Send sms by gateway

Shinken can be used to send sms to you and other people when you got an alert.

I will tell you how to do it with ovh gateway. If you need for another one you need to modify a little bit the information.

1. you need to go to your contact file which is for linux in /etc/shinken/contacts/

For each user you need to add her phone number in the pager line. (For ovh you need to do it with 0032 for example and not +32 , all phone number must be with the international prefix).

In the same file you need also to add these lines in each contact you want that I receive ams.

host_notifications_enabled      1                    // This will activate the notifications for the hosts
service_notifications_enabled   1                    // This will activate the notifications for the services
notificationways SMS                                 // This is the name of your notifications ways ( You can write what you want but remember what you set )

Then you need to add this at the end of the contacts.cfg

define notificationway{
     notificationway_name            SMS           // Here you need to put the name of the notifications ways you write up
     service_notification_period     24x7          // Here I will receive ams all the time, If you wanna receive them for only the night replace 24x7 by night.
     host_notification_period        24x7          // Same as above
     service_notification_options    w,c,r         // It tell that I want receive a sms for the hosts who are in warning / critical / recovery
    host_notification_options         d,r          // It tell that I want receive a sms for the services who are down and recovery
     service_notification_commands   notify-service-by-ovhsms // The name of the notifications
     host_notification_commands      notify-host-by-ovhsms

2. you need to go to your commands file which is in /etc/shinken/commands/

And add these line at the end.

# Notify Service by SMS-OVH
define command {
  command_name        notify-service-by-ovhsms     // Should be the same as in the contacts.cfg
  command_line        $PLUGINSDIR$/  $CONTACTPAGER$ $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ $SERVICEDESC$ $HOSTNAME$ $SE$ // Tell wich script shinken as to use to send sms. We will create it after.

# Notify host by SMS-OVH
define command {
  command_name        notify-host-by-ovhsms      * * Should be the same as in the contacts.cfg
  command_line        $PLUGINSDIR$/ $CONTACTPAGER$ $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ $SERVICEDESC$ $HOSTNAME$ $SER$ // Tell wich script shinken as to use to send sms. We will create it after.

3. Add the script

First you need to be the shinken user so do a : su shinken do a : cd /var/lib/shinken/libexec/ and then create and edit your new script with the name you set above : nano -w


date > ~/datesms

textesms="**"$NOTIFICATIONTYPE" alerte - "$HOSTALIAS"/"$SERVICEDESC" is "$SERVICESTATE" **" // This is the message who will be send. You can add something if you want.
wget -o ~/logenvoisms -O ~/reponse "$1&contentType=text/xml&message=$textesms"     // This is the command who will send the sms. You need to adapt it with you gateway settings.

exit 0

4. Test It

Save your file and do : “exit” To exit the shinken user. Then set down one of your host or service to test if you receive it.

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