Source code for shinken.action

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2009-2012:
#    Gabes Jean,
#    Gerhard Lausser,
#    Gregory Starck,
#    Hartmut Goebel,
# This file is part of Shinken.
# Shinken is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Shinken is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with Shinken.  If not, see <>.

import os
import time
import shlex
import sys
import subprocess

# Try to read in non-blocking mode, from now this only from now on
# Unix systems
    import fcntl
except ImportError:
    fcntl = None

from shinken.util import safe_print
from shinken.log import logger

__all__ = ('Action')

valid_exit_status = (0, 1, 2, 3)

only_copy_prop = ('id', 'status', 'command', 't_to_go', 'timeout',
                  'env', 'module_type', 'execution_time', 'u_time', 's_time')

shellchars = ('!', '$', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '~', '[', ']',
                   '|', '{', '}', ';', '<', '>', '?', '`')

# Try to read a fd in a non blocking mode
[docs]def no_block_read(output): fd = output.fileno() fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK) try: return except: return ''
class __Action(object): """ This abstract class is used just for having a common id for both actions and checks. """ id = 0 # Ok when we load a previous created element, we should # not start at 0 for new object, so we must raise the # if need @staticmethod def assume_at_least_id(_id): = max(, _id) def set_type_active(self): "Dummy function, only useful for checks" pass def set_type_passive(self): "Dummy function, only useful for checks" pass def get_local_environnement(self): """ Mix the env and the environment variables into a new local env dict. Note: We cannot just update the global os.environ because this would effect all other checks. """ # Do not use copy.copy() here, as the resulting copy still # changes the real environment (it is still a os._Environment # instance). local_env = os.environ.copy() for p in self.env: local_env[p] = self.env[p].encode('utf8') return local_env def execute(self): """ Start this action command. The command will be executed in a subprocess. """ self.status = 'launched' self.check_time = time.time() self.wait_time = 0.0001 self.last_poll = self.check_time # Get a local env variables with our additional values self.local_env = self.get_local_environnement() # Initialize stdout and stderr. we will read them in small parts # if the fcntl is available self.stdoutdata = '' self.stderrdata = '' return self.execute__() ## OS specific part def get_outputs(self, out, max_plugins_output_length): #print "Get only," , max_plugins_output_length, "bytes" # Squeeze all output after max_plugins_output_length out = out[:max_plugins_output_length] # Then cuts by lines elts = out.split('\n') # For perf data elts_line1 = elts[0].split('|') # First line before | is output, and strip it self.output = elts_line1[0].strip() # Init perfdata as void self.perf_data = '' # After | is perfdata, and strip it if len(elts_line1) > 1: self.perf_data = elts_line1[1].strip() # Now manage others lines. Before the | it's long_output # And after it's all perf_data, \n join long_output = [] in_perfdata = False for line in elts[1:]: # if already in perfdata, direct append if in_perfdata: self.perf_data += ' ' + line.strip() else: # not already in? search for the | part :) elts = line.split('|', 1) # The first part will always be long_output long_output.append(elts[0].strip()) if len(elts) > 1: in_perfdata = True self.perf_data += ' ' + elts[1].strip() # long_output is all non output and perfline, join with \n self.long_output = '\n'.join(long_output) def check_finished(self, max_plugins_output_length): # We must wait, but checks are variable in time # so we do not wait the same for an little check # than a long ping. So we do like TCP: slow start with *2 # but do not wait more than 0.1s. self.last_poll = time.time() _, _, child_utime, child_stime, _ = os.times() if self.process.poll() is None: self.wait_time = min(self.wait_time * 2, 0.1) #time.sleep(wait_time) now = time.time() # If the fcntl is available (unix) we try to read in a # asynchronous mode, so we won't block the PIPE at 64K buffer # (deadlock...) if fcntl: self.stdoutdata += no_block_read(self.process.stdout) self.stderrdata += no_block_read(self.process.stderr) if (now - self.check_time) > self.timeout: self.kill__() #print "Kill for timeout",, #print self.command, now - self.check_time self.status = 'timeout' self.execution_time = now - self.check_time self.exit_status = 3 # Do not keep a pointer to the process del self.process # Get the user and system time _, _, n_child_utime, n_child_stime, _ = os.times() self.u_time = n_child_utime - child_utime self.s_time = n_child_stime - child_stime return return # Get standards outputs from the communicate function if we do # not have the fcntl module (Windows, and maybe some special # unix like AIX) if not fcntl: (self.stdoutdata, self.stderrdata) = self.process.communicate() else: # The command was to quick and finished even before we can # polled it first. So finish the read. self.stdoutdata += no_block_read(self.process.stdout) self.stderrdata += no_block_read(self.process.stderr) self.exit_status = self.process.returncode # we should not keep the process now del self.process # if the exit status is abnormal, we add stderr to the output # TODO: Abnormal should be logged properly no? if self.exit_status not in valid_exit_status: self.stdoutdata = self.stdoutdata + self.stderrdata elif ('sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching' in self.stderrdata or ('sh: -c:' in self.stderrdata and ': Syntax' in self.stderrdata) or 'sh: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string' in self.stderrdata): # Very, very ugly. But subprocess._handle_exitstatus does # not see a difference between a regular "exit 1" and a # bailing out shell. Strange, because strace clearly shows # a difference. (exit_group(1) vs. exit_group(257)) self.stdoutdata = self.stdoutdata + self.stderrdata self.exit_status = 3 # Now grep what we want in the output self.get_outputs(self.stdoutdata, max_plugins_output_length) # We can clean the useless properties now del self.stdoutdata del self.stderrdata self.status = 'done' self.execution_time = time.time() - self.check_time # Also get the system and user times _, _, n_child_utime, n_child_stime, _ = os.times() self.u_time = n_child_utime - child_utime self.s_time = n_child_stime - child_stime def copy_shell__(self, new_i): """ Copy all attributes listed in 'only_copy_prop' from `self` to `new_i`. """ for prop in only_copy_prop: setattr(new_i, prop, getattr(self, prop)) return new_i def got_shell_characters(self): for c in self.command: if c in shellchars: return True return False ### ### OS specific "execute__" & "kill__" are defined by "Action" class ### definition: ### if != 'nt': class Action(__Action): # We allow direct launch only for 2.7 and higher version # because if a direct launch crash, under this the file handles # are not releases, it's not good. def execute__(self, force_shell=sys.version_info < (2, 7)): # If the command line got shell characters, we should go # in a shell mode. So look at theses parameters force_shell |= self.got_shell_characters() # 2.7 and higher Python version need a list of args for cmd # and if not force shell (if, it's useless, even dangerous) # 2.4->2.6 accept just the string command if sys.version_info < (2, 7) or force_shell: cmd = self.command.encode('utf8', 'ignore') else: try: cmd = shlex.split(self.command.encode('utf8', 'ignore')) except Exception, exp: self.output = 'Not a valid shell command: ' + exp.__str__() self.exit_status = 3 self.status = 'done' self.execution_time = time.time() - self.check_time return #safe_print("Launching", cmd) #safe_print("With env", self.local_env) # Now: GO for launch! # The preexec_fn=os.setsid is set to give sons a same # process group. See # for # detail about this. try: self.process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True, shell=force_shell, env=self.local_env, preexec_fn=os.setsid) except OSError, exp: logger.error("Fail launching command: %s %s %s" % (self.command, exp, force_shell)) # Maybe it's just a shell we try to exec. So we must retry if (not force_shell and exp.errno == 8 and exp.strerror == 'Exec format error'): return self.execute__(True) self.output = exp.__str__() self.exit_status = 2 self.status = 'done' self.execution_time = time.time() - self.check_time # Maybe we run out of file descriptor. It's not good at all! if exp.errno == 24 and exp.strerror == 'Too many open files': return 'toomanyopenfiles' def kill__(self): # We kill a process group because we launched them with # preexec_fn=os.setsid and so we can launch a whole kill # tree instead of just the first one os.killpg(, 9) # Try to force close the descriptors, because python seems to have problems with them for fd in [self.process.stdout, self.process.stderr]: try: fd.close() except: pass else: import ctypes TerminateProcess = ctypes.windll.kernel32.TerminateProcess
[docs] class Action(__Action):
[docs] def execute__(self): # 2.7 and higher Python version need a list of args for cmd # 2.4->2.6 accept just the string command if sys.version_info < (2, 7): cmd = self.command else: try: cmd = shlex.split(self.command.encode('utf8', 'ignore')) except Exception, exp: self.output = 'Not a valid shell command: ' + exp.__str__() self.exit_status = 3 self.status = 'done' self.execution_time = time.time() - self.check_time return try: self.process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=self.local_env, shell=True) except WindowsError, exp:"We kill the process: %s %s" % (exp, self.command)) self.status = 'timeout' self.execution_time = time.time() - self.check_time
[docs] def kill__(self): TerminateProcess(int(self.process._handle), -1)
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