Source code for shinken.worker

#!/usr/bin/env python

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2009-2012:
#     Gabes Jean,
#     Gerhard Lausser,
#     Gregory Starck,
#     Hartmut Goebel,
# This file is part of Shinken.
# Shinken is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Shinken is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with Shinken.  If not, see <>.

from Queue import Empty

# In android, we should use threads, not process
is_android = True
    import android
except ImportError:
    is_android = False

if not is_android:
    from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
    from Queue import Queue
    from threading import Thread as Process

import time
import sys
import signal
import traceback
import cStringIO

from log import logger

[docs]class Worker: """This class is used for poller and reactionner to work. The worker is a process launch by theses process and read Message in a Queue (self.s) (slave) They launch the Check and then send the result in the Queue self.m (master) they can die if they do not do anything (param timeout) """ id = 0 # None _process = None _mortal = None _idletime = None _timeout = None _c = None def __init__(self, id, s, returns_queue, processes_by_worker, mortal=True, timeout=300, max_plugins_output_length=8192, target=None, loaded_into='unknown'): = += 1 self._mortal = mortal self._idletime = 0 self._timeout = timeout self.s = None self.processes_by_worker = processes_by_worker self._c = Queue() # Private Control queue for the Worker # By default, take our own code if target is None: target = self._process = Process(target=target, args=(s, returns_queue, self._c)) self.returns_queue = returns_queue self.max_plugins_output_length = max_plugins_output_length self.i_am_dying = False # Keep a trace where the worker is launch from (poller or reactionner?) self.loaded_into = loaded_into
[docs] def is_mortal(self): return self._mortal
[docs] def start(self): self._process.start() # Kill the background process # AND close correctly the queues (input and output) # each queue got a thread, so close it too....
[docs] def terminate(self): # We can just terminate process, not threads if not is_android: self._process.terminate() # Is we are with a Manager() way # there should be not such functions if hasattr(self._c, 'close'): self._c.close() self._c.join_thread() if hasattr(self.s, 'close'): self.s.close() self.s.join_thread()
[docs] def join(self, timeout=None): self._process.join(timeout)
[docs] def is_alive(self): return self._process.is_alive()
[docs] def is_killable(self): return self._mortal and self._idletime > self._timeout
[docs] def add_idletime(self, time): self._idletime = self._idletime + time
[docs] def reset_idle(self): self._idletime = 0
[docs] def send_message(self, msg): self._c.put(msg) # A zombie is immortal, so kill not be kill anymore
[docs] def set_zombie(self): self._mortal = False # Get new checks if less than nb_checks_max # If no new checks got and no check in queue, # sleep for 1 sec # REF: doc/shinken-action-queues.png (3)
[docs] def get_new_checks(self): try: while(len(self.checks) < self.processes_by_worker): #print "I",, "wait for a message" msg = self.s.get(block=False) if msg is not None: self.checks.append(msg.get_data()) #print "I",, "I've got a message!" except Empty, exp: if len(self.checks) == 0: self._idletime = self._idletime + 1 time.sleep(1) # Maybe the Queue() is not available, if so, just return # get back to work :) except IOError, exp: return # Launch checks that are in status # REF: doc/shinken-action-queues.png (4)
[docs] def launch_new_checks(self): # queue for chk in self.checks: if chk.status == 'queue': self._idletime = 0 r = chk.execute() # Maybe we got a true big problem in the # action launching if r == 'toomanyopenfiles': # We should die as soon as we return all checks logger.error("[%d] I am dying Too many open files %s ... " % (, chk)) self.i_am_dying = True # Check the status of checks # if done, return message finished :) # REF: doc/shinken-action-queues.png (5)
[docs] def manage_finished_checks(self): to_del = [] wait_time = 1 now = time.time() for action in self.checks: if action.status == 'launched' and action.last_poll < now - action.wait_time: action.check_finished(self.max_plugins_output_length) wait_time = min(wait_time, action.wait_time) # If action done, we can launch a new one if action.status in ('done', 'timeout'): to_del.append(action) # We answer to the master #msg = Message(, type='Result', data=action) try: self.returns_queue.put(action) except IOError, exp: logger.error("[%d] Exiting: %s" % (, exp)) sys.exit(2) # Little sleep self.wait_time = wait_time for chk in to_del: self.checks.remove(chk) # Little sleep time.sleep(wait_time) # Check if our system time change. If so, change our
[docs] def check_for_system_time_change(self): now = time.time() difference = now - self.t_each_loop # Now set the new value for the tick loop self.t_each_loop = now # return the diff if it need, of just 0 if abs(difference) > 900: return difference else: return 0 # Wrapper function for work in order to catch the exception # to see the real work, look at do_work
[docs] def work(self, s, returns_queue, c): try: self.do_work(s, returns_queue, c) # Catch any exception, try to print it and exit anyway except Exception, exp: output = cStringIO.StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=output) logger.error("Worker '%d' exit with an unmanaged exception : %s" % (, output.getvalue())) output.close() # Ok I die now raise # id = id of the worker # s = Global Queue Master->Slave # m = Queue Slave->Master # return_queue = queue managed by manager # c = Control Queue for the worker
[docs] def do_work(self, s, returns_queue, c): ## restore default signal handler for the workers: # but on android, we are a thread, so don't do it if not is_android: signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_DFL) self.set_proctitle() timeout = 1.0 self.checks = [] self.returns_queue = returns_queue self.s = s self.t_each_loop = time.time() while True: begin = time.time() msg = None cmsg = None # If we are dying (big problem!) we do not # take new jobs, we just finished the current one if not self.i_am_dying: # REF: doc/shinken-action-queues.png (3) self.get_new_checks() # REF: doc/shinken-action-queues.png (4) self.launch_new_checks() # REF: doc/shinken-action-queues.png (5) self.manage_finished_checks() # Now get order from master try: cmsg = c.get(block=False) if cmsg.get_type() == 'Die': logger.debug("[%d] Dad say we are dying..." % break except: pass if self._mortal == True and self._idletime > 2 * self._timeout: logger.warning("[%d] Timeout, Harakiri" % # The master must be dead and we are lonely, we must die break # Look if we are dying, and if we finish all current checks # if so, we really die, our master poller will launch a new # worker because we were too weak to manage our job :( if len(self.checks) == 0 and self.i_am_dying: logger.warning("[%d] I DIE because I cannot do my job as I should (too many open files?)... forgot me please." % break # Manage a possible time change (our avant will be change with the diff) diff = self.check_for_system_time_change() begin += diff timeout -= time.time() - begin if timeout < 0: timeout = 1.0
[docs] def set_proctitle(self): try: from setproctitle import setproctitle setproctitle("shinken-%s worker" % self.loaded_into) except: pass
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