it's own running properties for prop in if hasattr(self, prop): val = getattr(self, prop) setattr(i, prop, val) # Also copy the customs tab i.customs = copy(self.customs) # And tags/templates if hasattr(self, "tags"): i.tags = copy(self.tags) if hasattr(self, "templates"): i.templates = copy(self.templates) return i
[docs] def clean(self): """ Clean useless things not requested once item has been fully initialized&configured. Like temporary attributes such as "imported_from", etc.. """ for name in ('imported_from', 'use', 'plus', 'templates',): try: delattr(self, name) except AttributeError: pass
def __str__(self): return str(self.__dict__) + '\n'
[docs] def is_tpl(self): """ Return if the elements is a template """ return not getattr(self, "register", True) # If a prop is absent and is not required, put the default value
[docs] def fill_default(self): """ Fill missing properties if they are missing """ cls = self.__class__ for prop, entry in if not hasattr(self, prop) and entry.has_default: setattr(self, prop, entry.default) # We load every useful parameter so no need to access global conf later # Must be called after a change in a global conf parameter
[docs] def load_global_conf(cls, conf): """ Used to put global values in the sub Class like hosts or services """ # conf have properties, if 'enable_notifications': # { [...] 'class_inherit': [(Host, None), (Service, None), # (Contact, None)]} # get the name and put the value if None, put the Name # (not None) if not (not clear?) for prop, entry in # If we have a class_inherit, and the arbiter really send us it # if 'class_inherit' in entry and hasattr(conf, prop): if hasattr(conf, prop): for (cls_dest, change_name) in entry.class_inherit: if cls_dest == cls: # ok, we've got something to get value = getattr(conf, prop) if change_name is None: setattr(cls, prop, value) else: setattr(cls, change_name, value) # Make this method a classmethod
load_global_conf = classmethod(load_global_conf) # Compute a hash of this element values. Should be launched # When we got all our values, but not linked with other objects
[docs] def compute_hash(self): # ID will always changed between runs, so we remove it # for hash compute i = del m = md5() tmp = cPickle.dumps(self, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) m.update(tmp) self.hash = m.digest() # and put again our id = i
[docs] def get_templates(self): use = getattr(self, 'use', '') if isinstance(use, list): return [n.strip() for n in use if n.strip()] else: return [n.strip() for n in use.split(',') if n.strip()] # We fillfull properties with template ones if need
[docs] def get_property_by_inheritance(self, prop, deep_level): if prop == 'register': return None # We do not inherit from register # Don't allow to loop too much over the inheritance, to avoid infinite # recursive calls. This loop will raise an error at global configuration # check. if deep_level > INHERITANCE_DEEP_LIMIT: return None # If I have the prop, I take mine but I check if I must # add a plus property if hasattr(self, prop): value = getattr(self, prop) # Manage the additive inheritance for the property, # if property is in plus, add or replace it # Template should keep the '+' at the beginning of the chain if self.has_plus(prop): value.insert(0, self.get_plus_and_delete(prop)) if self.is_tpl(): value = list(value) value.insert(0, '+') return value # Ok, I do not have prop, Maybe my templates do? # Same story for plus # We reverse list, so that when looking for properties by inheritance, # the least defined template wins (if property is set). for i in self.templates: value = i.get_property_by_inheritance(prop, deep_level + 1) if value is not None and value != []: # If our template give us a '+' value, we should continue to loop still_loop = False if isinstance(value, list) and value[0] == '+': # Templates should keep their + inherited from their parents if not self.is_tpl(): value = list(value) value = [x for x in value if x != '+'] still_loop = True # Maybe in the previous loop, we set a value, use it too if hasattr(self, prop): # If the current value is strong, it will simplify the problem if not isinstance(value, list) and value[0] == '+': # In this case we can remove the + from our current # tpl because our value will be final new_val = list(getattr(self, prop)) new_val.extend(value[1:]) value = new_val else: # If not, se should keep the + sign of need new_val = list(getattr(self, prop)) new_val.extend(value) value = new_val # Ok, we can set it setattr(self, prop, value) # If we only got some '+' values, we must still loop # for an end value without it if not still_loop: # And set my own value in the end if need if self.has_plus(prop): value = list(value) value = list(getattr(self, prop)) value.extend(self.get_plus_and_delete(prop)) # Template should keep their '+' if self.is_tpl() and not value[0] == '+': value.insert(0, '+') setattr(self, prop, value) return value # Maybe templates only give us + values, so we didn't quit, but we already got a # self.prop value after all template_with_only_plus = hasattr(self, prop) # I do not have endingprop, my templates too... Maybe a plus? # warning: if all my templates gave me '+' values, do not forgot to # add the already set self.prop value if self.has_plus(prop): if template_with_only_plus: value = list(getattr(self, prop)) value.extend(self.get_plus_and_delete(prop)) else: value = self.get_plus_and_delete(prop) # Template should keep their '+' chain # We must say it's a '+' value, so our son will now that it must # still loop if self.is_tpl() and value != [] and not value[0] == '+': value.insert(0, '+') setattr(self, prop, value) return value # Ok so in the end, we give the value we got if we have one, or None # Not even a plus... so None :) return getattr(self, prop, None) # We fillfull properties with template ones if need
[docs] def get_customs_properties_by_inheritance(self, deep_level): # protect against infinite recursive loop if deep_level > INHERITANCE_DEEP_LIMIT: return self.customs # We reverse list, so that when looking for properties by inheritance, # the least defined template wins (if property is set). for i in self.templates: tpl_cv = i.get_customs_properties_by_inheritance(deep_level + 1) if tpl_cv is not {}: for prop in tpl_cv: if prop not in self.customs: value = tpl_cv[prop] else: value = self.customs[prop] if self.has_plus(prop): value.insert(0, self.get_plus_and_delete(prop)) # value = self.get_plus_and_delete(prop) + ',' + value self.customs[prop] = value for prop in self.customs: value = self.customs[prop] if self.has_plus(prop): value.insert(0, self.get_plus_and_delete(prop)) self.customs[prop] = value # We can get custom properties in plus, we need to get all # entires and put # them into customs cust_in_plus = self.get_all_plus_and_delete() for prop in cust_in_plus: self.customs[prop] = cust_in_plus[prop] return self.customs
[docs] def has_plus(self, prop): try:[prop] except KeyError: return False return True
[docs] def get_all_plus_and_delete(self): res = {} props = # we delete entries, so no for ... in ... for prop in props: res[prop] = self.get_plus_and_delete(prop) return res
[docs] def get_plus_and_delete(self, prop): val =[prop] del[prop] return val # Check is required prop are set: # template are always correct
[docs] def is_correct(self): state = True properties = # Raised all previously saw errors like unknown contacts and co if self.configuration_errors != []: state = False for err in self.configuration_errors: logger.error("[item::%s] %s", self.get_name(), err) for prop, entry in properties.items(): if not hasattr(self, prop) and entry.required: logger.warning("[item::%s] %s property is missing", self.get_name(), prop) state = False return state # This function is used by service and hosts # to transform Nagios2 parameters to Nagios3 # ones, like normal_check_interval to # check_interval. There is a old_parameters tab # in Classes that give such modifications to do.
[docs] def old_properties_names_to_new(self): old_properties = getattr(self.__class__, "old_properties", {}) for old_name, new_name in old_properties.items(): # Ok, if we got old_name and NO new name, # we switch the name if hasattr(self, old_name) and not hasattr(self, new_name): value = getattr(self, old_name) setattr(self, new_name, value) delattr(self, old_name) # The arbiter is asking us our raw value before all explode or linking
[docs] def get_raw_import_values(self): r = {} properties = # Register is not by default in the properties if 'register' not in properties: properties.append('register') for prop in properties: if hasattr(self, prop): v = getattr(self, prop) # print prop, ":", v r[prop] = v return r
[docs] def add_downtime(self, downtime): self.downtimes.append(downtime)
[docs] def del_downtime(self, downtime_id): d_to_del = None for dt in self.downtimes: if == downtime_id: d_to_del = dt dt.can_be_deleted = True if d_to_del is not None: self.downtimes.remove(d_to_del)
[docs] def add_comment(self, comment): self.comments.append(comment)
[docs] def del_comment(self, comment_id): c_to_del = None for c in self.comments: if == comment_id: c_to_del = c c.can_be_deleted = True if c_to_del is not None: self.comments.remove(c_to_del)
[docs] def acknowledge_problem(self, sticky, notify, persistent, author, comment, end_time=0): if self.state != self.ok_up: if notify: self.create_notifications('ACKNOWLEDGEMENT') self.problem_has_been_acknowledged = True if sticky == 2: sticky = True else: sticky = False a = Acknowledge(self, sticky, notify, persistent, author, comment, end_time=end_time) self.acknowledgement = a if self.my_type == 'host': comment_type = 1 else: comment_type = 2 c = Comment(self, persistent, author, comment, comment_type, 4, 0, False, 0) self.add_comment(c) self.broks.append(self.get_update_status_brok()) # Look if we got an ack that is too old with an expire date and should # be delete
[docs] def check_for_expire_acknowledge(self): if (self.acknowledgement and self.acknowledgement.end_time != 0 and self.acknowledgement.end_time < time.time()): self.unacknowledge_problem() # Delete the acknowledgement object and reset the flag # but do not remove the associated comment.
[docs] def unacknowledge_problem(self): if self.problem_has_been_acknowledged: logger.debug("[item::%s] deleting acknowledge of %s", self.get_name(), self.get_dbg_name()) self.problem_has_been_acknowledged = False # Should not be deleted, a None is Good self.acknowledgement = None # del self.acknowledgement # find comments of non-persistent ack-comments and delete them too for c in self.comments: if c.entry_type == 4 and not c.persistent: self.del_comment( self.broks.append(self.get_update_status_brok()) # Check if we have an acknowledgement and if this is marked as sticky. # This is needed when a non-ok state changes
[docs] def unacknowledge_problem_if_not_sticky(self): if hasattr(self, 'acknowledgement') and self.acknowledgement is not None: if not self.acknowledgement.sticky: self.unacknowledge_problem() # Will flatten some parameters tagged by the 'conf_send_preparation' # property because they are too "linked" to be send like that (like realms)
[docs] def prepare_for_conf_sending(self): cls = self.__class__ for prop, entry in # Is this property need preparation for sending? if entry.conf_send_preparation is not None: f = entry.conf_send_preparation if f is not None: val = f(getattr(self, prop)) setattr(self, prop, val) if hasattr(cls, 'running_properties'): for prop, entry in cls.running_properties.items(): # Is this property need preparation for sending? if entry.conf_send_preparation is not None: f = entry.conf_send_preparation if f is not None: val = f(getattr(self, prop)) setattr(self, prop, val) # Get the property for an object, with good value # and brok_transformation if need
[docs] def get_property_value_for_brok(self, prop, tab): entry = tab[prop] # Get the current value, or the default if need value = getattr(self, prop, entry.default) # Apply brok_transformation if need # Look if we must preprocess the value first pre_op = entry.brok_transformation if pre_op is not None: value = pre_op(self, value) return value # Fill data with info of item by looking at brok_type # in props of properties or running_properties
[docs] def fill_data_brok_from(self, data, brok_type): cls = self.__class__ # Now config properties for prop, entry in # Is this property intended for broking? if brok_type in entry.fill_brok: data[prop] = self.get_property_value_for_brok(prop, # Maybe the class do not have running_properties if hasattr(cls, 'running_properties'): # We've got prop in running_properties too for prop, entry in cls.running_properties.items(): # if 'fill_brok' in cls.running_properties[prop]: if brok_type in entry.fill_brok: data[prop] = self.get_property_value_for_brok(prop, cls.running_properties) # Get a brok with initial status
[docs] def get_initial_status_brok(self): data = {'id':} self.fill_data_brok_from(data, 'full_status') return Brok('initial_' + self.my_type + '_status', data) # Get a brok with update item status
[docs] def get_update_status_brok(self): data = {'id':} self.fill_data_brok_from(data, 'full_status') return Brok('update_' + self.my_type + '_status', data) # Get a brok with check_result
[docs] def get_check_result_brok(self): data = {} self.fill_data_brok_from(data, 'check_result') return Brok(self.my_type + '_check_result', data) # Get brok about the new schedule (next_check)
[docs] def get_next_schedule_brok(self): data = {} self.fill_data_brok_from(data, 'next_schedule') return Brok(self.my_type + '_next_schedule', data) # A snapshot brok is alike a check_result, with also a # output from the snapshot command
[docs] def get_snapshot_brok(self, snap_output, exit_status): data = { 'snapshot_output': snap_output, 'snapshot_time': int(time.time()), 'snapshot_exit_status': exit_status, } self.fill_data_brok_from(data, 'check_result') return Brok(self.my_type + '_snapshot', data) # Link one command property to a class (for globals like oc*p_command)
[docs] def linkify_one_command_with_commands(self, commands, prop): if hasattr(self, prop): command = getattr(self, prop).strip() if command != '': if hasattr(self, 'poller_tag'): cmdCall = CommandCall(commands, command, poller_tag=self.poller_tag) elif hasattr(self, 'reactionner_tag'): cmdCall = CommandCall(commands, command, reactionner_tag=self.reactionner_tag) else: cmdCall = CommandCall(commands, command) setattr(self, prop, cmdCall) else: setattr(self, prop, None) # We look at the 'trigger' prop and we create a trigger for it
[docs] def explode_trigger_string_into_triggers(self, triggers): src = getattr(self, 'trigger', '') if src: # Change on the fly the characters src = src.replace(r'\n', '\n').replace(r'\t', '\t') t = triggers.create_trigger(src, 'inner-trigger-' + self.__class__.my_type + str( if t: # Maybe the trigger factory give me a already existing trigger, # so my name can be dropped self.triggers.append(t.get_name()) # Link with triggers. Can be with a "in source" trigger, or a file name
[docs] def linkify_with_triggers(self, triggers): # Get our trigger string and trigger names in the same list self.triggers.extend([self.trigger_name]) # print "I am linking my triggers", self.get_full_name(), self.triggers new_triggers = [] for tname in self.triggers: if tname == '': continue t = triggers.find_by_name(tname) if t: setattr(t, 'trigger_broker_raise_enabled', self.trigger_broker_raise_enabled) new_triggers.append(t) else: self.configuration_errors.append('the %s %s does have a unknown trigger_name ' '"%s"' % (self.__class__.my_type, self.get_full_name(), tname)) self.triggers = new_triggers
[docs] def dump(self): dmp = {} for prop in if not hasattr(self, prop): continue attr = getattr(self, prop) if isinstance(attr, list) and attr and isinstance(attr[0], Item): dmp[prop] = [i.dump() for i in attr] elif isinstance(attr, Item): dmp[prop] = attr.dump() elif attr: dmp[prop] = getattr(self, prop) return dmp
def _get_name(self): if hasattr(self, 'get_name'): return self.get_name() name = getattr(self, 'name', None) host_name = getattr(self, 'host_name', None) return '%s(host_name=%s)' % (name or 'no-name', host_name or '')
[docs]class Items(object): def __init__(self, items, index_items=True): self.items = {} self.name_to_item = {} self.templates = {} self.name_to_template = {} self.configuration_warnings = [] self.configuration_errors = [] self.add_items(items, index_items)
[docs] def get_source(self, item): source = getattr(item, 'imported_from', None) if source: return " in %s" % source else: return ""
[docs] def add_items(self, items, index_items): """ Add items into the `items` or `templates` container depending on the is_tpl method result. :param items: The items list to add. :param index_items: Flag indicating if the items should be indexed on the fly. """ for i in items: if i.is_tpl(): self.add_template(i) else: self.add_item(i, index_items)
[docs] def manage_conflict(self, item, name, partial=False): """ Cheks if an object holding the same name already exists in the index. If so, it compares their definition order: the lowest definition order is kept. If definiton order equal, an error is risen.Item The method returns the item that should be added after it has decided which one should be kept. If the new item has precedence over the New existing one, the existing is removed for the new to replace it. :param item: The new item to check for confict :param name: The exiting object name :return The retained object """ if item.is_tpl(): existing = self.name_to_template[name] elif partial: existing = self.name_to_partial[name] else: existing = self.name_to_item[name] existing_prio = getattr( existing, "definition_order",["definition_order"].default) item_prio = getattr( item, "definition_order",["definition_order"].default) if existing_prio < item_prio: # Existing item has lower priority, so it has precedence. return existing elif existing_prio > item_prio: # New item has lower priority, so it has precedence. # Existing item will be deleted below pass else: # Don't know which one to keep, lastly defined has precedence objcls = getattr(self.inner_class, "my_type", "[unknown]") mesg = "duplicate %s name %s%s, using lastly defined. You may " \ "manually set the definition_order parameter to avoid " \ "this message." % \ (objcls, name, self.get_source(item)) item.configuration_warnings.append(mesg) if item.is_tpl(): self.remove_template(existing) else: self.remove_item(existing) return item
[docs] def add_template(self, tpl): """ Adds and index a template into the `templates` container. :param tpl: The template to add """ tpl = self.index_template(tpl) self.templates[] = tpl
[docs] def index_template(self, tpl): """ Indexes a template by `name` into the `name_to_template` dictionnary. :param tpl: The template to index """ objcls = self.inner_class.my_type name = getattr(tpl, 'name', '') if not name: mesg = "a %s template has been defined without name%s%s" % \ (objcls, tpl.imported_from, self.get_source(tpl)) tpl.configuration_errors.append(mesg) elif name in self.name_to_template: tpl = self.manage_conflict(tpl, name) self.name_to_template[name] = tpl return tpl
[docs] def remove_template(self, tpl): """ Removes and unindex a template from the `templates` container. :param tpl: The template to remove """ try: del self.templates[] except KeyError: pass self.unindex_template(tpl)
[docs] def unindex_template(self, tpl): """ Unindex a template from the `templates` container. :param tpl: The template to unindex """ name = getattr(tpl, 'name', '') try: del self.name_to_template[name] except KeyError: pass
[docs] def add_item(self, item, index=True): """Adds an item into our containers, and index it depending on the `index` flag. :param item: The item to add :param index: Flag indicating if the item should be indexed """ name_property = getattr(self.__class__, "name_property", None) if index is True and name_property: item = self.index_item(item) self.items[] = item
[docs] def remove_item(self, item): """Removes (and un-index) an item from our containers. :param item: The item to be removed. :type item: Item # or subclass of """ self.unindex_item(item) self.items.pop(, None)
[docs] def index_item(self, item): """ Indexes an item into our `name_to_item` dictionary. If an object holding the same item's name/key already exists in the index then the conflict is managed by the `manage_conflict` method. :param item: The item to index :param name: The optional name to use to index the item """ # TODO: simplify this function (along with its opposite: unindex_item) # it's too complex for what it does. # more over: # There are cases (in unindex_item) where some item is tried to be removed # from name_to_item while it's not present in it ! # so either it wasn't added or it was added with another key or the item key changed # between the index and unindex calls.. # -> We should simply not have to call unindex_item() with a non-indexed item ! name_property = getattr(self.__class__, "name_property", None) # if there is no 'name_property' set(it is None), then the following getattr() will # "hopefully" evaluates to '', # unless some(thing|one) have setattr(item, None, 'with_something'), # which would be rather odd : name = getattr(item, name_property, '') if not name: objcls = self.inner_class.my_type mesg = "a %s item has been defined without %s%s" % \ (objcls, name_property, self.get_source(item)) item.configuration_errors.append(mesg) elif name in self.name_to_item: if != self.name_to_item[name].id: item = self.manage_conflict(item, name) self.name_to_item[name] = item return item
[docs] def unindex_item(self, item): """ Unindex an item from our name_to_item dict. :param item: The item to unindex """ name_property = getattr(self.__class__, "name_property", None) if name_property is None: return self.name_to_item.pop(getattr(item, name_property, ''), None)
def __iter__(self): return self.items.itervalues() def __len__(self): return len(self.items) def __delitem__(self, key): try: self.unindex_item(self.items[key]) del self.items[key] except KeyError: # we don't want it, we do not have it. All is perfect pass def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.items[key] = value name_property = getattr(self.__class__, "name_property", None) if name_property: self.index_item(value) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.items[key] def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.items
[docs] def compute_hash(self): for i in self: i.compute_hash()
[docs] def find_by_name(self, name): return self.name_to_item.get(name, None) # Search items using a list of filter callbacks. Each callback is passed # the item instances and should return a boolean value indicating if it # matched the filter. # Returns a list of items matching all filters.
[docs] def find_by_filter(self, filters): items = [] for i in self: failed = False for f in filters: if not f(i): failed = True break if failed is False: items.append(i) return items # prepare_for_conf_sending to flatten some properties
[docs] def prepare_for_sending(self): for i in self: i.prepare_for_conf_sending() # It's used to change old Nagios2 names to # Nagios3 ones
[docs] def old_properties_names_to_new(self): for i in itertools.chain(self.items.itervalues(), self.templates.itervalues()): i.old_properties_names_to_new()
[docs] def pythonize(self): for id in self.items: self.items[id].pythonize()
[docs] def find_tpl_by_name(self, name): return self.name_to_template.get(name, None)
[docs] def get_all_tags(self, item): all_tags = item.get_templates() for t in item.templates: all_tags.append( all_tags.extend(self.get_all_tags(t)) return list(set(all_tags))
[docs] def linkify_item_templates(self, item): tpls = [] tpl_names = item.get_templates() for name in tpl_names: t = self.find_tpl_by_name(name) if t is None: # TODO: Check if this should not be better to report as an error ? self.configuration_warnings.append("%s %r use/inherit from an unknown template " "(%r) ! Imported from: " "%s" % (type(item).__name__, item._get_name(), name, item.imported_from)) else: if t is item: self.configuration_errors.append( '%s %r use/inherits from itself ! Imported from: ' '%s' % (type(item).__name__, item._get_name(), item.imported_from)) else: tpls.append(t) item.templates = tpls # We will link all templates, and create the template # graph too
[docs] def linkify_templates(self): # First we create a list of all templates for i in itertools.chain(self.items.itervalues(), self.templates.itervalues()): self.linkify_item_templates(i) for i in self: i.tags = self.get_all_tags(i) # Look if there are loop in our parents definition if not self.no_loop_in_parents("self", "templates", templates=True): err = '[items] There are loops in the %s templates definition.' % i.__class__.my_type self.configuration_errors.append(err)
[docs] def is_correct(self): # we are ok at the beginning. Hope we still ok at the end... r = True # Some class do not have twins, because they do not have names # like servicedependencies twins = getattr(self, 'twins', None) if twins is not None: # Ok, look at no twins (it's bad!) for id in twins: i = self.items[id] logger.warning("[items] %s.%s is duplicated from %s", i.__class__.my_type, i.get_name(), getattr(i, 'imported_from', "unknown source")) # Then look if we have some errors in the conf # Juts print warnings, but raise errors for err in self.configuration_warnings: logger.warning("[items] %s", err) for err in self.configuration_errors: logger.error("[items] %s", err) r = False # Then look for individual ok for i in self: # Alias and display_name hook hook prop_name = getattr(self.__class__, 'name_property', None) if prop_name and not hasattr(i, 'alias') and hasattr(i, prop_name): setattr(i, 'alias', getattr(i, prop_name)) if prop_name and getattr(i, 'display_name', '') == '' and hasattr(i, prop_name): setattr(i, 'display_name', getattr(i, prop_name)) # Now other checks if not i.is_correct(): n = getattr(i, 'imported_from', "unknown source") logger.error("[items] In %s is incorrect ; from %s", i.get_name(), n) r = False return r
[docs] def remove_templates(self): """ Remove useless templates (& properties) of our items otherwise we could get errors on config.is_correct() """ del self.templates
[docs] def clean(self): """ Request to remove the unnecessary attributes/others from our items """ for i in self: i.clean() Item.clean(self) # If a prop is absent and is not required, put the default value
[docs] def fill_default(self): for i in self: i.fill_default()
def __str__(self): s = '' cls = self.__class__ for id in self.items: s = s + str(cls) + ':' + str(id) + str(self.items[id]) + '\n' return s # Inheritance for just a property
[docs] def apply_partial_inheritance(self, prop): for i in itertools.chain(self.items.itervalues(), self.templates.itervalues()): i.get_property_by_inheritance(prop, 0) # If a "null" attribute was inherited, delete it try: if getattr(i, prop) == 'null': delattr(i, prop) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def apply_inheritance(self): """ For all items and templates inherite properties and custom variables. """ # We check for all Class properties if the host has it # if not, it check all host templates for a value cls = self.inner_class for prop in self.apply_partial_inheritance(prop) for i in itertools.chain(self.items.itervalues(), self.templates.itervalues()): i.get_customs_properties_by_inheritance(0) # We've got a contacts property with , separated contacts names # and we want have a list of Contacts
[docs] def linkify_with_contacts(self, contacts): for i in self: if hasattr(i, 'contacts'): contacts_tab = strip_and_uniq(i.contacts) new_contacts = [] for c_name in contacts_tab: if c_name != '': c = contacts.find_by_name(c_name) if c is not None: new_contacts.append(c) # Else: Add in the errors tab. # will be raised at is_correct else: err = "the contact '%s' defined for '%s' is unknown" % (c_name, i.get_name()) i.configuration_errors.append(err) # Get the list, but first make elements uniq i.contacts = list(set(new_contacts)) # Make link between an object and its escalations
[docs] def linkify_with_escalations(self, escalations): for i in self: if hasattr(i, 'escalations'): escalations_tab = strip_and_uniq(i.escalations) new_escalations = [] for es_name in [e for e in escalations_tab if e != '']: es = escalations.find_by_name(es_name) if es is not None: new_escalations.append(es) else: # Escalation not find, not good! err = "the escalation '%s' defined for '%s' is unknown" % (es_name, i.get_name()) i.configuration_errors.append(err) i.escalations = new_escalations # Make link between item and it's resultmodulations
[docs] def linkify_with_resultmodulations(self, resultmodulations): for i in self: if hasattr(i, 'resultmodulations'): resultmodulations_tab = strip_and_uniq(i.resultmodulations) new_resultmodulations = [] for rm_name in resultmodulations_tab: rm = resultmodulations.find_by_name(rm_name) if rm is not None: new_resultmodulations.append(rm) else: err = ("the result modulation '%s' defined on the %s " "'%s' do not exist" % (rm_name, i.__class__.my_type, i.get_name())) i.configuration_warnings.append(err) continue i.resultmodulations = new_resultmodulations # Make link between item and it's business_impact_modulations
[docs] def linkify_with_business_impact_modulations(self, business_impact_modulations): for i in self: if hasattr(i, 'business_impact_modulations'): business_impact_modulations_tab = strip_and_uniq(i.business_impact_modulations) new_business_impact_modulations = [] for rm_name in business_impact_modulations_tab: rm = business_impact_modulations.find_by_name(rm_name) if rm is not None: new_business_impact_modulations.append(rm) else: err = ("the business impact modulation '%s' defined on the %s " "'%s' do not exist" % (rm_name, i.__class__.my_type, i.get_name())) i.configuration_errors.append(err) continue i.business_impact_modulations = new_business_impact_modulations # If we've got a contact_groups properties, we search for all # theses groups and ask them their contacts, and then add them # all into our contacts property
[docs] def explode_contact_groups_into_contacts(self, item, contactgroups): if hasattr(item, 'contact_groups'): # TODO : See if we can remove this if if isinstance(item.contact_groups, list): cgnames = item.contact_groups else: cgnames = item.contact_groups.split(',') cgnames = strip_and_uniq(cgnames) for cgname in cgnames: cg = contactgroups.find_by_name(cgname) if cg is None: err = "The contact group '%s' defined on the %s '%s' do " \ "not exist" % (cgname, item.__class__.my_type, item.get_name()) item.configuration_errors.append(err) continue cnames = contactgroups.get_members_by_name(cgname) # We add contacts into our contacts if cnames != []: if hasattr(item, 'contacts'): item.contacts.extend(cnames) else: item.contacts = cnames # Link a timeperiod property (prop)
[docs] def linkify_with_timeperiods(self, timeperiods, prop): for i in self: if hasattr(i, prop): tpname = getattr(i, prop).strip() # some default values are '', so set None if tpname == '': setattr(i, prop, None) continue # Ok, get a real name, search for it tp = timeperiods.find_by_name(tpname) # If not found, it's an error if tp is None: err = ("The %s of the %s '%s' named " "'%s' is unknown!" % (prop, i.__class__.my_type, i.get_name(), tpname)) i.configuration_errors.append(err) continue # Got a real one, just set it :) setattr(i, prop, tp)
[docs] def create_commandcall(self, prop, commands, command): comandcall = dict(commands=commands, call=command) if hasattr(prop, 'enable_environment_macros'): comandcall['enable_environment_macros'] = prop.enable_environment_macros if hasattr(prop, 'poller_tag'): comandcall['poller_tag'] = prop.poller_tag elif hasattr(prop, 'reactionner_tag'): comandcall['reactionner_tag'] = prop.reactionner_tag return CommandCall(**comandcall) # Link one command property
[docs] def linkify_one_command_with_commands(self, commands, prop): for i in self: if hasattr(i, prop): command = getattr(i, prop).strip() if command != '': cmdCall = self.create_commandcall(i, commands, command) # TODO: catch None? setattr(i, prop, cmdCall) else: setattr(i, prop, None) # Link a command list (commands with , between) in real CommandCalls
[docs] def linkify_command_list_with_commands(self, commands, prop): for i in self: if hasattr(i, prop): coms = strip_and_uniq(getattr(i, prop)) com_list = [] for com in coms: if com != '': cmdCall = self.create_commandcall(i, commands, com) # TODO: catch None? com_list.append(cmdCall) else: # TODO: catch? pass setattr(i, prop, com_list) # Link with triggers. Can be with a "in source" trigger, or a file name
[docs] def linkify_with_triggers(self, triggers): for i in self: i.linkify_with_triggers(triggers) # We've got a notificationways property with , separated contacts names # and we want have a list of NotificationWay
[docs] def linkify_with_checkmodulations(self, checkmodulations): for i in self: if not hasattr(i, 'checkmodulations'): continue new_checkmodulations = [] for cw_name in i.checkmodulations: cw = checkmodulations.find_by_name(cw_name) if cw is not None: new_checkmodulations.append(cw) else: err = ("The checkmodulations of the %s '%s' named " "'%s' is unknown!" % (i.__class__.my_type, i.get_name(), cw_name)) i.configuration_errors.append(err) # Get the list, but first make elements uniq i.checkmodulations = new_checkmodulations # We've got list of macro modulations as list of names, and # we want real objects
[docs] def linkify_with_macromodulations(self, macromodulations): for i in self: if not hasattr(i, 'macromodulations'): continue new_macromodulations = [] for cw_name in i.macromodulations: cw = macromodulations.find_by_name(cw_name) if cw is not None: new_macromodulations.append(cw) else: err = ("The macromodulations of the %s '%s' named " "'%s' is unknown!" % (i.__class__.my_type, i.get_name(), cw_name)) i.configuration_errors.append(err) # Get the list, but first make elements uniq i.macromodulations = new_macromodulations # Linkify with modules
[docs] def linkify_s_by_plug(self, modules): for s in self: new_modules = [] for plug_name in s.modules: plug_name = plug_name.strip() # don't tread void names if plug_name == '': continue plug = modules.find_by_name(plug_name) if plug is not None: new_modules.append(plug) else: err = "Error: the module %s is unknown for %s" % (plug_name, s.get_name()) s.configuration_errors.append(err) s.modules = new_modules
[docs] def evaluate_hostgroup_expression(self, expr, hosts, hostgroups, look_in='hostgroups'): # print "\n"*10, "looking for expression", expr # Maybe exp is a list, like numerous hostgroups entries in a service, link them if isinstance(expr, list): expr = '|'.join(expr) # print "\n"*10, "looking for expression", expr if look_in == 'hostgroups': f = ComplexExpressionFactory(look_in, hostgroups, hosts) else: # templates f = ComplexExpressionFactory(look_in, hosts, hosts) expr_tree = f.eval_cor_pattern(expr) # print "RES of ComplexExpressionFactory" # print expr_tree # print "Try to resolve the Tree" set_res = expr_tree.resolve_elements() # print "R2d2 final is", set_res # HOOK DBG return list(set_res)
[docs] def get_hosts_from_hostgroups(self, hgname, hostgroups): if not isinstance(hgname, list): hgname = [e.strip() for e in hgname.split(',') if e.strip()] host_names = [] for name in hgname: hg = hostgroups.find_by_name(name) if hg is None: raise ValueError("the hostgroup '%s' is unknown" % hgname) mbrs = [h.strip() for h in hg.get_hosts() if h.strip()] host_names.extend(mbrs) return host_names # If we've got a hostgroup_name property, we search for all # theses groups and ask them their hosts, and then add them # all into our host_name property
[docs] def explode_host_groups_into_hosts(self, item, hosts, hostgroups): hnames_list = [] # Gets item's hostgroup_name hgnames = getattr(item, "hostgroup_name", '') # Defines if hostgroup is a complex expression # Expands hostgroups if is_complex_expr(hgnames): hnames_list.extend(self.evaluate_hostgroup_expression( item.hostgroup_name, hosts, hostgroups)) elif hgnames: try: hnames_list.extend( self.get_hosts_from_hostgroups(hgnames, hostgroups)) except ValueError, e: item.configuration_errors.append(str(e)) # Expands host names hname = getattr(item, "host_name", '') hnames_list.extend([n.strip() for n in hname.split(',') if n.strip()]) hnames = set() for h in hnames_list: # If the host start with a !, it's to be removed from # the hostgroup get list if h.startswith('!'): hst_to_remove = h[1:].strip() try: hnames.remove(hst_to_remove) except KeyError: pass elif h == '*': [hnames.add(h.host_name) for h in hosts.items.itervalues() if getattr(h, 'host_name', '')] # Else it's a host to add, but maybe it's ALL else: hnames.add(h) item.host_name = ','.join(hnames) # Take our trigger strings and create true objects with it
[docs] def explode_trigger_string_into_triggers(self, triggers): for i in self: i.explode_trigger_string_into_triggers(triggers) # Parent graph: use to find quickly relations between all item, and loop # return True if there is a loop
[docs] def no_loop_in_parents(self, attr1, attr2, templates=False): """ Find loop in dependencies. For now, used with the following attributes : :(self, parents): host dependencies from host object :(host_name, dependent_host_name):\ host dependencies from hostdependencies object :(service_description, dependent_service_description): service dependencies from servicedependencies object """ # Ok, we say "from now, no loop :) " r = True # Create parent graph parents = Graph() elts_lst = self if templates: elts_lst = self.templates.values() # Start with all items as nodes for item in elts_lst: # Hack to get self here. Used when looping on host and host parent's if attr1 == "self": obj = item # obj is a host/service [list] else: obj = getattr(item, attr1, None) if obj is not None: if isinstance(obj, list): for sobj in obj: parents.add_node(sobj) else: parents.add_node(obj) # And now fill edges for item in elts_lst: if attr1 == "self": obj1 = item else: obj1 = getattr(item, attr1, None) obj2 = getattr(item, attr2, None) if obj2 is not None: if isinstance(obj2, list): for sobj2 in obj2: if isinstance(obj1, list): for sobj1 in obj1: parents.add_edge(sobj1, sobj2) else: parents.add_edge(obj1, sobj2) else: if isinstance(obj1, list): for sobj1 in obj1: parents.add_edge(sobj1, obj2) else: parents.add_edge(obj1, obj2) # Now get the list of all item in a loop items_in_loops = parents.loop_check() # and raise errors about it for item in items_in_loops: logger.error("The %s object '%s' is part of a circular parent/child chain!", item.my_type, item.get_name()) r = False return r
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