Source code for shinken.util

#!/usr/bin/env python

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2009-2012:
#     Gabes Jean,
#     Gerhard Lausser,
#     Gregory Starck,
#     Hartmut Goebel,
# This file is part of Shinken.
# Shinken is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Shinken is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with Shinken.  If not, see <>.

import time
import re
import copy
import sys
import shutil
import os
    from ClusterShell.NodeSet import NodeSet, NodeSetParseRangeError
except ImportError:
    NodeSet = None

from shinken.macroresolver import MacroResolver
from shinken.log import logger

#from memoized import memoized
    stdout_encoding = sys.stdout.encoding
    safe_stdout = (stdout_encoding == 'UTF-8')
except Exception, exp:
    logger.error('Encoding detection error= %s' % (exp))
    safe_stdout = False

########### Strings #############
# Try to print strings, but if there is an utf8 error, go in simple ascii mode
# (Like if the terminal do not have en_US.UTF8 as LANG for example)
[docs]def safe_print(*args): l = [] for e in args: # If we got an str, go in unicode, and if we cannot print # utf8, go in ascii mode if isinstance(e, str): if safe_stdout: s = unicode(e, 'utf8', errors='ignore') else: s = e.decode('ascii', 'replace').encode('ascii', 'replace').decode('ascii', 'replace') l.append(s) # Same for unicode, but skip the unicode pass elif isinstance(e, unicode): if safe_stdout: s = e else: s = e.encode('ascii', 'replace') l.append(s) # Other types can be directly convert in unicode else: l.append(unicode(e)) # Ok, now print it :) print u' '.join(l) ################################### TIME ################################## # @memoized
[docs]def get_end_of_day(year, month_id, day): end_time = (year, month_id, day, 23, 59, 59, 0, 0, -1) end_time_epoch = time.mktime(end_time) return end_time_epoch # @memoized
[docs]def get_day(t): return int(t - get_sec_from_morning(t)) # Same but for week day
[docs]def get_wday(t): t_lt = time.localtime(t) return t_lt.tm_wday # @memoized
[docs]def get_sec_from_morning(t): t_lt = time.localtime(t) h = t_lt.tm_hour m = t_lt.tm_min s = t_lt.tm_sec return h * 3600 + m * 60 + s # @memoized
[docs]def get_start_of_day(year, month_id, day): start_time = (year, month_id, day, 00, 00, 00, 0, 0, -1) try: start_time_epoch = time.mktime(start_time) except OverflowError: # Windows mktime sometimes crashes on (1970, 1, 1, ...) start_time_epoch = 0.0 return start_time_epoch # change a time in seconds like 3600 into a format: 0d 1h 0m 0s
[docs]def format_t_into_dhms_format(t): s = t m, s = divmod(s, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) d, h = divmod(h, 24) return '%sd %sh %sm %ss' % (d, h, m, s) ################################# Pythonization ########################### # first change to float so manage for example 25.0 to 25
[docs]def to_int(val): return int(float(val))
[docs]def to_float(val): return float(val)
[docs]def to_char(val): return val[0]
[docs]def to_split(val): val = val.split(',') if val == ['']: val = [] return val
[docs]def to_best_int_float(val): i = int(float(val)) f = float(val) # If the f is a .0 value, # best match is int if i == f: return i return f # bool('0') = true, so...
[docs]def to_bool(val): if val == '1' or val == 'on' or val == 'true' or val == 'True': return True else: return False
[docs]def from_bool_to_string(b): if b: return '1' else: return '0'
[docs]def from_bool_to_int(b): if b: return 1 else: return 0
[docs]def from_list_to_split(val): val = ','.join(['%s' % v for v in val]) return val
[docs]def from_float_to_int(val): val = int(val) return val ### Functions for brok_transformations ### They take 2 parameters: ref, and a value ### ref is the item like a service, and value ### if the value to preprocess # Just a string list of all names, with ,
[docs]def to_list_string_of_names(ref, tab): return ",".join([e.get_name() for e in tab]) # Just a list of names
[docs]def to_list_of_names(ref, tab): return [e.get_name() for e in tab] # This will give a string if the value exists # or '' if not
[docs]def to_name_if_possible(ref, value): if value: return value.get_name() return '' # take a list of hosts and return a list # of all host_names
[docs]def to_hostnames_list(ref, tab): r = [] for h in tab: if hasattr(h, 'host_name'): r.append(h.host_name) return r # Will create a dict with 2 lists: # *services: all services of the tab # *hosts: all hosts of the tab
[docs]def to_svc_hst_distinct_lists(ref, tab): r = {'hosts': [], 'services': []} for e in tab: cls = e.__class__ if cls.my_type == 'service': name = e.get_dbg_name() r['services'].append(name) else: name = e.get_dbg_name() r['hosts'].append(name) return r # Will expand the value with macros from the # host/service ref before brok it
[docs]def expand_with_macros(ref, value): return MacroResolver().resolve_simple_macros_in_string(value, ref.get_data_for_checks()) # Just get the string name of the object # (like for realm)
[docs]def get_obj_name(obj): # Maybe we do not have a real object but already a string. If so # return the string if isinstance(obj, basestring): return obj return obj.get_name() # Same as before, but call with object,prop instead of just value # But if we got an attribute error, return ''
[docs]def get_obj_name_two_args_and_void(obj, value): try: return value.get_name() except AttributeError: return '' # Get the full name if there is one
[docs]def get_obj_full_name(obj): try: return obj.get_full_name() except Exception: return obj.get_name() # return the list of keys of the custom dict # but without the _ before
[docs]def get_customs_keys(d): return [k[1:] for k in d.keys()] # return the values of the dict
[docs]def get_customs_values(d): return d.values() ###################### Sorting ################
[docs]def scheduler_no_spare_first(x, y): if x.spare and not y.spare: return 1 elif x.spare and y.spare: return 0 else: return -1 #-1 is x first, 0 equal, 1 is y first
[docs]def alive_then_spare_then_deads(x, y): # First are alive if x.alive and not y.alive: return -1 if y.alive and not x.alive: return 0 # if not alive both, I really don't care... if not x.alive and not y.alive: return -1 # Ok, both are alive... now spare after no spare if not x.spare: return -1 # x is a spare, so y must be before, even if # y is a spare if not y.spare: return 1 return 0 #-1 is x first, 0 equal, 1 is y first
[docs]def sort_by_ids(x, y): if < return -1 if > return 1 # So is equal return 0 # From a tab, get the avg, min, max # for the tab values, but not the lower ones # and higher ones that are too distinct # than major ones
[docs]def nighty_five_percent(t): t2 = copy.copy(t) t2.sort() l = len(t) # If void tab, wtf?? if l == 0: return (None, None, None) t_reduce = t2 # only take a part if we got more # than 100 elements, or it's a non sense if l > 100: offset = int(l * 0.05) t_reduce = t_reduce[offset:-offset] reduce_len = len(t_reduce) reduce_sum = sum(t_reduce) reduce_avg = float(reduce_sum) / reduce_len reduce_max = max(t_reduce) reduce_min = min(t_reduce) return (reduce_avg, reduce_min, reduce_max) ##################### Cleaning ##############
[docs]def strip_and_uniq(tab): new_tab = set() for elt in tab: val = elt.strip() if (val != ''): new_tab.add(val) return list(new_tab) #################### Pattern change application (mainly for host) #######
[docs]def expand_xy_pattern(pattern): ns = NodeSet(str(pattern)) if len(ns) > 1: for elem in ns: for a in expand_xy_pattern(elem): yield a else: yield pattern # This function is used to generate all pattern change as # recursive list. # for example, for a [(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)] xy_couples, # it will generate a 60 item list with: # Rule: [1, '[1-5]', [1, '[1-4]', [1, '[1-3]', []]]] # Rule: [1, '[1-5]', [1, '[1-4]', [2, '[1-3]', []]]] # ...
[docs]def got_generation_rule_pattern_change(xy_couples): res = [] xy_cpl = xy_couples if xy_couples == []: return [] (x, y) = xy_cpl[0] for i in xrange(x, y+1): n = got_generation_rule_pattern_change(xy_cpl[1:]) if n != []: for e in n: res.append([i, '[%d-%d]' % (x, y), e]) else: res.append([i, '[%d-%d]' % (x, y), []]) return res # this function apply a recursive pattern change # generate by the got_generation_rule_pattern_change # function. # It take one entry of this list, and apply # recursively the change to s like: # s = "Unit [1-3] Port [1-4] Admin [1-5]" # rule = [1, '[1-5]', [2, '[1-4]', [3, '[1-3]', []]]] # output = Unit 3 Port 2 Admin 1
[docs]def apply_change_recursive_pattern_change(s, rule): #print "Try to change %s" % s, 'with', rule new_s = s (i, m, t) = rule #print "replace %s by %s" % (r'%s' % m, str(i)), 'in', s s = s.replace(r'%s' % m, str(i)) #print "And got", s if t == []: return s return apply_change_recursive_pattern_change(s, t) # For service generator, get dict from a _custom properties # as _disks C$(80%!90%),D$(80%!90%)$,E$(80%!90%)$ #return {'C': '80%!90%', 'D': '80%!90%', 'E': '80%!90%'} # And if we have a key that look like [X-Y] we will expand it # into Y-X+1 keys
[docs]def get_key_value_sequence(entry, default_value=None): array1 = [] array2 = [] conf_entry = entry # match a key$(value1..n)$ keyval_pattern_txt = r""" \s*(?P<key>[^,]+?)(?P<values>(\$\(.*?\)\$)*)(?:[,]|$) """ keyval_pattern = re.compile('(?x)' + keyval_pattern_txt) # match a whole sequence of key$(value1..n)$ all_keyval_pattern = re.compile('(?x)^(' + keyval_pattern_txt + ')+$') # match a single value value_pattern = re.compile('(?:\$\((?P<val>.*?)\)\$)') # match a sequence of values all_value_pattern = re.compile('^(?:\$\(.*?\)\$)+$') if all_keyval_pattern.match(conf_entry): for mat in re.finditer(keyval_pattern, conf_entry): r = {'KEY':'key')} # The key is in'key') # If there are also value(s)... if'values'): if all_value_pattern.match('values')): # If there are multiple values, loop over them valnum = 1 for val in re.finditer(value_pattern,'values')): r['VALUE' + str(valnum)] ='val') valnum += 1 else: # Value syntax error return (None, GET_KEY_VALUE_SEQUENCE_ERROR_SYNTAX) else: r['VALUE1'] = None array1.append(r) else: # Something is wrong with the values. (Maybe unbalanced '$(') # TODO: count opening and closing brackets in the pattern return (None, GET_KEY_VALUE_SEQUENCE_ERROR_SYNTAX) # now fill the empty values with the default value for r in array1: if r['VALUE1'] is None: if default_value is None: return (None, GET_KEY_VALUE_SEQUENCE_ERROR_NODEFAULT) else: r['VALUE1'] = default_value r['VALUE'] = r['VALUE1'] # Now create new one but for [X-Y] matchs # array1 holds the original entries. Some of the keys may contain wildcards # array2 is filled with originals and inflated wildcards if NodeSet is None: # The pattern that will say if we have a [X-Y] key. pat = re.compile('\[(\d*)-(\d*)\]') for r in array1: key = r['KEY'] orig_key = r['KEY'] # We have no choice, we cannot use NodeSet, so we use the # simple regexp if NodeSet is None: m = got_xy = (m is not None) else: # Try to look with a nodeset check directly try: ns = NodeSet(str(key)) # If we have more than 1 element, we have a xy thing got_xy = (len(ns) != 1) except NodeSetParseRangeError: return (None, GET_KEY_VALUE_SEQUENCE_ERROR_NODE) pass # go in the next key # Now we've got our couples of X-Y. If no void, # we were with a "key generator" if got_xy: # Ok 2 cases: we have the NodeSet lib or not. # if not, we use the dumb algo (quick, but manage less # cases like /N or , in patterns) if NodeSet is None: # us the old algo still_loop = True xy_couples = [] # will get all X-Y couples while still_loop: m = if m is not None: # we've find one X-Y (x, y) = m.groups() (x, y) = (int(x), int(y)) xy_couples.append((x, y)) # We must search if we've gotother X-Y, so # we delete this one, and loop key = key.replace('[%d-%d]' % (x, y), 'Z'*10) else: # no more X-Y in it still_loop = False # Now we have our xy_couples, we can manage them # We search all pattern change rules rules = got_generation_rule_pattern_change(xy_couples) # Then we apply them all to get ours final keys for rule in rules: res = apply_change_recursive_pattern_change(orig_key, rule) new_r = {} for key in r: new_r[key] = r[key] new_r['KEY'] = res array2.append(new_r) else: # The key was just a generator, we can remove it # keys_to_del.append(orig_key) # We search all pattern change rules #rules = got_generation_rule_pattern_change(xy_couples) nodes_set = expand_xy_pattern(orig_key) new_keys = list(nodes_set) # Then we apply them all to get ours final keys for new_key in new_keys: #res = apply_change_recursive_pattern_change(orig_key, rule) new_r = {} for key in r: new_r[key] = r[key] new_r['KEY'] = new_key array2.append(new_r) else: # There were no wildcards array2.append(r) #t1 = time.time() #print "***********Diff", t1 -t0 return (array2, GET_KEY_VALUE_SEQUENCE_ERROR_NOERROR) ############################### Files management ####################### # We got a file like /tmp/toto/toto2/bob.png And we want to be sure the dir # /tmp/toto/toto2/ will really exists so we can copy it. Try to make if if need # and return True/False if succeed
[docs]def expect_file_dirs(root, path): dirs = os.path.normpath(path).split('/') dirs = [d for d in dirs if d != ''] # We will create all directory until the last one # so we are doing a mkdir -p ..... # TODO: and windows???? tmp_dir = root for d in dirs: _d = os.path.join(tmp_dir, d) ('Verify the existence of file %s' % (_d)) if not os.path.exists(_d): try: os.mkdir(_d) except: return False tmp_dir = _d return True
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