Source code for shinken.daemon

#!/usr/bin/env python

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2009-2012:
#     Gabes Jean,
#     Gerhard Lausser,
#     Gregory Starck,
#     Hartmut Goebel,
# This file is part of Shinken.
# Shinken is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Shinken is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with Shinken.  If not, see <>.

import os
import errno
import sys
import time
import signal
import select
import random
import ConfigParser
import json
import threading
import inspect
import traceback
import cStringIO
import logging
import inspect

# Try to see if we are in an android device or not
is_android = True
    import android
except ImportError:
    is_android = False

if not is_android:
    from multiprocessing import Queue, Manager, active_children, cpu_count
    from multiprocessing.managers import SyncManager
    from multiprocessing import active_children

import http_daemon
from shinken.http_daemon import HTTPDaemon, InvalidWorkDir
from shinken.log import logger
from shinken.modulesctx import modulesctx
from shinken.modulesmanager import ModulesManager
from import StringProp, BoolProp, PathProp, ConfigPathProp, IntegerProp, LogLevelProp

    import pwd, grp
    from pwd import getpwnam
    from grp import getgrnam

    def get_cur_user():
        return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name

    def get_cur_group():
        return grp.getgrgid(os.getgid()).gr_name
except ImportError, exp:  # Like in nt system or Android
    # temporary workaround:
[docs] def get_cur_user(): return "shinken"
[docs] def get_cur_group(): return "shinken" ########################## DAEMON PART ############################### # The standard I/O file descriptors are redirected to /dev/null by default.
REDIRECT_TO = getattr(os, "devnull", "/dev/null") UMASK = 027 from shinken.bin import VERSION """ TODO: Add some comment about this class for the doc"""
[docs]class InvalidPidFile(Exception): pass
""" Interface for Inter satellites communications """
[docs]class Interface(object): # 'app' is to be set to the owner of this interface. def __init__(self, app): = app self.running_id = "%d.%d" % (time.time(), random.random()) doc = 'Test the connexion to the daemon. Returns: pong'
[docs] def ping(self): return "pong"
ping.need_lock = False ping.doc = doc doc = 'Get the current running id of the daemon (scheduler)'
[docs] def get_running_id(self): return self.running_id
get_running_id.need_lock = False get_running_id.doc = doc doc = 'Send a new configuration to the daemon (internal)'
[docs] def put_conf(self, conf): = conf
put_conf.method = 'post' put_conf.doc = doc doc = 'Ask the daemon to wait a new conf'
[docs] def wait_new_conf(self): = None
wait_new_conf.need_lock = False wait_new_conf.doc = doc doc = 'Does the daemon got an active configuration'
[docs] def have_conf(self): return is not None
have_conf.need_lock = False have_conf.doc = doc doc = 'Set the current log level in [NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, UNKNOWN]'
[docs] def set_log_level(self, loglevel): return logger.set_level(loglevel)
set_log_level.doc = doc doc = 'Get the current log level in [NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, UNKNOWN]'
[docs] def get_log_level(self): return {logging.NOTSET: 'NOTSET', logging.DEBUG:'DEBUG', logging.INFO: 'INFO', logging.WARNING: 'WARNING', logging.ERROR : 'ERROR', logging.CRITICAL : 'CRITICAL'}.get(logger._level, 'UNKNOWN')
get_log_level.doc = doc doc = 'List the methods available on the daemon'
[docs] def api(self): return
api.doc = doc doc = 'List the api methods and their parameters'
[docs] def api_full(self): res = {} for (fname, f) in fclean = fname.replace('_', '-') argspec = inspect.getargspec(f) args = [a for a in argspec.args if a != 'self'] defaults =, {}) e = {} # Get a string about the args and co _s_nondef_args = ', '.join([a for a in args if a not in defaults]) _s_def_args = ', '.join( ['%s=%s' % (k,v) for (k,v) in defaults.iteritems()] ) _s_args = '' if _s_nondef_args: _s_args +=_s_nondef_args if _s_def_args: _s_args += ', '+_s_def_args e['proto'] = '%s(%s)' % (fclean, _s_args) e['need_lock'] = getattr(f, 'need_lock', True) e['method'] = getattr(f, 'method', 'GET').upper() e['encode'] = getattr(f, 'encode', 'json') doc = getattr(f, 'doc', '') if doc: e['doc'] = doc res[fclean] = e return res
api.doc = doc # If we are under android, we can't give parameters
if is_android: DEFAULT_WORK_DIR = '/sdcard/sl4a/scripts/' DEFAULT_LIB_DIR = DEFAULT_WORK_DIR else: DEFAULT_WORK_DIR = '/var/run/shinken/' DEFAULT_LIB_DIR = '/var/lib/shinken/'
[docs]class Daemon(object): properties = { # workdir is relative to $(dirname "$0"/..) # where "$0" is the path of the file being executed, # in python normally known as: # # os.path.join( os.getcwd(), sys.argv[0] ) # # as returned once the daemon is started. 'workdir': PathProp(default=DEFAULT_WORK_DIR), 'modules_dir': PathProp(default=os.path.join(DEFAULT_LIB_DIR, 'modules')), 'host': StringProp(default=''), 'user': StringProp(default=get_cur_user()), 'group': StringProp(default=get_cur_group()), 'use_ssl': BoolProp(default='0'), 'server_key': StringProp(default='etc/certs/server.key'), 'ca_cert': StringProp(default='etc/certs/ca.pem'), 'server_cert': StringProp(default='etc/certs/server.cert'), 'use_local_log': BoolProp(default='1'), 'log_level': LogLevelProp(default='WARNING'), 'hard_ssl_name_check': BoolProp(default='0'), 'idontcareaboutsecurity': BoolProp(default='0'), 'daemon_enabled':BoolProp(default='1'), 'spare': BoolProp(default='0'), 'max_queue_size': IntegerProp(default='0'), 'daemon_thread_pool_size': IntegerProp(default='8'), 'http_backend': StringProp(default='auto'), } def __init__(self, name, config_file, is_daemon, do_replace, debug, debug_file): self.check_shm() = name self.config_file = config_file self.is_daemon = is_daemon self.do_replace = do_replace self.debug = debug self.debug_file = debug_file self.interrupted = False # Track time now = time.time() self.program_start = now self.t_each_loop = now # used to track system time change self.sleep_time = 0.0 # used to track the time we wait self.http_daemon = None # Log init #self.log = logger #self.log.load_obj(self) logger.load_obj(self) self.new_conf = None # used by controller to push conf self.cur_conf = None # Flag to know if we need to dump memory or not self.need_dump_memory = False # Flag to dump objects or not self.need_objects_dump = False # Keep a trace of the local_log file desc if needed self.local_log_fd = None # Put in queue some debug output we will raise # when we will be in daemon self.debug_output = [] # We will initialize the Manager() when we load modules # and be really forked() self.manager = None os.umask(UMASK) self.set_exit_handler() # At least, lose the local log file if needed
[docs] def do_stop(self): # Maybe the modules manager is not even created! if getattr(self, 'modules_manager', None): # We save what we can but NOT for the scheduler # because the current sched object is a dummy one # and the old one has already done it! if not hasattr(self, 'sched'): self.hook_point('save_retention') # And we quit print('Stopping all modules') self.modules_manager.stop_all() print('Stopping inter-process message') if self.http_daemon: # Release the lock so the daemon can shutdown without problem try: self.http_daemon.lock.release() except: pass self.http_daemon.shutdown() logger.quit()
[docs] def request_stop(self): self.unlink() self.do_stop() # Brok facilities are no longer available simply print the message to STDOUT print ("Stopping daemon. Exiting", ) sys.exit(0) # Maybe this daemon is configured to NOT run, if so, bailout
[docs] def look_for_early_exit(self): if not self.daemon_enabled:'This daemon is disabled in configuration. Bailing out') self.request_stop()
[docs] def do_loop_turn(self): raise NotImplementedError() # Main loop for nearly all daemon # the scheduler is not managed by it :'(
[docs] def do_mainloop(self): while True: self.do_loop_turn() # If ask us to dump memory, do it if self.need_dump_memory: self.dump_memory() self.need_dump_memory = False if self.need_objects_dump: logger.debug('Dumping objects') self.need_objects_dump = False # Maybe we ask us to die, if so, do it :) if self.interrupted: break self.request_stop()
[docs] def do_load_modules(self): self.modules_manager.load_and_init()"I correctly loaded the modules: [%s]" % (','.join([inst.get_name() for inst in self.modules_manager.instances]))) # Dummy method for adding broker to this daemon
[docs] def add(self, elt): pass
[docs] def dump_memory(self):"I dump my memory, it can take a minute") try: from guppy import hpy hp = hpy() except ImportError: logger.warning('I do not have the module guppy for memory dump, please install it')
[docs] def load_config_file(self): self.parse_config_file() if self.config_file is not None: # Some paths can be relatives. We must have a full path by taking # the config file by reference self.relative_paths_to_full(os.path.dirname(self.config_file))
[docs] def load_modules_manager(self): self.modules_manager = ModulesManager(, self.find_modules_path(), []) # Set the modules watchdogs # TOFIX: Beware, the arbiter do not have the max_queue_size property self.modules_manager.set_max_queue_size(getattr(self, 'max_queue_size', 0)) # And make the module manager load the sub-process Queue() manager self.modules_manager.load_manager(self.manager)
[docs] def change_to_workdir(self): self.workdir = os.path.abspath(self.workdir) try: os.chdir(self.workdir) except Exception, e: raise InvalidWorkDir(e) self.debug_output.append("Successfully changed to workdir: %s" % (self.workdir))
[docs] def register_local_log(self): # The arbiter doesn't have such attribute if hasattr(self, 'use_local_log') and self.use_local_log: try: #self.local_log_fd = self.log.register_local_log(self.local_log) self.local_log_fd = logger.register_local_log(self.local_log) except IOError, exp: logger.error("Opening the log file '%s' failed with '%s'" % (self.local_log, exp)) sys.exit(2)"Using the local log file '%s'" % self.local_log) # Only on linux: Check for /dev/shm write access
[docs] def check_shm(self): import stat shm_path = '/dev/shm' if == 'posix' and os.path.exists(shm_path): # We get the access rights, and we check them mode = stat.S_IMODE(os.lstat(shm_path)[stat.ST_MODE]) if not mode & stat.S_IWUSR or not mode & stat.S_IRUSR: logger.critical("The directory %s is not writable or readable. Please make it read writable: %s" % (shm_path, shm_path)) sys.exit(2)
def __open_pidfile(self, write=False): ## if problem on opening or creating file it'll be raised to the caller: try: p = os.path.abspath(self.pidfile) self.debug_output.append("Opening pid file: %s" % p) # Windows do not manage the rw+ mode, so we must open in read mode first, then reopen it write mode... if not write and os.path.exists(p): self.fpid = open(p, 'r+') else: # If it doesn't exist too, we create it as void self.fpid = open(p, 'w+') except Exception as err: raise InvalidPidFile(err) # Check (in pidfile) if there isn't already a daemon running. If yes and do_replace: kill it. # Keep in self.fpid the File object to the pidfile. Will be used by writepid.
[docs] def check_parallel_run(self): # TODO: other daemon run on nt if == 'nt': logger.warning("The parallel daemon check is not available on nt") self.__open_pidfile(write=True) return # First open the pid file in open mode self.__open_pidfile() try: pid = int(self.fpid.readline().strip(' \r\n')) except Exception as err:"Stale pidfile exists at %s (%s). Reusing it." % (err, self.pidfile)) return try: os.kill(pid, 0) except Exception as err: # consider any exception as a stale pidfile. # this includes : # * PermissionError when a process with same pid exists but is executed by another user. # * ProcessLookupError: [Errno 3] No such process."Stale pidfile exists (%s), Reusing it." % err) return if not self.do_replace: raise SystemExit("valid pidfile exists (pid=%s) and not forced to replace. Exiting." % pid) self.debug_output.append("Replacing previous instance %d" % pid) try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGQUIT) except os.error as err: if err.errno != errno.ESRCH: raise self.fpid.close() ## TODO: give some time to wait that previous instance finishes? time.sleep(1) # we must also reopen the pid file in write mode # because the previous instance should have deleted it!! self.__open_pidfile(write=True)
[docs] def write_pid(self, pid=None): if pid is None: pid = os.getpid() self.fpid.truncate() self.fpid.write("%d" % (pid)) self.fpid.close() del self.fpid ## no longer needed # Close all the process file descriptors. Skip the descriptors # present in the skip_close_fds list
[docs] def close_fds(self, skip_close_fds): # First we manage the file descriptor, because debug file can be # relative to pwd import resource maxfd = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[1] if (maxfd == resource.RLIM_INFINITY): maxfd = 1024 # Iterate through and close all file descriptors. for fd in range(0, maxfd): if fd in skip_close_fds: continue try: os.close(fd) except OSError: # ERROR, fd wasn't open to begin with (ignored) pass # Go in "daemon" mode: close unused fds, redirect stdout/err, # chdir, umask, fork-setsid-fork-writepid
[docs] def daemonize(self, skip_close_fds=None): if skip_close_fds is None: skip_close_fds = tuple() self.debug_output.append("Redirecting stdout and stderr as necessary..") if self.debug: fdtemp =, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_TRUNC) else: fdtemp =, os.O_RDWR) ## We close all fd but what we need: self.close_fds(skip_close_fds + (self.fpid.fileno(), fdtemp)) os.dup2(fdtemp, 1) # standard output (1) os.dup2(fdtemp, 2) # standard error (2) # Now the fork/setsid/fork.. try: pid = os.fork() except OSError, e: raise Exception, "%s [%d]" % (e.strerror, e.errno) if pid != 0: # In the father: we check if our child exit correctly # it has to write the pid of our future little child.. def do_exit(sig, frame): logger.error("Timeout waiting child while it should have quickly returned ; something weird happened") os.kill(pid, 9) sys.exit(1) # wait the child process to check its return status: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, do_exit) signal.alarm(3) # forking & writing a pid in a file should be rather quick.. # if it's not then something wrong can already be on the way so let's wait max 3 secs here. pid, status = os.waitpid(pid, 0) if status != 0: logger.error("Something weird happened with/during second fork: status=", status) os._exit(status != 0) # halfway to daemonize.. os.setsid() try: pid = os.fork() except OSError, e: raise Exception, "%s [%d]" % (e.strerror, e.errno) if pid != 0: # we are the last step and the real daemon is actually correctly created at least. # we have still the last responsibility to write the pid of the daemon itself. self.write_pid(pid) os._exit(0) self.fpid.close() del self.fpid = os.getpid() self.debug_output.append("We are now fully daemonized :) pid=%d" % # We can now output some previously silenced debug output logger.warning("Printing stored debug messages prior to our daemonization") for s in self.debug_output: logger.debug(s) del self.debug_output
[docs] def do_daemon_init_and_start(self, use_pyro=True): self.change_to_user_group() self.change_to_workdir() self.check_parallel_run() if use_pyro: self.setup_pyro_daemon() # Setting log level logger.set_level(self.log_level) # Force the debug level if the daemon is said to start with such level if self.debug: logger.set_level('DEBUG') # Then start to log all in the local file if asked so self.register_local_log() if self.is_daemon: socket_fds = [sock.fileno() for sock in self.http_daemon.get_sockets()] # Do not close the local_log file too if it's open if self.local_log_fd: socket_fds.append(self.local_log_fd) socket_fds = tuple(socket_fds) self.daemonize(skip_close_fds=socket_fds) else: self.write_pid() # Now we can start our Manager # interprocess things. It's important! if is_android: self.manager = None else: # The Manager is a sub-process, so we must be sure it won't have # a socket of your http server alive self.manager = SyncManager(('',0)) def close_http_daemon(daemon): try: # Be sure to release the lock so there won't be lock in shutdown phase daemon.lock.release() except Exception, exp: pass daemon.shutdown() # Some multiprocessing lib got problems with start() that cannot take args # so we must look at it before startargs = inspect.getargspec(self.manager.start) # startargs[0] will be ['self'] if old multiprocessing lib # and ['self', 'initializer', 'initargs'] in newer ones # note: windows do not like pickle http_daemon... if != 'nt' and len(startargs[0]) > 1: self.manager.start(close_http_daemon, initargs=(self.http_daemon,)) else: self.manager.start() # Keep this daemon in the http_daemn module # Will be add to the modules manager later # Now start the http_daemon thread self.http_thread = None if use_pyro: # Directly acquire it, so the http_thread will wait for us self.http_daemon.lock.acquire() self.http_thread = threading.Thread(None, self.http_daemon_thread, 'http_thread') # Don't lock the main thread just because of the http thread self.http_thread.daemon = True self.http_thread.start() # TODO: we do not use pyro anymore, change the function name....
[docs] def setup_pyro_daemon(self): if hasattr(self, 'use_ssl'): # "common" daemon ssl_conf = self else: ssl_conf = self.conf # arbiter daemon.. use_ssl = ssl_conf.use_ssl ca_cert = ssl_cert = ssl_key = '' http_backend = self.http_backend # The SSL part if use_ssl: ssl_cert = os.path.abspath(str(ssl_conf.server_cert)) if not os.path.exists(ssl_cert): logger.error('Error : the SSL certificate %s is missing (server_cert). Please fix it in your configuration' % ssl_cert) sys.exit(2) ca_cert = os.path.abspath(str(ssl_conf.ca_cert))"Using ssl ca cert file: %s" % ca_cert) ssl_key = os.path.abspath(str(ssl_conf.server_key)) if not os.path.exists(ssl_key): logger.error('Error : the SSL key %s is missing (server_key). Please fix it in your configuration' % ssl_key) sys.exit(2)"Using ssl server cert/key files: %s/%s" % (ssl_cert, ssl_key)) if ssl_conf.hard_ssl_name_check:"Enabling hard SSL server name verification") # Let's create the HTTPDaemon, it will be exec after self.http_daemon = HTTPDaemon(, self.port, http_backend, use_ssl, ca_cert, ssl_key, ssl_cert, ssl_conf.hard_ssl_name_check, self.daemon_thread_pool_size) http_daemon.daemon_inst = self.http_daemon # Global loop part
[docs] def get_socks_activity(self, socks, timeout): # some os are not managing void socks list, so catch this # and just so a simple sleep instead if socks == []: time.sleep(timeout) return [] try: ins, _, _ =, [], [], timeout) except select.error, e: errnum, _ = e if errnum == errno.EINTR: return [] raise return ins # Find the absolute path of the shinken module directory and returns it. # If the directory do not exist, we must exit!
[docs] def find_modules_path(self): if not hasattr(self, 'modules_dir') or not self.modules_dir: logger.error("Your configuration is missing the path to the modules (modules_dir). I set it by default to /var/lib/shinken/modules. Please configure it") self.modules_dir = '/var/lib/shinken/modules' self.modules_dir = os.path.abspath(self.modules_dir)"Modules directory: %s" % (self.modules_dir)) if not os.path.exists(self.modules_dir): logger.error("The modules directory '%s' is missing! Bailing out. Please fix your configuration" % self.modules_dir) raise Exception("The modules directory '%s' is missing! Bailing out. Please fix your configuration" % self.modules_dir) # Ok remember to populate the modulesctx object modulesctx.set_modulesdir(self.modules_dir) return self.modules_dir # modules can have process, and they can die
[docs] def check_and_del_zombie_modules(self): # Active children make a join with every one, useful :) act = active_children() self.modules_manager.check_alive_instances() # and try to restart previous dead :) self.modules_manager.try_to_restart_deads() # Just give the uid of a user by looking at it's name
[docs] def find_uid_from_name(self): try: return getpwnam(self.user)[2] except KeyError, exp: logger.error("The user %s is unknown" % self.user) return None # Just give the gid of a group by looking at its name
[docs] def find_gid_from_name(self): try: return getgrnam([2] except KeyError, exp: logger.error("The group %s is unknown" % return None # Change user of the running program. Just insult the admin # if he wants root run (it can override). If change failed we sys.exit(2)
[docs] def change_to_user_group(self, insane=None): if insane is None: insane = not self.idontcareaboutsecurity if is_android: logger.warning("You can't change user on this system") return # TODO: change user on nt if == 'nt': logger.warning("You can't change user on this system") return if (self.user == 'root' or == 'root') and not insane: logger.error("You want the application run under the root account?") logger.error("I am not agree with it. If you really want it, put:") logger.error("idontcareaboutsecurity=yes") logger.error("in the config file") logger.error("Exiting") sys.exit(2) uid = self.find_uid_from_name() gid = self.find_gid_from_name() if uid is None or gid is None: logger.error("uid or gid is none. Exiting") sys.exit(2) # Maybe the os module got the initgroups function. If so, try to call it. # Do this when we are still root if hasattr(os, 'initgroups'):'Trying to initialize additional groups for the daemon') try: os.initgroups(self.user, gid) except OSError, e: logger.warning('Cannot call the additional groups setting with initgroups (%s)' % e.strerror) try: # First group, then user :) os.setregid(gid, gid) os.setreuid(uid, uid) except OSError, e: logger.error("cannot change user/group to %s/%s (%s [%d]). Exiting" % (self.user,, e.strerror, e.errno)) sys.exit(2) # Parse self.config_file and get all properties in it. # If some properties need a pythonization, we do it. # Also put default value in the properties if some are missing in the config_file
[docs] def parse_config_file(self): properties = if self.config_file is not None: config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if config._sections == {}: logger.error("Bad or missing config file: %s " % self.config_file) sys.exit(2) try: for (key, value) in config.items('daemon'): if key in properties: value = properties[key].pythonize(value) setattr(self, key, value) except ConfigParser.InterpolationMissingOptionError, e: e = str(e) wrong_variable = e.split('\n')[3].split(':')[1].strip() logger.error("Incorrect or missing variable '%s' in config file : %s" % (wrong_variable, self.config_file)) sys.exit(2) else: logger.warning("No config file specified, use defaults parameters") # Now fill all defaults where missing parameters for prop, entry in properties.items(): if not hasattr(self, prop): value = entry.pythonize(entry.default) setattr(self, prop, value) # Some paths can be relatives. We must have a full path by taking # the config file by reference
[docs] def relative_paths_to_full(self, reference_path): #print "Create relative paths with", reference_path properties = for prop, entry in properties.items(): if isinstance(entry, ConfigPathProp): path = getattr(self, prop) if not os.path.isabs(path): new_path = os.path.join(reference_path, path) #print "DBG: changing", entry, "from", path, "to", new_path path = new_path setattr(self, prop, path) #print "Setting %s for %s" % (path, prop)
[docs] def manage_signal(self, sig, frame): logger.debug("I'm process %d and I received signal %s" % (os.getpid(), str(sig))) if sig == signal.SIGUSR1: # if USR1, ask a memory dump self.need_dump_memory = True elif sig == signal.SIGUSR2: # if USR2, ask objects dump self.need_objects_dump = True else: # Ok, really ask us to die :) self.interrupted = True
[docs] def set_exit_handler(self): func = self.manage_signal if == "nt": try: import win32api win32api.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(func, True) except ImportError: version = ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2])) raise Exception("pywin32 not installed for Python " + version) else: for sig in (signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGUSR1, signal.SIGUSR2): signal.signal(sig, func)
[docs] def get_header(self): return ["Shinken %s" % VERSION, "Copyright (c) 2009-2014:", "Gabes Jean (", "Gerhard Lausser,", "Gregory Starck,", "Hartmut Goebel,", "License: AGPL"]
[docs] def print_header(self): for line in self.get_header(): # Main fonction of the http daemon thread will loop forever unless we stop the root daemon
[docs] def http_daemon_thread(self):"Starting HTTP daemon") # The main thing is to have a pool of X concurrent requests for the http_daemon, # so "no_lock" calls can always be directly answer without having a "locked" version to # finish print "GO FOR IT" try: except Exception, exp: logger.error('The HTTP daemon failed with the error %s, exiting' % str(exp)) output = cStringIO.StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=output) logger.error("Back trace of this error: %s" % (output.getvalue())) output.close() self.do_stop() # Hard mode exit from a thread os._exit(2) # Wait up to timeout to handle the pyro daemon requests. # If suppl_socks is given it also looks for activity on that list of fd. # Returns a 3-tuple: # If timeout: first arg is 0, second is [], third is possible system time change value # If not timeout (== some fd got activity): # - first arg is elapsed time since wait, # - second arg is sublist of suppl_socks that got activity. # - third arg is possible system time change value, or 0 if no change.
[docs] def handleRequests(self, timeout, suppl_socks=None): if suppl_socks is None: suppl_socks = [] before = time.time() socks = [] if suppl_socks: socks.extend(suppl_socks) # Release the lock so the http_thread can manage request during we are waiting if self.http_daemon: self.http_daemon.lock.release() # Ok give me the socks taht moved during the timeout max ins = self.get_socks_activity(socks, timeout) # Ok now get back the global lock! if self.http_daemon: self.http_daemon.lock.acquire() tcdiff = self.check_for_system_time_change() before += tcdiff # Increase our sleep time for the time go in select self.sleep_time += time.time() - before if len(ins) == 0: # trivial case: no fd activity: return 0, [], tcdiff # HERE WAS THE HTTP, but now it's managed in an other thread #for sock in socks: # if sock in ins and sock not in suppl_socks: # ins.remove(sock) # Track in elapsed the WHOLE time, even with handling requests elapsed = time.time() - before if elapsed == 0: # we have done a few instructions in 0 second exactly!? quantum computer? elapsed = 0.01 # but we absolutely need to return!= 0 to indicate that we got activity return elapsed, ins, tcdiff # Check for a possible system time change and act correspondingly. # If such a change is detected then we return the number of seconds that changed. 0 if no time change was detected. # Time change can be positive or negative: # positive when we have been sent in the future and negative if we have been sent in the past.
[docs] def check_for_system_time_change(self): now = time.time() difference = now - self.t_each_loop # If we have more than 15 min time change, we need to compensate it if abs(difference) > 900: self.compensate_system_time_change(difference) else: difference = 0 self.t_each_loop = now return difference # Default action for system time change. Actually a log is done
[docs] def compensate_system_time_change(self, difference): logger.warning('A system time change of %s has been detected. Compensating...' % difference) # Use to wait conf from arbiter. # It send us conf in our http_daemon. It put the have_conf prop # if he send us something # (it can just do a ping)
[docs] def wait_for_initial_conf(self, timeout=1.0):"Waiting for initial configuration") cur_timeout = timeout # Arbiter do not already set our have_conf param while not self.new_conf and not self.interrupted: elapsed, _, _ = self.handleRequests(cur_timeout) if elapsed: cur_timeout -= elapsed if cur_timeout > 0: continue cur_timeout = timeout sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() # We call the function of modules that got the this # hook function
[docs] def hook_point(self, hook_name): for inst in self.modules_manager.instances: full_hook_name = 'hook_' + hook_name if hasattr(inst, full_hook_name): f = getattr(inst, full_hook_name) try: f(self) except Exception, exp: logger.warning('The instance %s raised an exception %s. I disabled it, and set it to restart later' % (inst.get_name(), str(exp))) self.modules_manager.set_to_restart(inst) # Dummy function for daemons. Get all retention data # So a module can save them
[docs] def get_retention_data(self): return [] # Save, to get back all data
[docs] def restore_retention_data(self, data): pass
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