Source code for shinken.modulesmanager

#!/usr/bin/env python

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2009-2012:
#     Gabes Jean,
#     Gerhard Lausser,
#     Gregory Starck,
#     Hartmut Goebel,
# This file is part of Shinken.
# Shinken is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Shinken is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with Shinken.  If not, see <>.

import os
import time
import sys
import traceback
import cStringIO
import imp

from shinken.basemodule import BaseModule
from shinken.log import logger

# We need to manage pre-2.0 module types with _ into the new 2.0 - mode
[docs]def uniform_module_type(s): return s.replace('_', '-')
[docs]class ModulesManager(object): """This class is use to manage modules and call callback""" def __init__(self, modules_type, modules_path, modules): self.modules_path = modules_path self.modules_type = modules_type self.modules = modules self.allowed_types = [uniform_module_type(plug.module_type) for plug in modules] self.imported_modules = [] self.modules_assoc = [] self.instances = [] self.to_restart = [] self.max_queue_size = 0 self.manager = None
[docs] def load_manager(self, manager): self.manager = manager # Set the modules requested for this manager
[docs] def set_modules(self, modules): self.modules = modules self.allowed_types = [uniform_module_type(mod.module_type) for mod in modules]
[docs] def set_max_queue_size(self, max_queue_size): self.max_queue_size = max_queue_size # Import, instanciate & "init" the modules we have been requested
[docs] def load_and_init(self): self.load() self.get_instances() # Try to import the requested modules ; put the imported modules in self.imported_modules. # The previous imported modules, if any, are cleaned before.
[docs] def load(self): now = int(time.time()) # We get all modules file with .py modules_files = []#fname[:-3] for fname in os.listdir(self.modules_path) #if fname.endswith(".py")] # And directories modules_files.extend([fname for fname in os.listdir(self.modules_path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.modules_path, fname))]) # Now we try to load them # So first we add their dir into the sys.path if not self.modules_path in sys.path: sys.path.append(self.modules_path) # We try to import them, but we keep only the one of # our type del self.imported_modules[:] for fname in modules_files: try: # Then we load the inside this directory mod_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.modules_path, fname,'')) mod_dir = os.path.dirname(mod_file) # We add this dir to sys.path so the module can load local files too sys.path.append(mod_dir) if not os.path.exists(mod_file): mod_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.modules_path, fname,'module.pyc')) m = None if mod_file.endswith('.py'): # important, equivalent to import fname from m = imp.load_source(fname, mod_file) else: m = imp.load_compiled(fname, mod_file) m_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(m.__file__)) # Look if it's a valid module if not hasattr(m, 'properties'): logger.warning('Bad module file for %s : missing properties dict' % mod_file) continue # We want to keep only the modules of our type if self.modules_type in['daemons']: self.imported_modules.append(m) except Exception, exp: # Oups, somethign went wrong here... logger.warning("Importing module %s: %s" % (fname, exp)) # Now we want to find in theses modules the ones we are looking for del self.modules_assoc[:] for mod_conf in self.modules: module_type = uniform_module_type(mod_conf.module_type) is_find = False for module in self.imported_modules: if uniform_module_type(['type']) == module_type: self.modules_assoc.append((mod_conf, module)) is_find = True break if not is_find: # No module is suitable, we Raise a Warning logger.warning("The module type %s for %s was not found in modules!" % (module_type, mod_conf.get_name())) # Try to "init" the given module instance. # If late_start, don't look for last_init_try # Returns: True on successful init. False if instance init method raised any Exception.
[docs] def try_instance_init(self, inst, late_start=False): try:"Trying to init module: %s" % inst.get_name()) inst.init_try += 1 # Maybe it's a retry if not late_start and inst.init_try > 1: # Do not try until 5 sec, or it's too loopy if inst.last_init_try > time.time() - 5: return False inst.last_init_try = time.time() # If it's an external, create/update Queues() if inst.is_external: inst.create_queues(self.manager) inst.init() except Exception, e: logger.error("The instance %s raised an exception %s, I remove it!" % (inst.get_name(), str(e))) output = cStringIO.StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=output) logger.error("Back trace of this remove: %s" % (output.getvalue())) output.close() return False return True # Request to "remove" the given instances list or all if not provided
[docs] def clear_instances(self, insts=None): if insts is None: insts = self.instances[:] # have to make a copy of the list for i in insts: self.remove_instance(i) # Put an instance to the restart queue
[docs] def set_to_restart(self, inst): self.to_restart.append(inst) # actually only arbiter call this method with start_external=False.. # Create, init and then returns the list of module instances that the caller needs. # If an instance can't be created or init'ed then only log is done. # That instance is skipped. The previous modules instance(s), if any, are all cleaned.
[docs] def get_instances(self): self.clear_instances() for (mod_conf, module) in self.modules_assoc: try: = inst = module.get_instance(mod_conf) # Give the module the data to which module it is load from inst.set_loaded_into(self.modules_type) if inst is None: # None = Bad thing happened :)"get_instance for module %s returned None!" % (mod_conf.get_name())) continue assert(isinstance(inst, BaseModule)) self.instances.append(inst) except Exception, exp: s = str(exp) if isinstance(s, str): s = s.decode('UTF-8', 'replace') logger.error("The module %s raised an exception %s, I remove it!" % (mod_conf.get_name(), s)) output = cStringIO.StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=output) logger.error("Back trace of this remove: %s" % (output.getvalue())) output.close() for inst in self.instances: # External are not init now, but only when they are started if not inst.is_external and not self.try_instance_init(inst): # If the init failed, we put in in the restart queue logger.warning("The module '%s' failed to init, I will try to restart it later" % inst.get_name()) self.to_restart.append(inst) return self.instances # Launch external instances that are load correctly
[docs] def start_external_instances(self, late_start=False): for inst in [inst for inst in self.instances if inst.is_external]: # But maybe the init failed a bit, so bypass this ones from now if not self.try_instance_init(inst, late_start=late_start): logger.warning("The module '%s' failed to init, I will try to restart it later" % inst.get_name()) self.to_restart.append(inst) continue # ok, init succeed"Starting external module %s" % inst.get_name()) inst.start() # Request to cleanly remove the given instance. # If instance is external also shutdown it cleanly
[docs] def remove_instance(self, inst): # External instances need to be close before (process + queues) if inst.is_external: logger.debug("Ask stop process for %s" % inst.get_name()) inst.stop_process() logger.debug("Stop process done") inst.clear_queues(self.manager) # Then do not listen anymore about it self.instances.remove(inst)
[docs] def check_alive_instances(self): # Only for external for inst in self.instances: if not inst in self.to_restart: if inst.is_external and not inst.process.is_alive(): logger.error("The external module %s goes down unexpectedly!" % inst.get_name())"Setting the module %s to restart" % inst.get_name()) # We clean its queues, they are no more useful inst.clear_queues(self.manager) self.to_restart.append(inst) # Ok, no need to look at queue size now continue # Now look for man queue size. If above value, the module should got a huge problem # and so bailout. It's not a perfect solution, more a watchdog # If max_queue_size is 0, don't check this if self.max_queue_size == 0: continue # Ok, go launch the dog! queue_size = 0 try: queue_size = inst.to_q.qsize() except Exception, exp: pass if queue_size > self.max_queue_size: logger.error("The external module %s got a too high brok queue size (%s > %s)!" % (inst.get_name(), queue_size, self.max_queue_size))"Setting the module %s to restart" % inst.get_name()) # We clean its queues, they are no more useful inst.clear_queues(self.manager) self.to_restart.append(inst)
[docs] def try_to_restart_deads(self): to_restart = self.to_restart[:] del self.to_restart[:] for inst in to_restart: logger.debug("I should try to reinit %s" % inst.get_name()) if self.try_instance_init(inst): logger.debug("Good, I try to restart %s" % inst.get_name()) # If it's an external, it will start it inst.start() # Ok it's good now :) else: self.to_restart.append(inst) # Do not give to others inst that got problems
[docs] def get_internal_instances(self, phase=None): return [inst for inst in self.instances if not inst.is_external and phase in inst.phases and inst not in self.to_restart]
[docs] def get_external_instances(self, phase=None): return [inst for inst in self.instances if inst.is_external and phase in inst.phases and inst not in self.to_restart]
[docs] def get_external_to_queues(self): return [inst.to_q for inst in self.instances if inst.is_external and inst not in self.to_restart]
[docs] def get_external_from_queues(self): return [inst.from_q for inst in self.instances if inst.is_external and inst not in self.to_restart]
[docs] def stop_all(self): # Ask internal to quit if they can for inst in self.get_internal_instances(): if hasattr(inst, 'quit') and callable(inst.quit): inst.quit() self.clear_instances([inst for inst in self.instances if inst.is_external])
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