Source code for shinken.objects.service


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2009-2012:
#    Gabes Jean,
#    Gerhard Lausser,
#    Gregory Starck,
#    Hartmut Goebel,
# This file is part of Shinken.
# Shinken is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Shinken is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with Shinken.  If not, see <>.

""" This Class is the service one, s it manage all service specific thing.
If you look at the scheduling part, look at the scheduling item class"""

import time
import re

    from ClusterShell.NodeSet import NodeSet, NodeSetParseRangeError
except ImportError:
    NodeSet = None

from shinken.objects.item import Items
from shinken.objects.schedulingitem import SchedulingItem

from shinken.autoslots import AutoSlots
from shinken.util import strip_and_uniq, format_t_into_dhms_format, to_svc_hst_distinct_lists, \
    GET_KEY_VALUE_SEQUENCE_ERROR_NODE, to_list_string_of_names, to_list_of_names, to_name_if_possible
from import BoolProp, IntegerProp, FloatProp, CharProp, StringProp, ListProp
from shinken.macroresolver import MacroResolver
from shinken.eventhandler import EventHandler
from shinken.log import logger, console_logger

[docs]class Service(SchedulingItem): # AutoSlots create the __slots__ with properties and # running_properties names __metaclass__ = AutoSlots # Every service have a unique ID, and 0 is always special in # database and co... id = 1 # The host and service do not have the same 0 value, now yes :) ok_up = 'OK' # used by item class for format specific value like for Broks my_type = 'service' # properties defined by configuration # required: is required in conf # default: default value if no set in conf # pythonize: function to call when transforming string to python object # fill_brok: if set, send to broker. there are two categories: # full_status for initial and update status, check_result for check results # no_slots: do not take this property for __slots__ properties = properties.update({ 'host_name': StringProp(fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result', 'next_schedule']), 'hostgroup_name': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), 'service_description': StringProp(fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result', 'next_schedule']), 'display_name': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'servicegroups': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status'], brok_transformation=to_list_string_of_names, merging='join'), 'is_volatile': BoolProp(default='0', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'check_command': StringProp(fill_brok=['full_status']), 'initial_state': CharProp(default='o', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'max_check_attempts': IntegerProp(default='1',fill_brok=['full_status']), 'check_interval': IntegerProp(fill_brok=['full_status']), 'retry_interval': IntegerProp(fill_brok=['full_status']), 'active_checks_enabled': BoolProp(default='1', fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'passive_checks_enabled': BoolProp(default='1', fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'check_period': StringProp(brok_transformation=to_name_if_possible, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'obsess_over_service': BoolProp(default='0', fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'check_freshness': BoolProp(default='0', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'freshness_threshold': IntegerProp(default='0', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'event_handler': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'event_handler_enabled': BoolProp(default='0', fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'low_flap_threshold': IntegerProp(default='-1', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'high_flap_threshold': IntegerProp(default='-1', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'flap_detection_enabled': BoolProp(default='1', fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'flap_detection_options': ListProp(default='o,w,c,u', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'process_perf_data': BoolProp(default='1', fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'retain_status_information': BoolProp(default='1', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'retain_nonstatus_information': BoolProp(default='1', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'notification_interval': IntegerProp(default='60', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'first_notification_delay': IntegerProp(default='0', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'notification_period': StringProp(brok_transformation=to_name_if_possible, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'notification_options': ListProp(default='w,u,c,r,f,s', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'notifications_enabled': BoolProp(default='1', fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'contacts': StringProp(default='', brok_transformation=to_list_of_names, fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), 'contact_groups': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), 'stalking_options': ListProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), 'notes': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'notes_url': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'action_url': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'icon_image': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'icon_image_alt': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'icon_set': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'failure_prediction_enabled': BoolProp(default='0', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'parallelize_check': BoolProp(default='1', fill_brok=['full_status']), # Shinken specific 'poller_tag': StringProp(default='None'), 'reactionner_tag': StringProp(default='None'), 'resultmodulations': StringProp(default='', merging='join'), 'business_impact_modulations': StringProp(default='', merging='join'), 'escalations': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), 'maintenance_period': StringProp(default='', brok_transformation=to_name_if_possible, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'time_to_orphanage': IntegerProp(default="300", fill_brok=['full_status']), 'merge_host_contacts': BoolProp(default='0', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'labels': ListProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), # BUSINESS CORRELATOR PART # Business rules output format template 'business_rule_output_template': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), # Business rules notifications mode 'business_rule_smart_notifications': BoolProp(default='0', fill_brok=['full_status']), # Treat downtimes as acknowledgements in smart notifications 'business_rule_downtime_as_ack': BoolProp(default='0', fill_brok=['full_status']), # Enforces child nodes notification options 'business_rule_host_notification_options': ListProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), 'business_rule_service_notification_options': ListProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), # Easy Service dep definition 'service_dependencies': ListProp(default='', merging='join'), # TODO: find a way to brok it? # service generator 'duplicate_foreach': StringProp(default=''), 'default_value': StringProp(default=''), # Business_Impact value 'business_impact': IntegerProp(default='2', fill_brok=['full_status']), # Load some triggers 'trigger': StringProp(default=''), 'trigger_name': ListProp(default=''), 'trigger_broker_raise_enabled': BoolProp(default='0'), # Trending 'trending_policies': ListProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), # Our check ways. By defualt void, but will filled by an inner if need 'checkmodulations': ListProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), 'macromodulations': ListProp(default='', merging='join'), # Custom views 'custom_views' : ListProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status'], merging='join'), # UI aggregation 'aggregation' : StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status']), }) # properties used in the running state running_properties = SchedulingItem.running_properties.copy() running_properties.update({ 'modified_attributes': IntegerProp(default=0L, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'last_chk': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'next_chk': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'next_schedule'], retention=True), 'in_checking': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result', 'next_schedule'], retention=True), 'in_maintenance': IntegerProp(default=None, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'latency': FloatProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True,), 'attempt': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'state': StringProp(default='PENDING', fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'state_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'current_event_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_event_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_state': StringProp(default='PENDING', fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_state_type': StringProp(default='HARD', fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_state_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_state_change': FloatProp(default=0.0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_hard_state_change': FloatProp(default=0.0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_hard_state': StringProp(default='PENDING', fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'last_hard_state_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'last_time_ok': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_time_warning': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_time_critical': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_time_unknown': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'duration_sec': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'state_type': StringProp(default='HARD', fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'state_type_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'output': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'long_output': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'is_flapping': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), # dependencies for actions like notif of event handler, # so AFTER check return 'act_depend_of': ListProp(default=[]), # dependencies for checks raise, so BEFORE checks 'chk_depend_of': ListProp(default=[]), # elements that depend of me, so the reverse than just upper 'act_depend_of_me': ListProp(default=[]), # elements that depend of me 'chk_depend_of_me': ListProp(default=[]), 'last_state_update': FloatProp(default=0.0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'checks_in_progress': ListProp(default=[]), # no brok because checks are too linked 'notifications_in_progress': ListProp(default={}, retention=True), # no broks because notifications are too linked 'downtimes': ListProp(default=[], fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'comments': ListProp(default=[], fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'flapping_changes': ListProp(default=[], fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'flapping_comment_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'percent_state_change': FloatProp(default=0.0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'problem_has_been_acknowledged': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'acknowledgement': StringProp(default=None, retention=True), 'acknowledgement_type': IntegerProp(default=1, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'check_type': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'has_been_checked': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'should_be_scheduled': IntegerProp(default=1, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'last_problem_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'current_problem_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'execution_time': FloatProp(default=0.0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'u_time': FloatProp(default=0.0), 's_time': FloatProp(default=0.0), 'last_notification': FloatProp(default=0.0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'current_notification_number': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'current_notification_id': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'check_flapping_recovery_notification': BoolProp(default=True, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'scheduled_downtime_depth': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'pending_flex_downtime': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'timeout': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'start_time': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'end_time': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'early_timeout': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'return_code': IntegerProp(default=0, fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'perf_data': StringProp(default='', fill_brok=['full_status', 'check_result'], retention=True), 'last_perf_data': StringProp(default='', retention=True), 'host': StringProp(default=None), 'customs': ListProp(default={}, fill_brok=['full_status']), # Warning: for the notified_contacts retention save, we save only the names of the contacts, and we should RELINK # them when we load it. 'notified_contacts': ListProp(default=set(), retention=True, retention_preparation=to_list_of_names), # use for having all contacts we have notified 'in_scheduled_downtime': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status'], retention=True), 'in_scheduled_downtime_during_last_check': BoolProp(default=False, retention=True), 'actions': ListProp(default=[]), # put here checks and notif raised 'broks': ListProp(default=[]), # and here broks raised # Problem/impact part 'is_problem': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status']), 'is_impact': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status']), # the save value of our business_impact for "problems" 'my_own_business_impact': IntegerProp(default=-1, fill_brok=['full_status']), # list of problems that make us an impact 'source_problems': ListProp(default=[], fill_brok=['full_status'], brok_transformation=to_svc_hst_distinct_lists), # list of the impact I'm the cause of 'impacts': ListProp(default=[], fill_brok=['full_status'], brok_transformation=to_svc_hst_distinct_lists), # keep a trace of the old state before being an impact 'state_before_impact': StringProp(default='PENDING'), # keep a trace of the old state id before being an impact 'state_id_before_impact': IntegerProp(default=0), # if the state change, we know so we do not revert it 'state_changed_since_impact': BoolProp(default=False), # BUSINESS CORRELATOR PART # Say if we are business based rule or not 'got_business_rule': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status']), # Previously processed business rule (with macro expanded) 'processed_business_rule': StringProp(default="", fill_brok=['full_status']), # Our Dependency node for the business rule 'business_rule': StringProp(default=None), # Here it's the elements we are depending on # so our parents as network relation, or a host # we are depending in a hostdependency # or even if we are business based. 'parent_dependencies': StringProp(default=set(), brok_transformation=to_svc_hst_distinct_lists, fill_brok=['full_status']), # Here it's the guys that depend on us. So it's the total # opposite of the parent_dependencies 'child_dependencies': StringProp(brok_transformation=to_svc_hst_distinct_lists, default=set(), fill_brok=['full_status']), # Manage the unknown/unreach during hard state 'in_hard_unknown_reach_phase': BoolProp(default=False, retention=True), 'was_in_hard_unknown_reach_phase': BoolProp(default=False, retention=True), 'state_before_hard_unknown_reach_phase': StringProp(default='OK', retention=True), # Set if the element just change its father/son topology 'topology_change': BoolProp(default=False, fill_brok=['full_status']), # Trigger list 'triggers': StringProp(default=[]) }) # Mapping between Macros and properties (can be prop or a function) macros = { 'SERVICEDESC': 'service_description', 'SERVICEDISPLAYNAME': 'display_name', 'SERVICESTATE': 'state', 'SERVICESTATEID': 'state_id', 'LASTSERVICESTATE': 'last_state', 'LASTSERVICESTATEID': 'last_state_id', 'SERVICESTATETYPE': 'state_type', 'SERVICEATTEMPT': 'attempt', 'MAXSERVICEATTEMPTS': 'max_check_attempts', 'SERVICEISVOLATILE': 'is_volatile', 'SERVICEEVENTID': 'current_event_id', 'LASTSERVICEEVENTID': 'last_event_id', 'SERVICEPROBLEMID': 'current_problem_id', 'LASTSERVICEPROBLEMID': 'last_problem_id', 'SERVICELATENCY': 'latency', 'SERVICEEXECUTIONTIME': 'execution_time', 'SERVICEDURATION': 'get_duration', 'SERVICEDURATIONSEC': 'get_duration_sec', 'SERVICEDOWNTIME': 'get_downtime', 'SERVICEPERCENTCHANGE': 'percent_state_change', 'SERVICEGROUPNAME': 'get_groupname', 'SERVICEGROUPNAMES': 'get_groupnames', 'LASTSERVICECHECK': 'last_chk', 'LASTSERVICESTATECHANGE': 'last_state_change', 'LASTSERVICEOK': 'last_time_ok', 'LASTSERVICEWARNING': 'last_time_warning', 'LASTSERVICEUNKNOWN': 'last_time_unknown', 'LASTSERVICECRITICAL': 'last_time_critical', 'SERVICEOUTPUT': 'output', 'LONGSERVICEOUTPUT': 'long_output', 'SERVICEPERFDATA': 'perf_data', 'LASTSERVICEPERFDATA': 'last_perf_data', 'SERVICECHECKCOMMAND': 'get_check_command', 'SERVICEACKAUTHOR': 'get_ack_author_name', 'SERVICEACKAUTHORNAME': 'get_ack_author_name', 'SERVICEACKAUTHORALIAS': 'get_ack_author_name', 'SERVICEACKCOMMENT': 'get_ack_comment', 'SERVICEACTIONURL': 'action_url', 'SERVICENOTESURL': 'notes_url', 'SERVICENOTES': 'notes', 'SERVICEBUSINESSIMPACT': 'business_impact' } # This tab is used to transform old parameters name into new ones # so from Nagios2 format, to Nagios3 ones. # Or Shinken deprecated names like criticity old_properties = { 'normal_check_interval': 'check_interval', 'retry_check_interval': 'retry_interval', 'criticity': 'business_impact', 'hostgroup': 'hostgroup_name', 'hostgroups': 'hostgroup_name', ## 'criticitymodulations': 'business_impact_modulations', } ####### # __ _ _ _ # / _(_) | | (_) # ___ ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _| |_ _ ___ _ __ # / __/ _ \| '_ \| _| |/ _` | | | | '__/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ # | (_| (_) | | | | | | | (_| | |_| | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | # \___\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_| \__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| # __/ | # |___/ ###### # Give a nice name output
[docs] def get_name(self): if hasattr(self, 'service_description'): return self.service_description if hasattr(self, 'name'): return return 'SERVICE-DESCRIPTION-MISSING' # Get the servicegroups names
[docs] def get_groupnames(self): return ','.join([sg.get_name() for sg in self.servicegroups]) # Need the whole name for debugging purpose
[docs] def get_dbg_name(self): return "%s/%s" % (, self.service_description)
[docs] def get_full_name(self): if and hasattr(, 'host_name') and hasattr(self, 'service_description'): return "%s/%s" % (, self.service_description) return 'UNKNOWN-SERVICE' # Get our realm, so in fact our host one
[docs] def get_realm(self): if is None: return None return
[docs] def get_hostgroups(self): return
[docs] def get_host_tags(self): return # Check is required prop are set: # template are always correct # contacts OR contactgroups is need
[docs] def is_correct(self): state = True cls = self.__class__ source = getattr(self, 'imported_from', 'unknown') desc = getattr(self, 'service_description', 'unnamed') hname = getattr(self, 'host_name', 'unnamed') special_properties = ('check_period', 'notification_interval', 'host_name', 'hostgroup_name', 'notification_period') for prop, entry in if prop not in special_properties: if not hasattr(self, prop) and entry.required: logger.error("The service %s on host '%s' does not have %s" % (desc, hname, prop)) state = False # Bad boy... # Then look if we have some errors in the conf # Juts print warnings, but raise errors for err in self.configuration_warnings: logger.warning("[service::%s] %s" % (desc, err)) # Raised all previously saw errors like unknown contacts and co if self.configuration_errors != []: state = False for err in self.configuration_errors: logger.error("[service::%s] %s" % (self.get_full_name(), err)) # If no notif period, set it to None, mean 24x7 if not hasattr(self, 'notification_period'): self.notification_period = None # Ok now we manage special cases... if self.notifications_enabled and self.contacts == []: logger.warning("The service '%s' in the host '%s' does not have contacts nor contact_groups in '%s'" % (desc, hname, source)) # Set display_name if need if getattr(self, 'display_name', '') == '': self.display_name = getattr(self, 'service_description', '') # If we got an event handler, it should be valid if getattr(self, 'event_handler', None) and not self.event_handler.is_valid():"%s: my event_handler %s is invalid" % (self.get_name(), self.event_handler.command)) state = False if not hasattr(self, 'check_command'):"%s: I've got no check_command" % self.get_name()) state = False # Ok got a command, but maybe it's invalid else: if not self.check_command.is_valid():"%s: my check_command %s is invalid" % (self.get_name(), self.check_command.command)) state = False if self.got_business_rule: if not self.business_rule.is_valid(): logger.error("%s: my business rule is invalid" % (self.get_name(),)) for bperror in self.business_rule.configuration_errors:"%s: %s" % (self.get_name(), bperror)) state = False if not hasattr(self, 'notification_interval') \ and self.notifications_enabled == True:"%s: I've got no notification_interval but I've got notifications enabled" % self.get_name()) state = False if is None: logger.warning("The service '%s' got an unknown host_name '%s'." % (desc, self.host_name)) # do not set tis a a true error, only we will delete this after if not hasattr(self, 'check_period'): self.check_period = None if hasattr(self, 'service_description'): for c in cls.illegal_object_name_chars: if c in self.service_description:"%s: My service_description got the character %s that is not allowed." % (self.get_name(), c)) state = False return state # The service is dependent of his father dep # Must be AFTER linkify
[docs] def fill_daddy_dependency(self): # Depend of host, all status, is a networkdep # and do not have timeperiod, and follow parents dep if is not None: # I add the dep in MY list self.act_depend_of.append((, ['d', 'u', 's', 'f'], 'network_dep', None, True)) # I add the dep in Daddy list, ['d', 'u', 's', 'f'], 'network_dep', None, True)) # And the parent/child dep lists too # Register the dependency between 2 service for action (notification etc)
[docs] def add_service_act_dependency(self, srv, status, timeperiod, inherits_parent): # first I add the other the I depend on in MY list self.act_depend_of.append((srv, status, 'logic_dep', timeperiod, inherits_parent)) # then I register myself in the other service dep list srv.act_depend_of_me.append((self, status, 'logic_dep', timeperiod, inherits_parent)) # And the parent/child dep lists too srv.register_son_in_parent_child_dependencies(self) # Register the dependency between 2 service for action (notification etc) # but based on a BUSINESS rule, so on fact: # ERP depend on database, so we fill just database.act_depend_of_me # because we will want ERP mails to go on! So call this # on the database service with the srv=ERP service
[docs] def add_business_rule_act_dependency(self, srv, status, timeperiod, inherits_parent): # I only register so he know that I WILL be a impact self.act_depend_of_me.append((srv, status, 'business_dep', timeperiod, inherits_parent)) # And the parent/child dep lists too self.register_son_in_parent_child_dependencies(srv) # Register the dependency between 2 service for checks
[docs] def add_service_chk_dependency(self, srv, status, timeperiod, inherits_parent): # first I add the other the I depend on in MY list self.chk_depend_of.append((srv, status, 'logic_dep', timeperiod, inherits_parent)) # then I register myself in the other service dep list srv.chk_depend_of_me.append((self, status, 'logic_dep', timeperiod, inherits_parent)) # And the parent/child dep lists too srv.register_son_in_parent_child_dependencies(self) # For a given host, look for all copy we must # create for for_each property
[docs] def duplicate(self, host): duplicates = [] # In macro, it's all in UPPER case prop = self.duplicate_foreach.strip().upper() # If I do not have the property, we bail out if prop in host.customs: # Get the list entry, and the not one if there is one entry = host.customs[prop] # Look at the list of the key we do NOT want maybe, # for _disks it will be _!disks not_entry = host.customs.get('_' + '!' + prop[1:], '').split(',') not_keys = strip_and_uniq(not_entry) default_value = getattr(self, 'default_value', '') # Transform the generator string to a list # Missing values are filled with the default value (key_values, errcode) = get_key_value_sequence(entry, default_value) if key_values: for key_value in key_values: key = key_value['KEY'] # Maybe this key is in the NOT list, if so, skip it if key in not_keys: continue value = key_value['VALUE'] new_s = self.copy() new_s.host_name = host.get_name() if self.is_tpl(): # if template, the new one is not new_s.register = 1 for key in key_value: if key == 'KEY': if hasattr(self, 'service_description'): # We want to change all illegal chars to a _ sign. We can't use class.illegal_obj_char # because in the "explode" phase, we do not have access to this data! :( safe_key_value = re.sub(r'[' + "`~!$%^&*\"|'<>?,()=" + ']+', '_', key_value[key]) new_s.service_description = self.service_description.replace('$' + key + '$', safe_key_value) # Here is a list of property where we will expand the $KEY$ by the value _the_expandables = ['check_command', 'aggregation', 'service_dependencies', 'event_handler'] for prop in _the_expandables: if hasattr(self, prop): # here we can replace VALUE, VALUE1, VALUE2,... setattr(new_s, prop, getattr(new_s, prop).replace('$' + key + '$', key_value[key])) if hasattr(self, 'aggregation'): new_s.aggregation = new_s.aggregation.replace('$' + key + '$', key_value[key]) # And then add in our list this new service duplicates.append(new_s) else: # If error, we should link the error to the host, because self is a template, and so won't be checked not print! if errcode == GET_KEY_VALUE_SEQUENCE_ERROR_SYNTAX: err = "The custom property '%s' of the host '%s' is not a valid entry %s for a service generator" % (self.duplicate_foreach.strip(), host.get_name(), entry) logger.warning(err) host.configuration_errors.append(err) elif errcode == GET_KEY_VALUE_SEQUENCE_ERROR_NODEFAULT: err = "The custom property '%s 'of the host '%s' has empty values %s but the service %s has no default_value" % (self.duplicate_foreach.strip(), host.get_name(), entry, self.service_description) logger.warning(err) host.configuration_errors.append(err) elif errcode == GET_KEY_VALUE_SEQUENCE_ERROR_NODE: err = "The custom property '%s' of the host '%s' has an invalid node range %s" % (self.duplicate_foreach.strip(), host.get_name(), entry) logger.warning(err) host.configuration_errors.append(err) return duplicates ##### # _ # (_) # _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ # | '__| | | | '_ \| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | # | | | |_| | | | | | | | | | | | (_| | # |_| \__,_|_| |_|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, | # __/ | # |___/ #### # Set unreachable: our host is DOWN, but it mean nothing for a service
[docs] def set_unreachable(self): pass # We just go an impact, so we go unreachable # but only if it's enable in the configuration
[docs] def set_impact_state(self): cls = self.__class__ if cls.enable_problem_impacts_states_change: # Keep a trace of the old state (problem came back before # a new checks) self.state_before_impact = self.state self.state_id_before_impact = self.state_id # this flag will know if we override the impact state self.state_changed_since_impact = False self.state = 'UNKNOWN' # exit code UNDETERMINED self.state_id = 3 # Ok, we are no more an impact, if no news checks # override the impact state, we came back to old # states # And only if we enable the state change for impacts
[docs] def unset_impact_state(self): cls = self.__class__ if cls.enable_problem_impacts_states_change and not self.state_changed_since_impact: self.state = self.state_before_impact self.state_id = self.state_id_before_impact # Set state with status return by the check # and update flapping state
[docs] def set_state_from_exit_status(self, status): now = time.time() self.last_state_update = now # we should put in last_state the good last state: # if not just change the state by an problem/impact # we can take current state. But if it's the case, the # real old state is self.state_before_impact (it's the TRUE # state in fact) # but only if the global conf have enable the impact state change cls = self.__class__ if cls.enable_problem_impacts_states_change \ and self.is_impact \ and not self.state_changed_since_impact: self.last_state = self.state_before_impact else: # standard case self.last_state = self.state if status == 0: self.state = 'OK' self.state_id = 0 self.last_time_ok = int(self.last_state_update) state_code = 'o' elif status == 1: self.state = 'WARNING' self.state_id = 1 self.last_time_warning = int(self.last_state_update) state_code = 'w' elif status == 2: self.state = 'CRITICAL' self.state_id = 2 self.last_time_critical = int(self.last_state_update) state_code = 'c' elif status == 3: self.state = 'UNKNOWN' self.state_id = 3 self.last_time_unknown = int(self.last_state_update) state_code = 'u' else: self.state = 'CRITICAL' # exit code UNDETERMINED self.state_id = 2 self.last_time_critical = int(self.last_state_update) state_code = 'c' if state_code in self.flap_detection_options: self.add_flapping_change(self.state != self.last_state) if self.state != self.last_state: self.last_state_change = self.last_state_update self.duration_sec = now - self.last_state_change # Return True if status is the state (like OK) or small form like 'o'
[docs] def is_state(self, status): if status == self.state: return True # Now low status elif status == 'o' and self.state == 'OK': return True elif status == 'c' and self.state == 'CRITICAL': return True elif status == 'w' and self.state == 'WARNING': return True elif status == 'u' and self.state == 'UNKNOWN': return True return False # The last time when the state was not OK
[docs] def last_time_non_ok_or_up(self): non_ok_times = filter(lambda x: x > self.last_time_ok, [self.last_time_warning, self.last_time_critical, self.last_time_unknown]) if len(non_ok_times) == 0: last_time_non_ok = 0 # program_start would be better else: last_time_non_ok = min(non_ok_times) return last_time_non_ok # Add a log entry with a SERVICE ALERT like: # SERVICE ALERT: server;Load;UNKNOWN;HARD;1;I don't know what to say...
[docs] def raise_alert_log_entry(self): console_logger.alert('SERVICE ALERT: %s;%s;%s;%s;%d;%s' % (, self.get_name(), self.state, self.state_type, self.attempt, self.output)) # If the configuration allow it, raise an initial log like # CURRENT SERVICE STATE: server;Load;UNKNOWN;HARD;1;I don't know what to say...
[docs] def raise_initial_state(self): if self.__class__.log_initial_states:'CURRENT SERVICE STATE: %s;%s;%s;%s;%d;%s' % (, self.get_name(), self.state, self.state_type, self.attempt, self.output)) # Add a log entry with a Freshness alert like: # Warning: The results of host 'Server' are stale by 0d 0h 0m 58s (threshold=0d 1h 0m 0s). # I'm forcing an immediate check of the host.
[docs] def raise_freshness_log_entry(self, t_stale_by, t_threshold): logger.warning("The results of service '%s' on host '%s' are stale " "by %s (threshold=%s). I'm forcing an immediate check " "of the service." % (self.get_name(),, format_t_into_dhms_format(t_stale_by), format_t_into_dhms_format(t_threshold))) # Raise a log entry with a Notification alert like # SERVICE NOTIFICATION: superadmin;server;Load;OK;notify-by-rss;no output
[docs] def raise_notification_log_entry(self, n): contact = command = n.command_call if n.type in ('DOWNTIMESTART', 'DOWNTIMEEND', 'DOWNTIMECANCELLED', 'CUSTOM', 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT', 'FLAPPINGSTART', 'FLAPPINGSTOP', 'FLAPPINGDISABLED'): state = '%s (%s)' % (n.type, self.state) else: state = self.state if self.__class__.log_notifications: console_logger.alert("SERVICE NOTIFICATION: %s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s" % (contact.get_name(),, self.get_name(), state, command.get_name(), self.output)) # Raise a log entry with a Eventhandler alert like # SERVICE EVENT HANDLER: test_host_0;test_ok_0;OK;SOFT;4;eventhandler
[docs] def raise_event_handler_log_entry(self, command): if self.__class__.log_event_handlers: console_logger.alert("SERVICE EVENT HANDLER: %s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s" % (, self.get_name(), self.state, self.state_type, self.attempt, command.get_name())) # Raise a log entry with FLAPPING START alert like # SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT: server;LOAD;STARTED; Service appears to have started flapping (50.6% change >= 50.0% threshold)
[docs] def raise_flapping_start_log_entry(self, change_ratio, threshold): console_logger.alert("SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT: %s;%s;STARTED; " "Service appears to have started flapping " "(%.1f%% change >= %.1f%% threshold)" % (, self.get_name(), change_ratio, threshold)) # Raise a log entry with FLAPPING STOP alert like # SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT: server;LOAD;STOPPED; Service appears to have stopped flapping (23.0% change < 25.0% threshold)
[docs] def raise_flapping_stop_log_entry(self, change_ratio, threshold): console_logger.alert("SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT: %s;%s;STOPPED; " "Service appears to have stopped flapping " "(%.1f%% change < %.1f%% threshold)" % (, self.get_name(), change_ratio, threshold)) # If there is no valid time for next check, raise a log entry
[docs] def raise_no_next_check_log_entry(self): logger.warning("I cannot schedule the check for the service '%s' on " "host '%s' because there is not future valid time" % (self.get_name(), # Raise a log entry when a downtime begins # SERVICE DOWNTIME ALERT: test_host_0;test_ok_0;STARTED; Service has entered a period of scheduled downtime
[docs] def raise_enter_downtime_log_entry(self): console_logger.alert("SERVICE DOWNTIME ALERT: %s;%s;STARTED; " "Service has entered a period of scheduled " "downtime" % (, self.get_name())) # Raise a log entry when a downtime has finished # SERVICE DOWNTIME ALERT: test_host_0;test_ok_0;STOPPED; Service has exited from a period of scheduled downtime
[docs] def raise_exit_downtime_log_entry(self): console_logger.alert("SERVICE DOWNTIME ALERT: %s;%s;STOPPED; Service " "has exited from a period of scheduled downtime" % (, self.get_name())) # Raise a log entry when a downtime prematurely ends # SERVICE DOWNTIME ALERT: test_host_0;test_ok_0;CANCELLED; Service has entered a period of scheduled downtime
[docs] def raise_cancel_downtime_log_entry(self): console_logger.alert("SERVICE DOWNTIME ALERT: %s;%s;CANCELLED; " "Scheduled downtime for service has been cancelled." % (, self.get_name())) # Is stalking? # Launch if check is waitconsume==first time # and if c.status is in self.stalking_options
[docs] def manage_stalking(self, c): need_stalk = False if c.status == 'waitconsume': if c.exit_status == 0 and 'o' in self.stalking_options: need_stalk = True elif c.exit_status == 1 and 'w' in self.stalking_options: need_stalk = True elif c.exit_status == 2 and 'c' in self.stalking_options: need_stalk = True elif c.exit_status == 3 and 'u' in self.stalking_options: need_stalk = True if c.output == self.output: need_stalk = False if need_stalk:"Stalking %s: %s" % (self.get_name(), c.output)) # Give data for checks's macros
[docs] def get_data_for_checks(self): return [, self] # Give data for event handlers's macros
[docs] def get_data_for_event_handler(self): return [, self] # Give data for notifications'n macros
[docs] def get_data_for_notifications(self, contact, n): return [, self, contact, n] # See if the notification is launchable (time is OK and contact is OK too)
[docs] def notification_is_blocked_by_contact(self, n, contact): return not contact.want_service_notification(self.last_chk, self.state, n.type, self.business_impact, n.command_call)
[docs] def get_duration_sec(self): return str(int(self.duration_sec))
[docs] def get_duration(self): m, s = divmod(self.duration_sec, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) return "%02dh %02dm %02ds" % (h, m, s)
[docs] def get_ack_author_name(self): if self.acknowledgement is None: return '' return
[docs] def get_ack_comment(self): if self.acknowledgement is None: return '' return self.acknowledgement.comment
[docs] def get_check_command(self): return self.check_command.get_name() # Check if a notification for this service is suppressed at this time
[docs] def notification_is_blocked_by_item(self, type, t_wished = None): if t_wished is None: t_wished = time.time() # TODO # forced notification # pass if this is a custom notification # Block if notifications are program-wide disabled if not self.enable_notifications: return True # Does the notification period allow sending out this notification? if self.notification_period is not None and not self.notification_period.is_time_valid(t_wished): return True # Block if notifications are disabled for this service if not self.notifications_enabled: return True # Block if the current status is in the notification_options w,u,c,r,f,s if 'n' in self.notification_options: return True if type in ('PROBLEM', 'RECOVERY'): if self.state == 'UNKNOWN' and not 'u' in self.notification_options: return True if self.state == 'WARNING' and not 'w' in self.notification_options: return True if self.state == 'CRITICAL' and not 'c' in self.notification_options: return True if self.state == 'OK' and not 'r' in self.notification_options: return True if (type in ('FLAPPINGSTART', 'FLAPPINGSTOP', 'FLAPPINGDISABLED') and not 'f' in self.notification_options): return True if (type in ('DOWNTIMESTART', 'DOWNTIMEEND', 'DOWNTIMECANCELLED') and not 's' in self.notification_options): return True # Acknowledgements make no sense when the status is ok/up if type == 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT': if self.state == self.ok_up: return True # When in downtime, only allow end-of-downtime notifications if self.scheduled_downtime_depth > 1 and type not in ('DOWNTIMEEND', 'DOWNTIMECANCELLED'): return True # Block if host is in a scheduled downtime if > 0: return True # Block if in a scheduled downtime and a problem arises, or flapping event if self.scheduled_downtime_depth > 0 and type in ('PROBLEM', 'RECOVERY', 'FLAPPINGSTART', 'FLAPPINGSTOP', 'FLAPPINGDISABLED'): return True # Block if the status is SOFT if self.state_type == 'SOFT' and type == 'PROBLEM': return True # Block if the problem has already been acknowledged if self.problem_has_been_acknowledged and type != 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT': return True # Block if flapping if self.is_flapping and type not in ('FLAPPINGSTART', 'FLAPPINGSTOP', 'FLAPPINGDISABLED'): return True # Block if host is down if != return True # Block if business rule smart notifications is enabled and all its # childs have been acknowledged or are under downtime. if self.got_business_rule is True \ and self.business_rule_smart_notifications is True \ and self.business_rule_notification_is_blocked() is True \ and type == 'PROBLEM': return True return False # Get a oc*p command if item has obsess_over_* # command. It must be enabled locally and globally
[docs] def get_obsessive_compulsive_processor_command(self): cls = self.__class__ if not cls.obsess_over or not self.obsess_over_service: return m = MacroResolver() data = self.get_data_for_event_handler() cmd = m.resolve_command(cls.ocsp_command, data) e = EventHandler(cmd, timeout=cls.ocsp_timeout) # ok we can put it in our temp action queue self.actions.append(e) # Class for list of services. It's mainly, mainly for configuration part
[docs]class Services(Items): inner_class = Service # use for know what is in items # Create the reversed list for speedup search by host_name/name # We also tag service already in list: they are twins. It's a a bad things. # Hostgroups service have an ID higher than host service. So it we tag # an id that already are in the list, this service is already # exist, and is a host, # or a previous hostgroup, but define before.
[docs] def create_reversed_list(self): self.reversed_list = {} self.twins = [] # Get a sorted list of all services, by definition_order all_services = [s for s in self] all_services.sort(key=lambda s:int(getattr(s, 'definition_order', '100'))) # Now we sort them, we will have definition_order sorted like we want for s in all_services: if hasattr(s, 'service_description') and hasattr(s, 'host_name'): s_desc = getattr(s, 'service_description') s_host_name = getattr(s, 'host_name') key = (s_host_name, s_desc) if key not in self.reversed_list: self.reversed_list[key] = else: self.twins.append( # For service, the reversed_list is not used for # search, so we del it del self.reversed_list # TODO: finish search to use reversed # Search a service id by it's name and host_name
[docs] def find_srv_id_by_name_and_hostname(self, host_name, name): # key = (host_name, name) # if key in self.reversed_list: # return self.reversed_list[key] # if not, maybe in the whole list? for s in self: # Runtime first, available only after linkify if hasattr(s, 'service_description') and hasattr(s, 'host'): if s.service_description == name and == host_name: return # At config part, available before linkify if hasattr(s, 'service_description') and hasattr(s, 'host_name'): if s.service_description == name and s.host_name == host_name: return return None # Search a service by it's name and hot_name
[docs] def find_srv_by_name_and_hostname(self, host_name, name): if hasattr(self, 'hosts'): h = self.hosts.find_by_name(host_name) if h is None: return None return h.find_service_by_name(name) id = self.find_srv_id_by_name_and_hostname(host_name, name) if id is not None: return self.items[id] else: return None # Removes service exceptions based on host configuration
[docs] def remove_exclusions(self, hosts): # Looks for hosts having service_excludes attribute set have_excludes = [h for h in hosts if h.service_excludes] to_remove = [] for host in have_excludes: for descr in host.service_excludes: # Deletes excluded service instances sid = None for service in self: if service.service_description == descr and \ service.host_name == host.host_name: sid = break if sid is not None: to_remove.append( else: err = "Error: exclusion contains an undefined service: %s" % descr host.configuration_errors.append(err) for sid in to_remove: del self[sid] return len(to_remove) # Make link between elements: # service -> host # service -> command # service -> timeperiods # service -> contacts
[docs] def linkify(self, hosts, commands, timeperiods, contacts, resultmodulations, businessimpactmodulations, escalations, servicegroups, triggers, checkmodulations, macromodulations): self.linkify_with_timeperiods(timeperiods, 'notification_period') self.linkify_with_timeperiods(timeperiods, 'check_period') self.linkify_with_timeperiods(timeperiods, 'maintenance_period') self.linkify_s_by_hst(hosts) self.linkify_s_by_sg(servicegroups) self.linkify_one_command_with_commands(commands, 'check_command') self.linkify_one_command_with_commands(commands, 'event_handler') self.linkify_with_contacts(contacts) self.linkify_with_resultmodulations(resultmodulations) self.linkify_with_business_impact_modulations(businessimpactmodulations) # WARNING: all escalations will not be link here # (just the escalation here, not serviceesca or hostesca). # This last one will be link in escalations linkify. self.linkify_with_escalations(escalations) self.linkify_with_triggers(triggers) self.linkify_with_checkmodulations(checkmodulations) self.linkify_with_macromodulations(macromodulations)
[docs] def override_properties(self, hosts): for host in hosts: # We're only looking for hosts having service overrides defined if not hasattr(host, 'service_overrides') or not host.service_overrides: continue cache = {} if isinstance(host.service_overrides, list): service_overrides = host.service_overrides else: service_overrides = [host.service_overrides] for ovr in service_overrides: # Checks service override syntax match = re.match(r'^([^,]+),([^\s]+)\s+(.*)$', ovr) if match is None: err = "Error: invalid service override syntax: %s" % ovr host.configuration_errors.append(err) continue name, prop, value = match.groups() # To speep up search if several properties are overriden on the # same service, we keep them in temporary cache key = "%s/%s" % (host.host_name, name) if key in cache: service = cache[key] else: # Looks for corresponding service # As hosts and service are not yet linked, we have to walk # through services to find which is associated to host. service = None for s in self: if not hasattr(s, "host_name") or not hasattr(s, "service_description"): # this is a template continue if s.host_name == host.host_name and s.service_description == name: service = s break if service is None: err = "Error: trying to override property '%s' on service '%s' but it's unknown for this host" % (prop, name) host.configuration_errors.append(err) continue cache[key] = service # Checks if override is allowed excludes = ['host_name', 'service_description', 'use', 'servicegroups', 'trigger', 'trigger_name'] if prop in excludes: err = "Error: trying to override '%s', a forbidden property for service '%s'" % (prop, name) host.configuration_errors.append(err) continue setattr(service, prop, value) # We can link services with hosts so # We can search in O(hosts) instead # of O(services) for common cases
[docs] def linkify_s_by_hst(self, hosts): for s in self: # If we do not have an host_name, we set it as # a template element to delete. (like Nagios) if not hasattr(s, 'host_name'): = None continue try: hst_name = s.host_name # The new member list, in id hst = hosts.find_by_name(hst_name) = hst # Let the host know we are his service if is not None: hst.add_service_link(s) else: # Ok, the host do not exists! err = "Warning: the service '%s' got an invalid host_name '%s'" % (self.get_name(), hst_name) s.configuration_warnings.append(err) continue except AttributeError, exp: pass # Will be catch at the is_correct moment # We look for servicegroups property in services and # link them
[docs] def linkify_s_by_sg(self, servicegroups): for s in self: if not s.is_tpl(): new_servicegroups = [] if hasattr(s, 'servicegroups') and s.servicegroups != '': sgs = s.servicegroups.split(',') for sg_name in sgs: sg_name = sg_name.strip() sg = servicegroups.find_by_name(sg_name) if sg is not None: new_servicegroups.append(sg) else: err = "Error: the servicegroup '%s' of the service '%s' is unknown" % (sg_name, s.get_dbg_name()) s.configuration_errors.append(err) s.servicegroups = new_servicegroups # In the scheduler we need to relink the commandCall with # the real commands
[docs] def late_linkify_s_by_commands(self, commands): props = ['check_command', 'event_handler'] for s in self: for prop in props: cc = getattr(s, prop, None) if cc: cc.late_linkify_with_command(commands) # Delete services by ids
[docs] def delete_services_by_id(self, ids): for id in ids: del self[id] # Apply implicit inheritance for special properties: # contact_groups, notification_interval , notification_period # So service will take info from host if necessary
[docs] def apply_implicit_inheritance(self, hosts): for prop in ('contacts', 'contact_groups', 'notification_interval', 'notification_period', 'resultmodulations', 'business_impact_modulations', 'escalations', 'poller_tag', 'reactionner_tag', 'check_period', 'business_impact', 'maintenance_period'): for s in self: if not s.is_tpl(): if not hasattr(s, prop) and hasattr(s, 'host_name'): h = hosts.find_by_name(s.host_name) if h is not None and hasattr(h, prop): setattr(s, prop, getattr(h, prop)) # Apply inheritance for all properties
[docs] def apply_inheritance(self, hosts): # We check for all Host properties if the host has it # if not, it check all host templates for a value for prop in self.apply_partial_inheritance(prop) # Then implicit inheritance # self.apply_implicit_inheritance(hosts) for s in self: s.get_customs_properties_by_inheritance(self) # Create dependencies for services (daddy ones)
[docs] def apply_dependencies(self): for s in self: s.fill_daddy_dependency() # For services the main clean is about service with bad hosts
[docs] def clean(self): to_del = [] for s in self: if not to_del.append( for sid in to_del: del self.items[sid] # Add in our queue a service create from another. Special case: # is a template: so hname is a name of template, so need to get all # hosts that inherit from it.
[docs] def copy_create_service_from_another(self, hosts, s, hname): for_hosts_to_create = [] # if we are not a template, it's easy: copy for all host_name # because they are our final host_name after all if not s.is_tpl(): for_hosts_to_create.append(hname) else: # But for template it's more tricky: it's a template name # we've got, not a real host_name/ So we must get a list of host_name # that use this template # Use the complex expression manager for it, it will call find_hosts_that_use_template # for the templates it think it's useful hosts_from_tpl = self.evaluate_hostgroup_expression(hname.strip(), hosts, hosts.templates, look_in='templates') # And now copy our real services for n in hosts_from_tpl: for_hosts_to_create.append(n) if getattr(s, 'duplicate_foreach', '') == '': def _loop(name): new_s = s.copy() new_s.host_name = name if s.is_tpl(): # if template, the new one is not new_s.register = 1 self.items[] = new_s else: def _loop(name): # the generator case, we must create several new services # we must find our host, and get all key:value we need h = hosts.find_by_name(name.strip()) if h is not None: for new_s in s.duplicate(h): self.items[] = new_s else: # TODO: raise an error? err = 'Error: The hostname %s is unknown for the service %s!' % (name, s.get_name()) s.configuration_errors.append(err) # Now really create the services for name in for_hosts_to_create: _loop(name) # We create new service if necessary (host groups and co)
[docs] def explode(self, hosts, hostgroups, contactgroups, servicegroups, servicedependencies, triggers): # The "old" services will be removed. All services with # more than one host or a host group will be in it srv_to_remove = [] # items::explode_trigger_string_into_triggers self.explode_trigger_string_into_triggers(triggers) # items::explode_host_groups_into_hosts # take all hosts from our hostgroup_name into our host_name property self.explode_host_groups_into_hosts(hosts, hostgroups) # items::explode_contact_groups_into_contacts # take all contacts from our contact_groups into our contact property self.explode_contact_groups_into_contacts(contactgroups) # Then for every host create a copy of the service with just the host # because we are adding services, we can't just loop in it service_to_check = self.items.keys() for id in service_to_check: s = self.items[id] duplicate_for_hosts = [] # get the list of our host_names if more than 1 not_hosts = [] # the list of !host_name so we remove them after # If do not have an host_name, just delete it if not hasattr(s, 'host_name'): srv_to_remove.append( # if not s.is_tpl(): # Exploding template is useless # Explode for real service or template with a host_name if hasattr(s, 'host_name'): hnames = s.host_name.split(',') hnames = strip_and_uniq(hnames) # We will duplicate if we have multiple host_name # or if we are a template (so a clean service) if len(hnames) >= 2 or s.is_tpl() \ or (hasattr(s, 'duplicate_foreach') and s.duplicate_foreach != ''): for hname in hnames: hname = hname.strip() # If the name begin with a !, we put it in # the not list if hname.startswith('!'): not_hosts.append(hname[1:]) else: # the standard list duplicate_for_hosts.append(hname) # remove duplicate items from duplicate_for_hosts: duplicate_for_hosts = list(set(duplicate_for_hosts)) # Ok now we clean the duplicate_for_hosts with all hosts # of the not for hname in not_hosts: if hname in duplicate_for_hosts: duplicate_for_hosts.remove(hname) # Now we duplicate the service for all host_names for hname in duplicate_for_hosts: self.copy_create_service_from_another(hosts, s, hname) # Multiple host_name -> the original service # must be delete. But template are clean else where # and only the the service not got an error in it's conf if not s.is_tpl() and s.configuration_errors == []: srv_to_remove.append(id) else: # Maybe the hnames was full of same host, so we must reset the name for hname in hnames: # So even if len == 0, we are protected s.host_name = hname # We clean all service that was for multiple hosts. self.delete_services_by_id(srv_to_remove) # Servicegroups property need to be fullfill for got the informations # And then just register to this service_group for s in self: if not s.is_tpl() and hasattr(s, 'service_description'): sname = s.service_description shname = getattr(s, 'host_name', '') if hasattr(s, 'servicegroups'): sgs = s.servicegroups.split(',') for sg in sgs: servicegroups.add_member(shname+','+sname, sg) # Now we explode service_dependencies into Servicedependency # We just create serviceDep with goods values (as STRING!), # the link pass will be done after for s in self: # Templates are useless here if not s.is_tpl(): if hasattr(s, 'service_dependencies'): if s.service_dependencies != '': sdeps = s.service_dependencies.split(',') # %2=0 are for hosts, !=0 are for service_description i = 0 hname = '' for elt in sdeps: if i % 2 == 0: # host hname = elt.strip() else: # description desc = elt.strip() # we can register it (s) (depend on) -> (hname, desc) # If we do not have enough data for s, it's no use if hasattr(s, 'service_description') and hasattr(s, 'host_name'): if hname == '': hname = s.host_name servicedependencies.add_service_dependency(s.host_name, s.service_description, hname, desc) i += 1 # Will create all business tree for the # services
[docs] def create_business_rules(self, hosts, services): for s in self: s.create_business_rules(hosts, services) # Will link all business service/host with theirs # dep for problem/impact link
[docs] def create_business_rules_dependencies(self): for s in self: s.create_business_rules_dependencies()
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