Source code for shinken.discovery.discoverymanager


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2009-2012:
#    Gabes Jean,
#    Gerhard Lausser,
#    Gregory Starck,
#    Hartmut Goebel,
# This file is part of Shinken.
# Shinken is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Shinken is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with Shinken.  If not, see <>.

import sys
import cPickle
import os
import re
import time
import copy
import random
import string
# Always initialize random...
    import uuid
except ImportError:
    uuid = None

    from pymongo.connection import Connection
except ImportError:
    Connection = None

from shinken.log import logger
from shinken.objects import *
from shinken.objects.config import Config
from shinken.macroresolver import MacroResolver
from shinken.modulesmanager import ModulesManager

[docs]def get_uuid(self): if uuid: return uuid.uuid1().hex # Ok for old python like 2.4, we will lie here :) return int(random.random()*sys.maxint) # Look if the name is a IPV4 address or not
[docs]def is_ipv4_addr(name): p = r"^([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$" return (re.match(p, name) is not None)
[docs]def by_order(r1, r2): if r1.discoveryrule_order == r2.discoveryrule_order: return 0 if r1.discoveryrule_order > r2.discoveryrule_order: return 1 if r1.discoveryrule_order < r2.discoveryrule_order: return -1
[docs]class DiscoveredHost(object): my_type = 'host' # we fake our type for the macro resolving macros = { 'HOSTNAME': 'name', } def __init__(self, name, rules, runners, merge=False, first_level_only=False): = name = {} self.rules = rules self.runners = runners self.merge = merge self.matched_rules = [] self.launched_runners = [] self.in_progress_runners = [] = {} self.customs = {} self.first_level_only = first_level_only # In final phase, we keep only _ properties and # rule based one
[docs] def update_properties(self, final_phase=False): d = {} if final_phase: for (k,v) in if k.startswith('_'): d[k] = v else: d = copy.copy( d['host_name'] = # Set address directive if an ip exists if'ip'): d['address'] =['ip'] self.matched_rules.sort(by_order) for r in self.matched_rules: for k,v in r.writing_properties.iteritems(): # If it's a + (add) property, append if k.startswith('+'): kprop = k[1:] # If the d do not already have this prop, # create list if not kprop in d: print 'New prop',kprop d[kprop]=[] elif not k.startswith('-'): kprop = k if not kprop in d: print 'New prop',kprop else: print 'Prop',kprop,'reset with new value' d[kprop]=[] for prop in string.split(v,','): prop=prop.strip() #checks that prop does not already exist and adds if not prop in d[kprop]: if len(d[kprop]) > 0: print 'Already got', ','.join(d[kprop]), 'add', prop else: print 'Add',prop d[kprop].append(prop) # Now look for - (rem) property for k,v in r.writing_properties.iteritems(): if k.startswith('-'): kprop = k[1:] if kprop in d: for prop in string.split(v,','): prop = prop.strip() if prop in d[kprop]: print 'Already got', ','.join(d[kprop]), 'rem', prop d[kprop].remove(prop) # Change join prop list in string with a ',' separator for (k,v) in d.iteritems(): if type(d[k]).__name__=='list': d[k]=','.join(d[k]) = d print 'Update our properties',, d # For macro-resolving, we should have our macros too self.customs = {} for (k,v) in self.customs['_'+k.upper()] = v # Manager ask us our properties for the configuration, so # we keep only rules properties and _ ones
[docs] def get_final_properties(self): self.update_properties(final_phase=True) return
[docs] def get_to_run(self): self.in_progress_runners = [] if self.first_level_only: return for r in self.runners: # If we already launched it, we don't want it :) if r in self.launched_runners: print 'Sorry', r.get_name(), 'was already launched' continue # First level discovery are for large scan, so not for here if r.is_first_level(): print 'Sorry', r.get_name(), 'is first level' continue # And of course it must match our data print 'Is ', r.get_name(), 'matching??', r.is_matching_disco_datas( if r.is_matching_disco_datas( self.in_progress_runners.append(r)
[docs] def need_to_run(self): return len(self.in_progress_runners) != 0 # Now we try to match all our hosts with the rules
[docs] def match_rules(self): print 'And our data?', for r in self.rules: # If the rule was already successfully for this host, skip it if r in self.matched_rules: print 'We already apply the rule', r.get_name(), 'for the host', continue print 'Looking for match with a new rule', r.get_name(), 'for the host', if r.is_matching_disco_datas( self.matched_rules.append(r) print "Generating a new rule",, r.writing_properties self.update_properties()
[docs] def read_disco_buf(self, buf): print 'Read buf in', for l in buf.split('\n'): #print "" # If it's not a disco line, bypass it if not'::', l): continue #print "line", l elts = l.split('::', 1) if len(elts) <= 1: #print "Bad discovery data" continue name = elts[0].strip() # We can choose to keep only the basename # of the nameid, so strip the fqdn # But not if it's a plain ipv4 addr #TODO : gt this! if self.conf.strip_idname_fqdn: if not is_ipv4_addr(name): name = name.split('.', 1)[0] data = '::'.join(elts[1:]) # Maybe it's not me? if name != if not self.merge: print 'Bad data for me? I bail out data!' data = '' else: print 'Bad data for me? Let\'s switch !' = name # Now get key,values if not '=' in data: continue elts = data.split('=', 1) if len(elts) <= 1: continue key = elts[0].strip() value = elts[1].strip() print "INNER -->", name, key, value[key] = value
[docs] def launch_runners(self): for r in self.in_progress_runners: print "I",, " is launching", r.get_name(), "with a %d seconds timeout" % 3600 r.launch(timeout=3600, ctx=[self]) self.launched_runners.append(r)
[docs] def wait_for_runners_ends(self): all_ok = False while not all_ok: print 'Loop wait runner for', all_ok = True for r in self.in_progress_runners: if not r.is_finished(): #print "Check finished of", r.get_name() r.check_finished() b = r.is_finished() if not b: #print r.get_name(), "is not finished" all_ok = False time.sleep(0.1)
[docs] def get_runners_outputs(self): for r in self.in_progress_runners: if r.is_finished(): print'Get output',, r.discoveryrun_name, r.current_launch if r.current_launch.exit_status != 0: print "Error on run" raw_disco_data = '\n'.join(r.get_output() for r in self.in_progress_runners if r.is_finished()) if len(raw_disco_data) != 0: print "Got Raw disco data", raw_disco_data else: print "Got no data!" for r in self.in_progress_runners: print "DBG", r.current_launch # Now get the data for me :) self.read_disco_buf(raw_disco_data)
[docs]class DiscoveryManager: def __init__(self, path, macros, overwrite, runners, output_dir=None, dbmod='', db_direct_insert=False, only_new_hosts=False, backend=None, modules_path='', merge=False, conf=None, first_level_only=False): # i am arbiter-like self.log = logger self.overwrite = overwrite self.runners = runners self.output_dir = output_dir self.dbmod = dbmod self.db_direct_insert = db_direct_insert self.only_new_hosts = only_new_hosts self.log.load_obj(self) self.merge= merge self.config_files = [path] # For specific backend, to override the classic file/db behavior self.backend = backend self.modules_path = modules_path self.first_level_only = first_level_only if not conf: self.conf = Config() buf = self.conf.read_config(self.config_files) # Add macros on the end of the buf so they will # overwrite the resource.cfg ones for (m, v) in macros: buf += '\n$%s$=%s\n' % (m, v) raw_objects = self.conf.read_config_buf(buf) self.conf.create_objects_for_type(raw_objects, 'arbiter') self.conf.create_objects_for_type(raw_objects, 'module') self.conf.early_arbiter_linking() self.conf.create_objects(raw_objects) self.conf.linkify_templates() self.conf.apply_inheritance() self.conf.explode() self.conf.create_reversed_list() self.conf.remove_twins() self.conf.apply_implicit_inheritance() self.conf.fill_default() self.conf.remove_templates() self.conf.pythonize() self.conf.linkify() self.conf.apply_dependencies() self.conf.is_correct() else: self.conf = conf self.discoveryrules = self.conf.discoveryrules self.discoveryruns = self.conf.discoveryruns m = MacroResolver() m.init(self.conf) # Hash = name, and in it (key, value) self.disco_data = {} # Hash = name, and in it rules that apply self.disco_matches = {} self.init_database() self.init_backend()
[docs] def add(self, obj): pass # We try to init the database connection
[docs] def init_database(self): self.dbconnection = None self.db = None if self.dbmod == '': return for mod in self.conf.modules: if getattr(mod, 'module_name', '') == self.dbmod: if Connection is None: print "ERROR : cannot use Mongodb database : please install the pymongo library" break # Now try to connect try: uri = mod.uri database = mod.database self.dbconnection = Connection(uri) self.db = getattr(self.dbconnection, database) print "Connection to Mongodb:%s:%s is OK" % (uri, database) except Exception, exp: logger.error('Database init : %s' % exp) # We try to init the backend if we got one
[docs] def init_backend(self): if not self.backend or not isinstance(self.backend, basestring): return print "Doing backend init" for mod in self.conf.modules: if getattr(mod, 'module_name', '') == self.backend: print "We found our backend", mod.get_name() self.backend = mod if not self.backend: print "ERROR : cannot find the module %s" % self.backend sys.exit(2) self.modules_manager = ModulesManager('discovery', self.modules_path, []) self.modules_manager.set_modules([mod]) self.modules_manager.load_and_init() self.backend = self.modules_manager.instances[0] print "We got our backend!", self.backend
[docs] def loop_discovery(self): still_loop = True i = 0 while still_loop: i += 1 print '\n' print 'LOOP'*10, i still_loop = False for (name, dh) in self.disco_data.iteritems(): dh.update_properties() to_run = dh.get_to_run() print 'Still to run for', name, to_run if dh.need_to_run(): still_loop = True dh.launch_runners() dh.wait_for_runners_ends() dh.get_runners_outputs() dh.match_rules()
[docs] def read_disco_buf(self): buf = self.raw_disco_data for l in buf.split('\n'): #print "" # If it's not a disco line, bypass it if not'::', l): continue #print "line", l elts = l.split('::', 1) if len(elts) <= 1: #print "Bad discovery data" continue name = elts[0].strip() # We can choose to keep only the basename # of the nameid, so strip the fqdn # But not if it's a plain ipv4 addr if self.conf.strip_idname_fqdn: if not is_ipv4_addr(name): name = name.split('.', 1)[0] data = '::'.join(elts[1:]) # Register the name if not name in self.disco_data: self.disco_data[name] = DiscoveredHost(name, self.discoveryrules, self.discoveryruns, merge=self.merge, first_level_only=self.first_level_only) # Now get key,values if not '=' in data: continue elts = data.split('=',1) if len(elts) <= 1: continue dh = self.disco_data[name] key = elts[0].strip() value = elts[1].strip() print "-->", name, key, value[key] = value # Now we try to match all our hosts with the rules
[docs] def match_rules(self): for (name, dh) in self.disco_data.iteritems(): for r in self.discoveryrules: # If the rule was already successfully for this host, skip it if r in dh.matched_rules: print 'We already apply the rule', r.get_name(), 'for the host', name continue if r.is_matching_disco_datas( dh.matched_rules.append(r) if name not in self.disco_matches: self.disco_matches[name] = [] self.disco_matches[name].append(r) print "Generating", name, r.writing_properties dh.update_properties()
[docs] def is_allowing_runners(self, name): name = name.strip() # If we got no value, it's * by default if '*' in self.runners: return True #print self.runners #If we match the name, ok for r in self.runners: r_name = r.strip() #print "Look", r_name, name if r_name == name: return True # Not good, so not run this! return False
[docs] def allowed_runners(self): return [r for r in self.discoveryruns if self.is_allowing_runners(r.get_name())]
[docs] def launch_runners(self): allowed_runners = self.allowed_runners() if len(allowed_runners) == 0: print "ERROR : there is no matching runners selected!" return for r in allowed_runners: print "I'm launching", r.get_name(), "with a %d seconds timeout" % self.conf.runners_timeout r.launch(timeout=self.conf.runners_timeout)
[docs] def wait_for_runners_ends(self): all_ok = False while not all_ok: ''' all_ok = True for r in self.allowed_runners(): if not r.is_finished(): #print "Check finished of", r.get_name() r.check_finished() b = r.is_finished() if not b: #print r.get_name(), "is not finished" all_ok = False ''' all_ok = self.is_all_ok() time.sleep(0.1)
[docs] def is_all_ok(self): all_ok = True for r in self.allowed_runners(): if not r.is_finished(): #print "Check finished of", r.get_name() r.check_finished() b = r.is_finished() if not b: #print r.get_name(), "is not finished" all_ok = False return all_ok
[docs] def get_runners_outputs(self): for r in self.allowed_runners(): if r.is_finished(): print r.discoveryrun_name, r.current_launch if r.current_launch.exit_status != 0: print "Error on run" self.raw_disco_data = '\n'.join(r.get_output() for r in self.allowed_runners() if r.is_finished()) if len(self.raw_disco_data) != 0: print "Got Raw disco data", self.raw_disco_data else: print "Got no data!" for r in self.allowed_runners(): print "DBG", r.current_launch # Write all configuration we've got
[docs] def write_config(self): # Store host to del in a separate array to remove them after look over items items_to_del = [] still_duplicate_items = True managed_element =True while still_duplicate_items: # If we didn't work in the last loop, bail out if not managed_element: still_duplicate_items = False print "LOOP" managed_element = False for name in self.disco_data: if name in items_to_del: continue managed_element = True print('Search same host to merge.') dha = self.disco_data[name] # Searching same host and update host macros for oname in self.disco_data: dhb = self.disco_data[oname] # When same host but different properties are detected if == and != for (k,v) in # Merge host macros if their properties are different if k.startswith('_') and and[k] !=[k]:[k] =[k] + ',' + v print('Merged host macro:', k,[k]) items_to_del.append(oname) print('Merged '+ oname + ' in ' + name) dha.update_properties() else: still_duplicate_items = False # Removing merged element for item in items_to_del: print('Deleting '+item) del self.disco_data[item] # New loop to reflect changes in self.disco_data since it isn't possible # to modify a dict object when reading it. for name in self.disco_data: print "Writing", name, "configuration" self.write_host_config(name) self.write_service_config(name) # We search for all rules of type host, and we merge them
[docs] def write_host_config(self, host): dh = self.disco_data[host] d = dh.get_final_properties() final_host = print "Will generate an host", d # Maybe we do not got a directory output, but # a bdd one. if self.output_dir: self.write_host_config_to_file(final_host, d) # Maybe we want a database insert if self.db: self.write_host_config_to_db(final_host, d) if self.backend: self.backend.write_host_config_to_db(final_host, d) # Will wrote all properties/values of d for the host # in the file
[docs] def write_host_config_to_file(self, host, d): p = os.path.join(self.output_dir, host) print "Want to create host path", p try: os.mkdir(p) except OSError, exp: # If directory already exist, it's not a problem if not exp.errno != '17': print "Cannot create the directory '%s' : '%s'" % (p, exp) return cfg_p = os.path.join(p, host+'.cfg') if os.path.exists(cfg_p) and not self.overwrite: print "The file '%s' already exists" % cfg_p return buf = self.get_cfg_bufer(d, 'host') # Ok, we create it so (or overwrite) try: fd = open(cfg_p, 'w') fd.write(buf) fd.close() except OSError, exp: print "Cannot create the file '%s' : '%s'" % (cfg_p, exp) return # Generate all service for a host
[docs] def write_service_config(self, host): srv_rules = {} dh = self.disco_data[host] for r in dh.matched_rules: if r.creation_type == 'service': if 'service_description' in r.writing_properties: desc = r.writing_properties['service_description'] if not desc in srv_rules: srv_rules[desc] = [] srv_rules[desc].append(r) #print "Generate services for", host #print srv_rules for (desc, rules) in srv_rules.items(): d = {'service_description' : desc, 'host_name' : host} for r in rules: d.update(r.writing_properties) print "Generating", desc, d # Maybe we do not got a directory output, but # a bdd one. if self.output_dir: self.write_service_config_to_file(host, desc, d) # Will wrote all properties/values of d for the host # in the file
[docs] def write_service_config_to_file(self, host, desc, d): p = os.path.join(self.output_dir, host) # The host conf should already exist cfg_host_p = os.path.join(p, host+'.cfg') if not os.path.exists(cfg_host_p): print "No host configuration available, I bail out" return cfg_p = os.path.join(p, desc+'.cfg') if os.path.exists(cfg_p) and not self.overwrite: print "The file '%s' already exists" % cfg_p return buf = self.get_cfg_bufer(d, 'service') # Ok, we create it so (or overwrite) try: fd = open(cfg_p, 'w') fd.write(buf) fd.close() except OSError, exp: print "Cannot create the file '%s' : '%s'" % (cfg_p, exp) return # Create a define t { } with data in d
[docs] def get_cfg_bufer(self, d, t): tab = ['define %s {' % t] for (key, value) in d.items(): tab.append(' %s %s' % (key, value)) tab.append('}\n') return '\n'.join(tab) # Will wrote all properties/values of d for the host # in the database
[docs] def write_host_config_to_db(self, host, d): table = None # Maybe we directly insert/enable the hosts, # or in the SkonfUI we want to go with an intermediate # table to select/enable only some if self.db_direct_insert: table = self.db.hosts else: table = self.db.discovered_hosts cur = table.find({'host_name': host}) exists = cur.count() > 0 if exists and not self.overwrite: print "The host '%s' already exists in the database table %s" % (host, table) return #It can be the same check if db_direct_insert but whatever if self.only_new_hosts: for t in [self.db.hosts, self.db.discovered_hosts]: r = table.find({'_id': host}) if r.count() > 0: print "This is not a new host on", self.db.hosts return print "Saving in database", d d['_id'] = host d['_discovery_state'] = 'discovered' print "saved" del d['_id']
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