How to enable and use Livestatus module

Define the Livestatus module

Start by reviewing the ‘’/etc/shinken/shinken-specific.cfg’’ file for this module:

define module{
module_name      Livestatus
module_type      livestatus
host             *       ; * = listen on all configured IP addresses
port             50000   ; port to listen on
database_file    /var/lib/shinken/livestatus.db


With these parameters:
  • module_name: name of the module called by the brokers
  • module_type: livestatus
  • host: IP interface to listen to. The default is *, which means “listen on all interfaces”.
  • port: TCP port to listen to.
  • socket: Unix socket to listen to.
  • database_file: the path to the sqlite database file which is used to store the log broks/messages. The default is “var/livelogs.db”
  • max_logs_age: the maximum age of the log messages (before they are deleted from the database). The default is 1 year. The argument to this parameter takes the form <number>[<period of time>], where <period of time> can be d for days, w for weeks, m for months and y for years.
  • allowed_hosts: a comma-separated list of IP-addresses which are allowed to contact the TCP port. Please keep in mind that these must be IP-addresses, NOT host names. Because DNS lookups for every incoming livestatus request could hang up and therefore block the module.

Enable the Livestatus module

Still in ‘’/etc/shinken/shinken-specific.cfg’‘, find the object Broker and add “Livestatus” to its “modules”:

define broker{
     broker_name      broker-1
     modules          Simple-log,Livestatus

Disable human readable logs

In ‘’/etc/shinken/nagios.cfg’‘, verify that the option human_timestamp_log is set to 0.

In version 0.6.5, you can not have at the same time a simple-log file with human readable timestamp and a Livestatus database.