Getting Help and Ways to Contribute

Shinken resources for users (help) :

The documentation wiki contains a Getting started section for how-to and tutorial related information. It also hosts an official documentation that has the full in-depth details and a how to contribute section where you can learn how to help grow Shinken.

Your input and support is a precious resource. If the documentation is not clear, or you need help finding that nugget of information, the support forum has the answer to your burning questions. The Shinken Ideas page is a good place to let the development team how Shinken can improve to meet new challenges or better serve its user base.

Ways to contribute :

  • help on the documentation Shinken documentation
  • help on updating this web site
  • help on tracking and fixing bugs, Shinken is on github to make it easy!
  • coding new features, modules and test cases
  • performance profiling of the various daemons, interfaces and modules
  • providing references for large installations
  • submitting ideas to Shinken Ideas
  • responding to questions on the forums


Guidelines and resources are described for users in the first section and power users and developers in the second section.

Shinken Guidelines for developers and power users :

Guidelines that should be followed when contributing to the code

  • Guidelines - Hacking the code [Examples of Shinken programming]
  • Guidelines - How to add a new WebUI page
  • Guidelines - Test driven development [How to create and run tests]
  • Guidelines - Programming rules [Style, technical debt, logging]
  • Informational - Feature planning process and release cycle

Resources for developers and power users

For bug hunting and programming, you will need to look at the “How to hacking” tutorial page.

GitHub offers great facilities to fork, test, commit, review and comment anything related to Shinken. You can also follow the projects progress in real time.

There is a development mailing list where you can join us. Come and let us know what you think about Shinken, propose your help or ask for it. :)

Thank you for your help in making this software an open source success.

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